Morry zelcovitch – Effortless Prosperity Program
$52.00$297.00 (-82%)
In fact, as you read this today, I suspect you will feel a growing excitement and anticipation about how easily you can see all your worries and concerns transform into a happy blend of confidence, relief, and joy about what life has to offer you.
Morry zelcovitch – Effortless Prosperity Program
You CAN Choose A
New Financial Reality!
Effortlessly Change Your Brain…
And Automatically Change Your Life…
FACT: One Simple Habit Can Become Your Secret Weapon For Creating The Kind Of Financial Ease And Security You’ve Always Dreamed Of.
It’s Shockingly Easy Because It All Starts By Simply LISTENING Your Way To Having MORE!
Phenomenal Change Is About To Happen!
In fact, as you read this today, I suspect you will feel a growing excitement and anticipation about how easily you can see all your worries and concerns transform into a happy blend of confidence, relief, and joy about what life has to offer you.
Pay close attention to my message of hope for you today.
Because the answer to the question nudging at your thoughts right now is…
YES! You can finally achieve a deep sense of calm, vibrant health, and yes, even financial increase…
YES! Prosperity seems to come to you more easily and reliably…
YES!You can actually achieve your dream of becoming financially free by eliminating all debt…
YES! If you are in business, you can experience breakthroughs that increase your profitability…
YES! Your overall quality of life will improve almost effortlessly as you experience a deeper level of happiness and fulfillment in ALL areas of your life…
Today you will discover how ONE simple habit can not only change your brain with a massive and effortless REBOOT to your internal programming–but actually change your LIFE as well.
Say Hello To Having MORE!
It all begins by simply training your brain into success.
No, we’re not going to have your “gray matter” jumping through hoops or rolling over on command!
What we’re talking about here is called Brain Entrainment.
Entrainment is a term found in physics that refers to the fact that two vibrating elements tend to match, with the result of a phase of harmonious vibration.
The easiest example of this is a tuning fork in proximity to another tuning fork. When one begins to vibrate, the other will join in harmonious vibration.
Throughout all time, this has also proven true with the brain. That’s why so many cultures have traditions using chanting, drums, and other rhythmic practices that literally create a harmonious vibration in the brains of the participants.
So why is this important to YOU and your prosperity?
This is where it gets really exciting (even if you’re not a scientist!)
Let me explain…
Your brain is a mass of electrical impulses or vibrations. These electrical charges create rhythms knows as brainwave patterns, and in fact are essential to life.
There are many patterns, each with it’s own unique “rhythm” and each with it’s own crucial role. Here are four you may be familiar with:
ALPHA: These brainwaves usually occur at rest when the eyes are closed, during intellectual relaxation, deep relaxation, meditation or when consciously quieting the mind. This is the state those experienced in meditation often reach.
BETA: These are the rapid brainwave patterns naturally generated when you are awake and alert.
THETA: Commonly referred to as the dream or “twilight” state, Theta is associated with learning, memory, REM sleep, and dreaming.
DELTA: This is the common brainwave pattern when you are asleep. These waves are the slowest.
All of these brainwave functions are important. But with the urgency of life these days, you may often find your brainwaves seem to have a “mind of their own” so to speak.
This is especially true when you feel stressed, frustrated, discouraged…basically at the end of your rope.
It’s like your brain is set on “auto-pilot”, but your inner GPS is broken.
So instead of guiding you into a higher vibration and training your brain into becoming a prosperity magnet for you…you continually find yourself hitting the wall, because the programming of your brain keeps sabotaging you.
But now real science has proven, there IS a way to turn this around and make the “misdirected” power of your conscious and subconscious brain work FOR you through the right kind of brain entrainment.
Current research and experimentation on the positive effects and applications of Brainwave Entrainment are ongoing in university settings, as well as with health professionals and educators.
And here are some of the areas brain entrainment can potentially help with:
- Concentration
- Creativity
- Motivation
- Stress
- Energy and Vitality
- Inspiration
- Intuition
- Personal Insight
- Problem Solving
- Long-term mental and emotional growth
- Clarity
- Prosperity
- Weight Loss
- Relationships
- Peak Performance
- And so much more!
This has been born out by governments, sports teams, medical establishments, and corporations…and even indiv iduals just like you.
Become An Expert
In what began as Morry’s search for answers for himself, he soon became obsessed with finding answers for ALL people who have faced what appear to be insurmountable obstacles in life.
After many years of using other people’s products with some limited success, he was determined to find out WHY his results were still less than spectacular, especially when all of his research to that point suggested that positive effects should be more dominant.
He decided his best route of discovery was to learn at the feet of an expert in the field. So he contacted the world’s foremost expert in the field of brainwave entrainment, David Siever, C.E.T. and dug into what amounted to a goldmine of powerful and little known secrets he simply could not have access to anywhere else.
Since I know Morry very well, I can say something he would never say for himself. The result was truly phenomenal, and in fact is what happens when…
A Visionary Genius
Taps Into Breakthrough Technology
My friend and colleague Morry Zelcovitch became one of the few people in the entire world to become a “Certified Brainwave Entrainment Engineer/Specialist.”
And just in case you’re wondering how well respected Morry is in this field, and how reliably POWERFUL his brain entrainment training programs are, here’s just ONE of the incredible outcomes that began falling into place…
Morry Became A “Secret Weapon”
For The Brazilian Government!
A representative of the Brazilian government actually stumbled onto one of Morry’s websites, and quickly grasped the powerful potential of using the Triliminal Technology in Morry’s systems for Brain Entrainment.
He tried one of Morry’s Triliminal Training Systems on individuals in the Brazilian Police Department and almost immediately saw the potential to serve not only his officers, but also the good citizens of Brazil.
Here are just a few of the results the Brazilian government found within their Police Department Training…
- A total of 23% of participants INCREASED their attention span (focus)…
- 66% of those also increased the QUALITY of their attention (clarity)…
- Participants experienced a 47% INCREASE in their productivity…
- Overall, participants experienced an increase in their ability for concentrated attention, resistance to fatigue, and higher productivity.
If Brain Entrainment can do all this for such a high pressure, even dangerous, area of a foreign government, imagine what it can do for YOU!
How Morry’s Triliminals Work
Triliminals were born out of the urgent necessity of finally having access to a technology that actually does what it’s intended to do, in a timeframe that is rapid, reasonable, and rewarding.
The thought patterns you may have that are negative, destructive, and limiting are what we call “non-serving thoughts.”
Your non-serving thoughts aren’t there because you are deficient or lacking in some way. In fact, it is quite the opposite because…
You Already Have EVERYTHING Within You
To Achieve What You Desire In Life
You’ll soon discover how true this is when you begin re-creating your life the way you WANT it to be.
The thing is, your non-serving thoughts are there because you have learned and practiced them through your thinking HABITS over all the years of your life up to now.
They are there because of years and years of learned behaviors and responses that have become deeply engrained into your very psyche.
And the natural result of this is that you somehow blame yourself for your perceived shortcomings. But guess what? It really is NOT your fault!
You simply have fallen into the patterns that weigh on so many of us like anchors, holding us down from our full glorious potential.
But it doesn’t have to be that way for one more day! YOU have all the powerful potential to experience the greatest change in your life starting TODAY, because…
There’s Even MORE Good News…
Through Morry’s years of research, he came to understand how your current experience of life is the result of the literal programming of your mind up to this point.
In other words, you have LEARNED what to expect, and that constant expectation is exactly what your reality is. And it can be UN-learned and CHANGED!
The solution to defeating your long-term programming was to come up with a system that can literally reprogram your reflexive thoughts, into something that SERVES you instead.
Triliminal Technology does this brilliantly!
It takes into account the need for repetition, the need for efficiency, and the actual dynamic for learning new beliefs and new belief systems.
Triliminals:Your Trifecta Of Power
A Triliminal is fully audible, with THREE different audible presentations specifically designed to affect different parts of the brain.
Your left and right brain naturally have different preferences. So it is necessary to design affirmations that can easily be accepted by both your left brain, AND your right brain.
This means your left brain will hear only those affirmations it can easily accept, while your right brain has a different preference for what it can easily accept.
To accomplish this delicate balancing act, we must present only suggestions and “downloads” of information they BOTH like and accept.
This “reprogramming” of your brain is accomplished simply by the act of listening to recorded messages through stereo headphones.
It Doesn’t Get Any Easier Than This…
Because we take it one step further with the THIRD “deep dive” of your Triliminals.
To make your inner programming even more powerful, you will hear yet a third set of affirmations that are not specific to either your left or right brain.
In other words, BOTH your left and right brain will readily accept this third carefully designed set of affirmations and statements.
In addition, you will hear various tones, sounds, and rhythms that make your brain reprogramming not only more powerful, but immensely more enjoyable as well.
The end result is that the positive messages slide by any and all resistance, and get “heard” directly by the conscious and subconscious where they can do the most good for you.
It actually FEELS really good too. It’s kind of like having…
A Deeply Luxurious Brain Massage
Only instead of merely relaxing (which many people find they DO when they are listening to their Triliminals), you will also find yourself automatically beginning to change in the most positive and powerful ways.
It’s Energizing, Exciting, and Inspiring!
No other technology works on both the conscious and subconscious at the same time. This allows for a much more effective retraining and relearning system for your complete self.
Let’s face it. We live in demanding times. And more and more people are seeking a new way to create value and purpose in their lives. It’s the perfect time for a more enlightened way of living, with a perfect blend of science and belief becoming what can only be called…
A Transformational Experience
We are all about changing patterns of thought, shattering old belief systems, and in the process, changing lives.
In fact, the Triliminals of our Brain Entrainment Systems are changing lives all around the world every day, just like this…
Are you tired of struggling to try and have the kind of financial prosperity you deserve and desire? Here’s the good news…
You CAN Choose A
New Financial Reality!
Effortlessly Change Your Brain…
And Automatically Change Your Life…
FACT: One Simple Habit Can Become Your Secret Weapon For Creating The Kind Of Financial Ease And Security You’ve Always Dreamed Of.
It’s Shockingly Easy Because It All Starts By Simply LISTENING Your Way To Having MORE!
Phenomenal Change Is About To Happen!
In fact, as you read this today, I suspect you will feel a growing excitement and anticipation about how easily you can see all your worries and concerns transform into a happy blend of confidence, relief, and joy about what life has to offer you.
Pay close attention to my message of hope for you today.
Because the answer to the question nudging at your thoughts right now is…
YES! You can finally achieve a deep sense of calm, vibrant health, and yes, even financial increase…
YES! Prosperity seems to come to you more easily and reliably…
YES!You can actually achieve your dream of becoming financially free by eliminating all debt…
YES! If you are in business, you can experience breakthroughs that increase your profitability…
YES! Your overall quality of life will improve almost effortlessly as you experience a deeper level of happiness and fulfillment in ALL areas of your life…
Today you will discover how ONE simple habit can not only change your brain with a massive and effortless REBOOT to your internal programming–but actually change your LIFE as well.
Say Hello To Having MORE!
It all begins by simply training your brain into success.
No, we’re not going to have your “gray matter” jumping through hoops or rolling over on command!
What we’re talking about here is called Brain Entrainment.
Entrainment is a term found in physics that refers to the fact that two vibrating elements tend to match, with the result of a phase of harmonious vibration.
The easiest example of this is a tuning fork in proximity to another tuning fork. When one begins to vibrate, the other will join in harmonious vibration.
Throughout all time, this has also proven true with the brain. That’s why so many cultures have traditions using chanting, drums, and other rhythmic practices that literally create a harmonious vibration in the brains of the participants.
So why is this important to YOU and your prosperity?
This is where it gets really exciting (even if you’re not a scientist!)
Let me explain…
Your brain is a mass of electrical impulses or vibrations. These electrical charges create rhythms knows as brainwave patterns, and in fact are essential to life.
There are many patterns, each with it’s own unique “rhythm” and each with it’s own crucial role. Here are four you may be familiar with:
ALPHA: These brainwaves usually occur at rest when the eyes are closed, during intellectual relaxation, deep relaxation, meditation or when consciously quieting the mind. This is the state those experienced in meditation often reach.
BETA: These are the rapid brainwave patterns naturally generated when you are awake and alert.
THETA: Commonly referred to as the dream or “twilight” state, Theta is associated with learning, memory, REM sleep, and dreaming.
DELTA: This is the common brainwave pattern when you are asleep. These waves are the slowest.
All of these brainwave functions are important. But with the urgency of life these days, you may often find your brainwaves seem to have a “mind of their own” so to speak.
This is especially true when you feel stressed, frustrated, discouraged…basically at the end of your rope.
It’s like your brain is set on “auto-pilot”, but your inner GPS is broken.
So instead of guiding you into a higher vibration and training your brain into becoming a prosperity magnet for you…you continually find yourself hitting the wall, because the programming of your brain keeps sabotaging you.
But now real science has proven, there IS a way to turn this around and make the “misdirected” power of your conscious and subconscious brain work FOR you through the right kind of brain entrainment.
Current research and experimentation on the positive effects and applications of Brainwave Entrainment are ongoing in university settings, as well as with health professionals and educators.
And here are some of the areas brain entrainment can potentially help with:
- Concentration
- Creativity
- Motivation
- Stress
- Energy and Vitality
- Inspiration
- Intuition
- Personal Insight
- Problem Solving
- Long-term mental and emotional growth
- Clarity
- Prosperity
- Weight Loss
- Relationships
- Peak Performance
- And so much more!
This has been born out by governments, sports teams, medical establishments, and corporations…and even indiv iduals just like you.
Become An Expert
In what began as Morry’s search for answers for himself, he soon became obsessed with finding answers for ALL people who have faced what appear to be insurmountable obstacles in life.
After many years of using other people’s products with some limited success, he was determined to find out WHY his results were still less than spectacular, especially when all of his research to that point suggested that positive effects should be more dominant.
He decided his best route of discovery was to learn at the feet of an expert in the field. So he contacted the world’s foremost expert in the field of brainwave entrainment, David Siever, C.E.T. and dug into what amounted to a goldmine of powerful and little known secrets he simply could not have access to anywhere else.
Since I know Morry very well, I can say something he would never say for himself. The result was truly phenomenal, and in fact is what happens when…
A Visionary Genius
Taps Into Breakthrough Technology
My friend and colleague Morry Zelcovitch became one of the few people in the entire world to become a “Certified Brainwave Entrainment Engineer/Specialist.”
And just in case you’re wondering how well respected Morry is in this field, and how reliably POWERFUL his brain entrainment training programs are, here’s just ONE of the incredible outcomes that began falling into place…
Morry Became A “Secret Weapon”
For The Brazilian Government!
A representative of the Brazilian government actually stumbled onto one of Morry’s websites, and quickly grasped the powerful potential of using the Triliminal Technology in Morry’s systems for Brain Entrainment.
He tried one of Morry’s Triliminal Training Systems on individuals in the Brazilian Police Department and almost immediately saw the potential to serve not only his officers, but also the good citizens of Brazil.
Here are just a few of the results the Brazilian government found within their Police Department Training…
- A total of 23% of participants INCREASED their attention span (focus)…
- 66% of those also increased the QUALITY of their attention (clarity)…
- Participants experienced a 47% INCREASE in their productivity…
- Overall, participants experienced an increase in their ability for concentrated attention, resistance to fatigue, and higher productivity.
If Brain Entrainment can do all this for such a high pressure, even dangerous, area of a foreign government, imagine what it can do for YOU!
How Morry’s Triliminals Work
Triliminals were born out of the urgent necessity of finally having access to a technology that actually does what it’s intended to do, in a timeframe that is rapid, reasonable, and rewarding.
The thought patterns you may have that are negative, destructive, and limiting are what we call “non-serving thoughts.”
Your non-serving thoughts aren’t there because you are deficient or lacking in some way. In fact, it is quite the opposite because…
You Already Have EVERYTHING Within You
To Achieve What You Desire In Life
You’ll soon discover how true this is when you begin re-creating your life the way you WANT it to be.
The thing is, your non-serving thoughts are there because you have learned and practiced them through your thinking HABITS over all the years of your life up to now.
They are there because of years and years of learned behaviors and responses that have become deeply engrained into your very psyche.
And the natural result of this is that you somehow blame yourself for your perceived shortcomings. But guess what? It really is NOT your fault!
You simply have fallen into the patterns that weigh on so many of us like anchors, holding us down from our full glorious potential.
But it doesn’t have to be that way for one more day! YOU have all the powerful potential to experience the greatest change in your life starting TODAY, because…
There’s Even MORE Good News…
Through Morry’s years of research, he came to understand how your current experience of life is the result of the literal programming of your mind up to this point.
In other words, you have LEARNED what to expect, and that constant expectation is exactly what your reality is. And it can be UN-learned and CHANGED!
The solution to defeating your long-term programming was to come up with a system that can literally reprogram your reflexive thoughts, into something that SERVES you instead.
Triliminal Technology does this brilliantly!
It takes into account the need for repetition, the need for efficiency, and the actual dynamic for learning new beliefs and new belief systems.
Triliminals:Your Trifecta Of Power
A Triliminal is fully audible, with THREE different audible presentations specifically designed to affect different parts of the brain.
Your left and right brain naturally have different preferences. So it is necessary to design affirmations that can easily be accepted by both your left brain, AND your right brain.
This means your left brain will hear only those affirmations it can easily accept, while your right brain has a different preference for what it can easily accept.
To accomplish this delicate balancing act, we must present only suggestions and “downloads” of information they BOTH like and accept.
This “reprogramming” of your brain is accomplished simply by the act of listening to recorded messages through stereo headphones.
It Doesn’t Get Any Easier Than This…
Because we take it one step further with the THIRD “deep dive” of your Triliminals.
To make your inner programming even more powerful, you will hear yet a third set of affirmations that are not specific to either your left or right brain.
In other words, BOTH your left and right brain will readily accept this third carefully designed set of affirmations and statements.
In addition, you will hear various tones, sounds, and rhythms that make your brain reprogramming not only more powerful, but immensely more enjoyable as well.
The end result is that the positive messages slide by any and all resistance, and get “heard” directly by the conscious and subconscious where they can do the most good for you.
It actually FEELS really good too. It’s kind of like having…
A Deeply Luxurious Brain Massage
Only instead of merely relaxing (which many people find they DO when they are listening to their Triliminals), you will also find yourself automatically beginning to change in the most positive and powerful ways.
It’s Energizing, Exciting, and Inspiring!
No other technology works on both the conscious and subconscious at the same time. This allows for a much more effective retraining and relearning system for your complete self.
Let’s face it. We live in demanding times. And more and more people are seeking a new way to create value and purpose in their lives. It’s the perfect time for a more enlightened way of living, with a perfect blend of science and belief becoming what can only be called…
A Transformational Experience
We are all about changing patterns of thought, shattering old belief systems, and in the process, changing lives.
In fact, the Triliminals of our Brain Entrainment Systems are changing lives all around the world every day, just like this…
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