Jay Earley and Bonnie Weiss – All Demo Bundle of Demonstration IFS Sessions
$17.00$46.00 (-63%)
In working with Critics, a cluster of other parts is often triggered, which includes the Criticized Child and the Inner Defender. Our IFS Inner Critic work is described in our book Self-Therapy for Your Inner Critic.
Jay Earley and Bonnie Weiss – All Demo Bundle of Demonstration IFS Sessions
Check it out: Jay Earley & Bonnie Weiss – All Demo Bundle of Demonstration IFS Sessions
These demonstration sessions shows how to work with Inner Critic parts. In IFS terms, Inner Critics are protectors that use self-judgment as a strategy for protecting you. In working with Critics, a cluster of other parts is often triggered, which includes the Criticized Child and the Inner Defender. Our IFS Inner Critic work is described in our book Self-Therapy for Your Inner Critic.