Ivan Zhao – Notion Mastery Solo
$160.00$750.00 (-79%)
Get a sneak peek into a variety of workflows, examples, SOPs, and templates from community members and in our weekly office hours and workshops.
Ivan Zhao – Notion Mastery Solo
Check it out: Ivan Zhao – Notion Mastery Solo
Master your life and business workflows with Notion.
“Marie is one of the most knowledgeable Notion users in the world”
Ivan Zhao, CEO + Founder of Notion
You’ve gone down the Notion rabbit-hole but quickly got overwhelmed. You binge-watched how-to videos on YouTube for hours instead of writing those blog posts you had planned.
You see the potential of this powerful, all-in-one productivity tool, but don’t know how to fully harness it.
Maybe you tried loading some of the pre-made templates into your account, and got frustrated because they’re not useful enough on their own. They’re not part of a bigger more integrated system.
Templates ≠ A System
Any of these sound familiar?
- You feel scattered across a ton of different tools and tech
- Things often feel like they’re falling through the cracks
- Your Google Drive, Dropbox, Evernote or local files are a mess
- You waste a ton of time trying to remember where you’ve saved your files
- You feel overwhelmed, like you can’t keep up with your obligations
- You don’t have a consistent system for saving files, or tracking your tasks
- You don’t have standard documentation or templates
- You make lists of goals and ideas at the beginning of the year… that you never revisit again
If you find yourself feeling scattered and spread across different tools, platforms, apps, and paper planners…
Notion offers you a way to integrate all of your tasks, documents, activities, habits, ideas, and creativity in one place.
It’s the most versatile and customizable platform for personal and professional organization + productivity, and the one I use to run every area of my life and business:
build a second brain
task management
client collaboration
strategic planning
daily journaling
documentation + SOPs
idea generation
research + exploration
content management
If you don’t already have well-established systems, processes, and routines, you’ll simply recreate the same dysfunctional patterns from your old tools within Notion.
You’ve got to design your system in order for Notion to truly shine.
That’s why I created Notion Mastery
Since 2018 I’ve been consulting with individuals and business owners, helping them use Notion to create their life and business operating systems and workflows.
I’ve seen the most common challenges, hiccups, and missing pieces that most entrepreneurs and teams struggle with when trying to streamline their operations.
I’ve condensed my best practices and workflows into a robust online course and community to support you through the process of going from scattered to streamlined with Notion.
Let me show you what is possible with this incredible tool!
“Marie is one of the most knowledgeable Notion users in the world”
“When Marie showed the Notion team what she was able to build with the product, it blew our minds. She’s both a world-class expert and an exceptional teacher who has helped hundreds of people unlock organization and productivity with Notion. She makes things possible with this product that are even beyond my imagination.”
Ivan Zhao
CEO and founder of Notion
Get immediately download Ivan Zhao – Notion Mastery Solo
If you’re ready to stop procrasti-planning and playing whac-a-mole with your to-do list, join me in NotionMastery.
Create an integrated business and personal productivity system that is tailor made for your needs.
Conquer Notion’s learning curve
Start with a complete walk-through of Notion’s most powerful features (and wildly time-saving quirks!).
Build better planning systems
Create practical planning and review processes for your daily, weekly, and monthly tasks + goals.
Reduce decision fatigue and overwhelm
Design your workflow to reduce friction and make prioritization and decision-making quicker and easier.
Design a custom workspace that works for you
Learn how to design custom dashboards that are tailor made for you and your style.
Improve team collaboration
Get everyone on the same page with stellar documentation, custom dashboards, and workflows that work.
Supercharge your knowledge management system
Improve your resource management, note-taking, and idea management.
Create a practical + sustainable workflow
Know where everything lives and minimize your decision fatigue and context switching.
Surprise + delight your clients
Share beautiful and practical collaborative dashboards with clients.
Get inspired
Get a sneak peek into a variety of workflows, examples, SOPs, and templates from community members and in our weekly office hours and workshops.
4 Levels, 4 Tracks
GRAB THE components
In Notion Mastery there are 4 Levels with 4 Tracks to explore, followed by a series of side quests & rabbit-holes that guide you through more specific niche use cases for Notion.
You’ll kickstart your workspace build with a database component kit, and build up your databases and workspaces one area at a time to reduce overwhelm.
Whether you are just getting started or you’re an intermediate to advanced user, you’ll get ideas and inspiration for new ways to streamline your workflow.
The Learning Journey
Level 0 is an orientation to Notion, the App: the interface, application settings, page properties, and the general functionality of Notion. Many of these elements are also covered in context within Level 1 lessons. Grab the workspace components provided (or work with your own pre-existing databases), and set up your sidebar as you get ready to build up your workspace
Level 1 contains the foundational skills of Notion. It’s a triage of sorts; getting you using Notion in practical ways, getting your data into the tool as quickly as possible. You’ll wrap your head around Notion’s core features while learning some key tips + tricks.
In Level 2 you’ll begin to manage and manipulate your data through the design of elegant Dashboards across different areas of your life and business.
You’ll integrate more advanced filtering, views, sorts, and simple formulas, and use Notion as your central productivity and knowledge hub.
In Level 3 you’ll continue to streamline and customize your Notion workspace with more advanced features to further customize your dashboards.
Go deeper on niche use cases, and build out custom dashboards for different areas of your life and business.
This level contains a variety of choose-your-own-adventure lessons across a range of use cases, along with advanced examples and templates.
What’s Included In Notion Mastery
Notion Mastery is a semi-guided learning journey.
Go through the core material at your own pace, with the support of live office hours, a helpful online community, live training, coaching hot seats, and themed workshops.
The curriculum and templates are delivered via member invite into the Notion Mastery Notion workspace. Yes, the program is delivered entirely through Notion!
- Detailed tutorials and walk-throughs of how to use Notion for both big-picture planning and managing day-to-day activities.
- Video, gif, and text-based walk-throughs of Notion’s most valuable (and unintuitive) features.
- An overview of different workflows, dashboards, and systems with a variety of examples, both personal and business.
- A look behind the scenes at how real businesses run on Notion.
- Access to private office hours and use-case specific workshops.
- Access to open community events including guest workshops.
- Free updates as Notion continues to add new features, and a changelog so you can keep track of course and template changes over time.
- A supportiveonline community where you can get your questions answered, get insights into other approaches and workflows, request new lessons or templates, and connect with other Notion users.
- A growing resource library of templates, examples, and use cases from a variety of industries and niches.
- Access to Hot Seat sessions: Need additional support in working through a sticky issue in your workspace? Apply for a hot seat session and we’ll help you workshop it in real time!
Who this course is for
Notion is ideal for you if you want more granular control over your task management, goal setting, and personal knowledge management systems, and value integration.
You’re a good fit for this course if:
- You’re ready to commit to Notion as a key part of your technical stack.
- You generally feel overwhelmed or frustrated with your current workflow, and your task list is giving you major side-eye.
- You’re looking for long-term shifts in your systems and workflows, not quick fixes.
- You recognize that despite all the fanciest templates, you will still need to put in the workto customize your workspace to your own needs.
- You’re willing to be patient with yourself as you learn both a new tool, and a new way of being. This may involve confronting feelings of frustration or perfectionism!
You’re NOT a good fit for this course if:
- You’re still on the fence about Notion, and — OH LOOK A NEW SHINY!!
- You’re rushed or panicked, and don’t have time to invest in developing a workspace that works for you.
- You’re looking for a quick fix for years of disorganization and lack of good systems.
- You expect/require your workspace to be perfect and aren’t interested in the work of customizing your space.
- You’re looking for Notion to behave exactly like all the other tools you’re used to.
- You’re concerned you might be joining a cult.
Hey, I’m Marie!
Back in 2017 I tried Notion for the first time, and it didn’t quite “click”. I knew it had potential, but wasn’t sure how to harness it.
It wasn’t until I decided to try using Notion to help me plan my Permaculture diploma (a messy, long-term project requiring lots of documentation, resources, imagery, notes, and both short + long-term planning) that I began to see what was possible, and why this tool was so incredible.
As a die-hard (paid) Evernote + Asana + Dropbox + Google Drive user, I was frustrated that my planning, tasks, files, and resources felt disconnected and fragmented.
I knew Asana wasn’t great for high-level thinking and ideation, and Evernote wasn’t great for task management…
I took a chance and moved all of my processes, tasks, resources, and documentation over to Notion, and it was a complete game-changer. I was finally able to build a system that worked for my brain.
I could finally visualize all my work and commitments and got a grip on where my time and effort was going (compared to where I thought it was going).
In 2021 I was diagnosed with ADHD, and I began to finally understand even more deeply why Notion was truly a life-changing tool for me.
I was so smitten with the tool, I shared it with everyone who would listen… and the rest is history.
Trusted By Notion
You may also know me as the host of Notion’s bi-weekly Hot Seats for Start Ups.
Hot Seats are an ongoing bi-weekly virtual event that attracts hundreds of Notion users who are eager to learn how to get the most out of this tool.
Each session we help a new startup solve a unique challenge in their Notion workspace in real-time. We cover different topics and use cases for both beginners and advanced Notion users alike, in order to help show you the depth of possibilities with this tool.