Pastor Ivor Myers – Photo-Theology Master Class
$50.00$240.00 (-79%)
Persuasively witness to non-believers and people of other faiths. Use practical how-to guides on helpful applications like E-sword Bible Software
Pastor Ivor Myers – Photo-Theology Master Class
Check it out: Pastor Ivor Myers – Photo-Theology Master Class
Photo-Theology Master Class
Join Photo-Theology Live or learn on demand!
In Photo-Theology Live, Pastor Myers will teach you to…
- Identify divine patterns in Scripture
- Design inspiring, Christ-centered sermons and studies
- Confidently defend your faith
- Persuasively witness to non-believers and people of other faiths
- Use practical how-to guides on helpful applications like E-sword Bible Software
You’ll also be able to access class replays. Watch and review at your leisure and never miss a session.
Course Curriculum
START HERE: Introduction to Photo-Theology
- How to Study the Bible: Memorize the Entire Book (48:12)
- 1- The Question Room
- 2- The Concentration Room
- 3- The Connect 6 Room
- 4- Connect 6: Freestyle
- 5- The Freestlye Room
- 6- The Time Room
- 7- The Dimensions Room
- 8- The Theme Room Juiced
First Section
- 001 Photo-Theology Your New Study Buddy (42:06)
- 002 Photo-Theology Your New Study Buddy (68:28)
- 003 Photo-Theology Investigate the Text (55:53)
- 004. Photo-Theology Investigating the Text
- 005. Photo-Theology Practicing e-Sword Investigating the Text
Second Section
- 006. Photo-Theology The 5 Dimensions of Bible Study
- 007. Photo-Theology: Dominion (Sermon Teardown)
- 008. Photo-Theology: The Connection Game
- 009. Photo-Theology: Memory’s Hall
- 010. Photo-Theology: The Connection Game, Revisited
Third Section
- 017. Photo-Theology: Marriage and the Sanctuary
- 018. Photo-Theology: Your Study Palace
- 019 & 20. Photo-Theology: Practicing the 5 Dimensions (Parts 1 & 2)
- 021. Photo-Theology: Reviewing the Sanctuary in 5D. Dimensionalizing the Feast Days
Fourth Section
- 022. Photo-Theology: The Man of God
- 023.
- 024. Photo-Theology: Exodus Dimensionalized
- 025. Photo-Theology: Exodus Dimensionalized
- 026. Photo-Theology: Daniel 3rd Dimension Part 1
- 027. Photo-Theology: Daniel 3rd Dimension Part 2
- 028. Photo-Theology: 70 Weeks Dimensionalized
Fifth Section
- 029. Photo-Theology: Details of The Biblical Art of Freestyling
- 030. Photo-Theology: Details of The Biblical Art of Freestyling, Continued
- 031. Photo-Theology: Freestyle Theme Room
- 032. Photo-Theology: Freestyle Theme Room, Continued
- 033. Photo-Theology: The Theme Room
- 034. Photo-Theology: Theme Room- The Sower and the Seed
06. The Blueprint Room
- 035: The Blueprint Room
- 036. The Blueprint Room Continued
- 037. Daniel in the Blueprint Room
07. The Patterns Room
- 038. Introduction to The Patterns Room
- 039. The Patterns Room Waters
- 040. The Church Pattern
- 041. Mountain Patterns
- 042. The Genesis Pattern
- 043. The Exodus & Ezekiel Patterns
- 044. The Numbers Pattern
- 045. The Leviticus Pattern
- 046. 1 & 2 Samuel Pattern
08. The Chain Reaction Room
- 047. Revelation 14:6-7 (62:06)
- 048. Revelation 14:7
- 049. Revelation 14:7 (69:29)
- 049. Revelation 14:8
- 050. Revelation 14:8 (84:06)
- 051. Revelation 14:9-12 (76:12)
- 052. The Sower & The Seed
Encoding & Rendering
- 053. 24 Frames Per Second (FPS) (69:50)
- 054. 24 Learning to Encode (Translate) a Text into an Image
- 055. Exodus 1-24 (65:49)
- 056. Scenes (67:56)
- 057. Translation (53:40)
Symbols/Types Room
- 058. Introduction, 1: Symbols & Types Room (54:02)
- 059. Introduction, 2: Symbols & Types Room
- 060. Freestyle: Life Experience
- 061. Freestyle: History
- 062. Freestyle: History Doss
- 063. Freestyle: History Doss, an Application
Prophecy Room
- 064. Introduction, The Prophecy Room
- 065. Prophecy Room: Daniel 11
- 066. Prophecy Room: Revelation Overview
- 067. Prophecy Room: Daniel 7
- 068. Prophecy Room: Preparing for Daniel 8
- Special Daniel 8
- 069. Daniel 8 (58:35)
- 070. Day of Atonement Simplified (41:19)
- 071. Daniel 9 (77:27)
- 072. How the 70 Weeks Impacts the Sabbath (75:47)
- 073. Jesus Enters the Most Holy? (78:32)
- 074. Hacking Daniel 11 (63:01)
- 075. (52:59)
- 076. Question & Answer (60:16)
- 077. All Books Meet in Revelation (56:57)
- 078. (61:27)
- 079. (76:09)
- Final.1 (73:10)
- Pastor Ivor Myers’ Daniel Book
- The Fat Loss Blueprint
- 3 Heavens (98:54)
The 8 Cycles of Scripture
- 00 Introduction (91:04)
- Analyzing the Bible’s cyclical structure to explode comprehension (103:35)
- Chunking down biblical topics so you can study each cycle in its thematic context (53:35)
- Comparing the Adamic and Mosaic cycles to add density to your knowledge (62:06)
- Comparing the Semitic and Remnant cycles to add to the lines of truth (47:54)
- Thread & Bobbin 1 (70:15)
- Identifying location—What world? What Cycle? (77:56)
- Class Review (87:47)
- Tracing the Enemies of God’s People (80:15)
- The 8 Cycles Wrap-up (63:12)
Defending Jesus’ Faith
- Why we need to be prepared to defend our faith (60:56)
- Correct perspective and scriptural approach to engage the Bible doubter (58:03)
- How to witness to JW’s (58:40)
- The Blueprint for Witnessing to Hebrew Israelites (74:32)
- How to Witness to The No Law, Keep Law, and New Law Groups (72:20)
- The Spirit of Prophecy (32:21)
- Bonus: Divine Mathematics (45:03)
Daniel Made Simple
- Memorize Daniel’s Themes and Find the First Dimension (61:23)
- Daniel in the Second Dimension (59:24)
- Daniel in the Third Dimension (48:08)
- Dimensionalise Daniel’s Time Prophecies (89:18)
- Daniel in the Fourth Dimension (51:35)
- Daniel in the Fifth Dimension (39:13)
- Downloads
The Meditation Room
- Enter the Meditation Room to Trim the Fat (38:28)
Pastor Ivor Myers
In 1995 Ivor Myers was part of a four man Hip Hop Group signed to EMI Records. In that same year Ivor had an encounter with the Word of God.
He walked away from the industry and is now serving the Lord Jesus Christ.
He is currently pastoring in California’s South Bay Area, where he, his wife Atonte and four children—Joshua, Jaden, Jenesis and Jaliyah—also live.
As Speaker/Director of Power of the Lamb Ministries, Ivor and Atonte have dedicated themselves to teaching the three angel’s messages.
Ivor and Atonte co-host the 3ABN television program Battles of Faith. Other ministries are inspired by theirs and have a profound effect on many people.
Power of the Lamb Ministries seeks to uplift Christ as the only hope of salvation, and to connect people with the power of the Lamb to become new creatures in Christ.
Hey, beloved.
24 years ago I left Hip Hop to follow Christ. I’ve never looked back.
However, little did I realize the extent of the work I’d do for you and The Lord.
Our ministry has reached thousands around the world. It’s revitalized, reconnected and recharged many who were giving up hope and faith.
Now, we’re producing more Christ-centered material to reach even more people through online/social media and live events.
Your membership is not only an investment in the quality of your personal communion and relationship with Christ, it will help me produce more free gospel material to deliver to many others around the world.