PickupTube Premium Real Infield Videos
We have night game, day game, street game, dance floor game — you name it, we’ve done it and got it on camera.
PickupTube Premium Real Infield Videos
Check it out: PickupTube Premium Real Infield Videos
Premium Memberships give you access to over hours and hours of EXCLUSIVE footage that CANNOT be found anywhere else. We have full-length videos of entire sets, meet-to-close, meet-to-pull, meet-to-makeout, with full audio and video. We have night game, day game, street game, dance floor game — you name it, we’ve done it and got it on camera.
We ALSO have hours and hours of voice-over commentary and analysis from to pick up and dating coaches in the industry. Throw on top of that exclusive interviews, special promotional videos from other companies, ALL of the standard membership content and regular updates… and you have simply the LARGEST library of infield pick up footage ever created.
Featuring: Action Jackson, Adonis, LiPUA, Rob Judge, Zack Bauer
Best teaching material ever PickupTube Premium Real Infield Videos