Tom Myers and Karin Gurtner – Anatomy 101 + Anatomy 201
$135.00$675.00 (-80%)
Join Anatomy Trains author Tom Myers for this seven-week introduction to basic anatomy. This course will help yoga teachers and students alike learn anatomy in a holistic, relational, and practical way.
Tom Myers and Karin Gurtner – Anatomy 101 + Anatomy 201
Check it out: Tom Myers and Karin Gurtner – Anatomy 101 + Anatomy 201
Yoga teaches us that everything is connected, and anatomy is no exception. That’s why, for a limited time, YJ’s editors have released this valuable bundle of online anatomy trainings—two essential online courses for every yoga teacher and practitioner! In Anatomy 101, Anatomy Trains author Tom Myers will guide you through a seven-week introduction to basic anatomy. Then, Anatomy 201 with Karin Gurtner—founder and principal educator of art of motion training in movement and developer of Anatomy Trains—will build on what you learned with an exploration of functional anatomy. The results: More strength, grace, and ease—on your mat and in your life.
2 Courses Included in this Collection

Anatomy 101 with Tom Myers
Join Anatomy Trains author Tom Myers for this seven-week introduction to basic anatomy. This course will help yoga teachers and students alike learn anatomy in a holistic, relational, and practical way. You’ll begin with a new way to map the body in terms of cells, the fascial fabric, and the neuromuscular system that creates the foundation for kinesthetic literacy. Tom teaches you how to identify common postural patterns, as well as strategies for cueing to awaken parts of the body that may need work. You’ll travel from the arches of the feet and legs; to the fans of muscle around the hip, adductors, and the psoas; into an exploration of deep breathing involving the abdomen, diaphragm and the rib basket; along the springy spine; into how the the shoulders drape over the ribs; and ending with the neck, head, and jaw. This course asks the question how are we shaped, and what shapes us.

Anatomy 201 with Karin Gurtner
Movement is an art and a science. To deepen your understanding of both aspects, join Karin Gurtner—founder and principal educator of art of motion training in movement and developer of Anatomy Trains in Motion—for a 6-week course in functional anatomy. You’ll study muscles in motion and myofascial connections throughout your body and learn to move with more awareness from head to toe. Through contrasting movement practices, you’ll explore and improve your postural alignment, inner and outer strength, adaptability, and kinesthetic sense to complement your yoga practice and your teaching.