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Master The NLP Meta Model – NLP Times
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Learn what is at the heart of how you effortlessly change and transform someone model of the world.
Master The NLP Meta Model – NLP Times
Check it out: Master The NLP Meta Model – NLP Times
At Last One Of The World’s Foremost NLP Experts Reveals
His Secret Blueprint & Toolkit For Masterfully Using The NLP Meta Model
So You Can Conversationally Eliminate Client’s Problems,
Transform Limitations, And Create Lasting Change
Quickly, Easily And Entirely RISK FREE…
What You Get Inside This ULTIMATE
Meta Model Home Study Course…
Discover The Major Patterns Of The Meta Model
& How They Are Expertly Organized
Module 1 is called the Big View, because it lays the foundation for everything else you need to know about the Meta Model.
You wont be learning about outdated therapeutic ways of thinking and using the Meta Model, rather Michael is going to teach you exactly how to organize and think about the Meta Model so that you can quickly penetrate beyond stimulus-response approach common in NLP. How to use this powerful tool anywhere.
You will:
Learn the most up to date structure and hierarchy of the Meta Model as used by Michael that is the platform from which you will be able to get such good results with the technology
Learn the most up to date structure and hierarchy of the Meta Model as used by Michael that is the platform from which you will be able to get such good results with the technology
Discover the strategy that Michael patterned from Richard Bandler who was asking the wrong questions… yet getting amazing results…
Discover how to apply the Meta Model so you can get truly magical results in any communication context from coaching to change work to persuasion. As shared earlier there is a world of applications and contexts which you can use the Meta Model on.
Learn what is at the heart of how you effortlessly change and transform someone model of the world.
Why the way many people teach the Meta Model is NOT the way to get results and will leave you handicapped to simply knowing ONLY stimulus-response style use of the Meta Model
Discover the organizing principle behind how Michael and Richard Bandler use the Meta Model that is key to doing great work. This one distinction when applied will immediately transform the results you get and not in any book.
Learn the underlying processes that drives how human being experience the world. When you get this big ah-ha idea you will never be stuck wondering what are you trying to do when you are working with the Meta Model.
Learn a powerful thinking orientation tool for mapping on the fly areas of opportunity for you to land well targeted questions that can instantly open up room for change and transform peoples thinking about the world
Say goodbye to asking questions looking to fill in the blanks and learn the masters way to questioning and interacting with clients that is conversational and easy flowing in its approach
Find out how to elegantly pick apart perceived limitations and create unseen potential and possibilities for your clients… this is based on the very same thinking processes Michael teaches and uses with his high paying clients
Discover the simplest question, the one question that opens the door to their model of the world and enables you to quickly calibrate to how they are organizing their world. If you dont know how the problem state is operating you have hit or miss change of being able to change it. This ONE question is one of the fastest ways to discovering how a person is organizing their world.
Learn the linguistic patterns that are core to how a person motivates themselves and essential to creating feelings of stress, ease, frustration, excitement etc. By helping your clients make a simple change using these words, you can create a magic away previously stuck states and move them to action
Develop multiple ways to navigate a clients presenting statement so that you never are stuck for finding multiple ways to shape, influence and remold how they perceive their world. This isnt Jedi Magic but it is pretty close to it!
Master the reality building block pattern that defines the structure of how a person organises their world and shows you the key leverage points to help the speaker discover new and better ways to think about things. Learn this skill and you can create more choice and freedom for yourself and your clients lives
Learn how the brain can misrepresent and organizes processes in the world that unchallenged can keep a person unknowingly stuck and unable to find a meaningful solution yet with one powerful question you can help guide them back to seeing a solution…
Learn about the 13 major patterns of the Meta Model, not just what they are, but their relationship to each other and how they work to create a very powerful tool for information gathering, influencing and transforming a persons representations of the world. Most resources on the Meta Model treat them as separate and isolated patterns but you will know how they all connect
Step inside the three primary classes of predicates – the so called qualitative aspects of language and how mastery of these can enable you to dramatically influence precisely how a person represents what you express
Hear gems of wisdom from Michael on how to put what you have just learned into practice.