The Disciplined Homemaker
$15.00$37.00 (-59%)
All it takes is one small act of faith to begin this journey of grace-filled, purposeful living.
The Disciplined Homemaker
Check it out: The Disciplined Homemaker
The Disciplined Homemaker Course
Cultivating a Heart of Self Discipline at Home
The Disciplined Homemaker: 30 Day Challenge
Do you ever wake up and look around your house and feel defeated? Discouraged before the day begins?
It’s easy when you feel overwhelmed to just ignore the problem – indefinitely. You walk into a room and the piles of clutter just seem too great. Or you open that closet door and you shudder at the thought of cleaning out the junk – even though you can barely push the door shut. It’s easy to close the door {even figuratively speaking} and simply walk away and do something more pleasant.
But, does that really make your life easier? Is life more simple and less stressful when we ignore the problem at hand in favor of doing something that brings us comfort and enjoyment?
Probably not. In fact, I’d dare say, very rarely will ignoring a problem ever make the problem better… and it might even make the problem grow even bigger.
What if you didn’t have to feel overwhelmed anymore? What if you could create a life of self discipline that brings order and peace to your home?
If you often feel discouraged and overwhelmed by homemaking, then you probably lack self-discipline in some areas of your life.
Having self discipline basically means that you do what you know needs to be done even when you don’t feel like it. You may be disciplined in some areas of your life and need some improvement in others. The good news is that it is possible to cultivate a heart of discipline.
The fact is, messiness is really just a way of life for a lot of us. We have bad habits. Bad habits that pile up like paper clutter and shoes on the mudroom floor. Or laundry. Laundry piles up way to fast!
Establishing good habits is the key to overcoming messiness. And good habits begin with self-discipline. I believe you can train yourself to be self disciplined at home.
I’m here to help.
Have you ever heard the saying, The best things in life are worth fighting for? I’m sure you have. And you know what? It’s really true.
What are you willing to fight for?
Do you want a better life, a life that doesn’t feel so hard? The kind of life where you no longer feel overwhelmed at home?
I know what it’s like to feel like there’s no way you will ever get it together. I also know what it’s like to feel like no matter how hard you try, things never change.
Where do you see yourself a year from now? Staring at the same pile of clutter on your kitchen counters? Still struggling to get dinner on the table and keep the kitchen clean?
What if the decision you make today could change your life?
The truth is, most people dream of a better life – whatever that looks like – but they never follow through. Deep down they are content to stay the same. To keep running the same race day after day after day.
Creating a disciplined life isn’t easy, but it is possible.
But you have to want it. You have to be willing to do the work of transforming your life. I would never tell you it’s easy. In fact, creating good habits where bad habits have accumulated like clutter on the dining room table requires determination, discipline, and the decision to make those changes a priority.
With God at the center, with friends to see you through, and with little habits, creating a disciplined life is possible!
“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:18-19
The Disciplined Homemaker is a six week program designed to help you step by step, to create little habits upon little habits that add to big changes.
And you know what? I’ll be right there to help you along the way. If you’ve ever wished you could have a mentor and friend come alongside you and hold your hand, and help you move in the right direction, this is it.
I want to see you succeed!! I want to see you create the self discipline you need to reach the goals you set for yourself.
When you purchase this course you’ll receive:
- 30 short video lessons
- written lessons
- a spot in an accountability group
- exclusive Facebook group
- 50 + page workbook
- ability to ask me {Melissa} questions any time
- group discussion
- 30 day morning Bible reading plan
Over the course of this six week class we will:
- determine our priorities
- learn to maintain motivation instead of losing steam
- replace bad habits with good habits
- learn that slow and steady wins the race
- develop simple routines to make life easier
- focus on building a foundation of faith in our homemaking
- track our new habits for 28 days making them easier to maintain
- learn two life changing secrets to being more productive at home
- discover how to plan our days for success
- practice making reasonable to do lists
- focus on simplifying our homes for easier housekeeping
- learn to limit distractions and stay focused
- challenge ourselves to get rid of excess clutter
- learn how to let go of clutter once and for all
- identify key problem areas in our houses and commit to solving those issues
Bonus Gifts:
- Purpose 31 Homemaking Weekly Planner page
- Purpose 31 Menu Planner page
- The Homemaker’s Time Tracker worksheet
- Cultivating a Heart of Discipline at Home 5 day Bible Study Guide
- As for Me and My House We Will Serve the Lord – Art Print
- The Disciplined Homemaker’s Habit Tracker
- The Disciplined Homemaker’s 30 Day Bible Reading Plan
About Melissa
If you’ve ever felt like your mistakes were too big or too bad or too unforgivable, you’re in the right place. I want you to know that no matter what you’ve done in the past, God redeems our mistakes.
Hi there! My name is Melissa Ringstaff and I’ve been writing here at A Virtuous Woman since 2001. I’m just as passionate about this ministry today as I was back then – maybe even more so! I’m so excited to have you here with me. There’s so much I want to share with you. I want you to know you can find freedom from perfection and the confidence to live your life with purpose!
You see, I longed to have what I considered to be the perfect life.
But shame and guilt colored every aspect of my life and no matter how hard I tried, no matter how hard I planned or worked – all I could see was my failure. I knew that God loved me. I knew that He could forgive all sin. I believed. I prayed. I read my Bible. But deep down, I didn’t think He could do that for me. I didn’t believe I was worthy of love and forgiveness.
The problem wasn’t that God couldn’t forgive me, but that I couldn’t forgive myself. Jesus said, “you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” I accepted His gift of unconditional grace and that’s when I was set free from the bondage of shame, guilt, and perfectionism.
Let me show you how you can find peace in your heart and peace in your home through spiritual and practical application. Learn how you can become a Proverbs 31 woman today. It’s not as hard as you think – and my guess is you’ll be surprised when you join me on this journey of faith.
All it takes is one small act of faith to begin this journey of grace-filled, purposeful living.
One small act of faith is all you need to get started and once you’ve taken that step you’ll take another and another and another.
WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? This course is for you if:
- you feel overwhelmed by the task of homemaking
- you are ready to create new better habits and routines in your daily life
- you want your home to feel peaceful instead of chaotic
- you want to get control of the clutter in your home
- you are easily distracted and forget to do basic chores
- you are willing to work toward living a disciplined life
WHO IS THIS COURSE NOT FOR? This course is not for you if:
- you don’t feel overwhelmed by basic homemaking tasks
- you complete homemaking tasks immediately or on schedule
- you don’t have clutter taking over your house
- you aren’t willing to work toward your goals
- you don’t want to spend time cleaning and maintaining your household
- you don’t like faith based homemaking
- you don’t want to participate and encourage others in the group
Two are better than one. Let’s do this together.