Glenn Livingston – Never Binge Again Online Intensive Coaching Program
$40.00$119.00 (-66%)
Everyone at the workshop will have the opportunity to discuss any remaining objections, concerns, or Pig Squeals they are still having trouble ignoring while I work intensively to help them overcome it.
Glenn Livingston – Never Binge Again Online Intensive Coaching Program
Check it out: Glenn Livingston – Never Binge Again Online Intensive Coaching Program
“Dramatically (or Completely) Reduce Binge Eating, Overeating, Cravings, Urges, and Food Obsession in Just 30 Days — Or You Don’t Pay a Dime! (Guaranteed)“Achieve Minimum Friction Weight Loss by Eliminating the Ability of These Internal Forces (Cravings, Urges, and Food Obsession) to Create Constant Binges and Set-Backs!
NEW FORMAT = 90% Reduction in
Binges and Binging Expenses
During the Very First Month!
Average Monthly Savings on Binge Food = $335/mo!
(See calculations below)
CALCULATIONS: We tracked binge frequency via daily email report and a before-and-after assessment for the first 30 days of our radically revamped coaching program. Among those who checked in at least every two days and did the tasks in the Mastery Challenge–which represented the MAJORITY of clients–an average 90% reduction in binge frequency was observed!
We also know from surveys the average reader spends approximately $375 per month on binge food (at least $18.32 per episode x 20.5 binges per month). This means that the 90% average reduction in binge frequency amongst the clients above is worth $335+/mo (90% of $375, rounded down)… or $4,000+ savings on binge food each and every year going forward ($335+/mo savings x 12 months.)
“Another major motivation was – finances. My husband and I calculated the money I spent on food in January/February of 2021 and it was ~$800 of shitty binge food. The money I’ve saved from eating on plan put us in a fantastic financial situation and I do not want to compromise that because of takeout pizza.” – Adrienne Balsmeyer (Graduate of the Never Binge Again Intensive Online Support and Accountability Program)
More observation and data is warranted before results are considered statistically stable, and this is obviously not a double-blind controlled scientific study… but a 90% reduction in binge frequency for the majority of students reporting is still pretty remarkable, don’t you think? And what might you do with an extra $4,000+ per year? Keep reading for the full details of our program which now includes multiple-times-per-week live groups, daily one-on-one email accountability, a mastery challenge, presentations, a 100% money-back guarantee, and more!
The New Supercharged Mastery Challenge (with Accountability) Kick-Starts Your Minimum Friction Weight-Loss Journey into High Gear Fast…
Then an Unprecedented Level of Support Helps You Maintain Your Progress by Minimizing Setbacks and Helping You Recover Quickly If They Do Occur!
Dramatically Reduce Binge Frequency, Food Obsession, and Cravings…and Learn to Recover Quickly from Mistakes
The idea here is to make the journey pleasurable for you by putting a quick end to the enormous setbacks caused by binging and overeating episodes. Imagine how much easier weight loss would be if you could just stop breaking your plans? Consider Yvonne, who begun her journey, smack in the middle of the Pandemic:
- (DISCLOSURE: The following section contains pictures and stories of dramatic weight loss and life transformation. It would be unreasonable to assume just taking our program would cause you to lose any specific amount of weight, however, because weight loss is not the goal of our program! Rather, we aim to give you back control over your eating, stop the binges, and reduce cravings, urges, and food obsession. Losing inches is just a side effect. Nevertheless, these are REAL stories from REAL people. The typical client who engages with their coach at least every other day (the majority of clients do) experiences an average 90% reduction in binge frequency, cuts their food obsession by approximately half, and loses at least some weight. See the full legal disclosure and testimonial results statement for more details.)
Or Scott, who dropped 84 pounds…
Or Sue, who sent this quote to me in an email dated December 13th “Never Binge again has changed my entire life. I struggled since I was 38 and FINALLY found the answer.”:
Or Russell, who sent me these pictures on the approximate day he reached his 100th pound of weight loss, going from 300 to 200 in about eighteen months. (These are the kinds of stories which make me leap out of bed in the morning and get to work!)
In Month #1, we hit the ground running with the following four program components:
- Mastery Challenge Part One: Get specific, step-by-step actions to eliminate overeating and bingeing episodes, build your skills and confidence, and keep you moving forward. Every step builds on the previous one so you can have a total eating transformation the very first month!
- Daily Accountability Coaching: Customized, daily email coaching to solve problems, amp up your motivation, and keep you accountable!
- Live Online Group Support (5x/week): Overcome mistakes, solve problems, and leverage other people’s insights and success. Live sessions held 5x week – twice with Glenn and three times with one of his Master Coaches and/or business partner (who lost almost 100 pounds himself using Never Binge Again).
- Live Online Educational Presentations: Four group presentations with Glenn to review and overcome common sticking points.
NOTE: The focus of the Never Binge Again is NOT weight loss… that’s actually just a pleasant side effect of eliminating binges and dramatically reducing cravings, urges, and food obsession. However, we DO give you the tools necessary to clear your mind of the roadblocks which have been preventing you from adhering to your diet. Clients tell us this makes it a LOT easier to stick to their diet of choice and lose weight. (They say it makes the whole experience more pleasurable too!)
- Mastery Challenge Part Two: Continue your Never Binge Again recovery with specific, step-by-step actions to build your confidence beyond the level you ever dreamed possible. Every step continues to build on the previous ones (including the part one challenge) as we help you become the person you’ve always wanted to be with food… and lay the foundation for applying this to the rest of your life!
- Ongoing Email Accountability Coaching (2x/week through end of month two, 1x/week thru end of month six): The emphasis of your email coaching shifts to personalization and future thinking as we root out and plan solutions for all possible situations which might derail you later on. We also lower the frequency to build your sense of independence and control… and to keep the overall package affordable.
- Live Online Group “Safety Net” Coaching (4x/week): Continue contact with me personally AND my Master Coaches (more on them later) in four live, weekly Q&A groups at NO additional charge. I’ll always run at least one of these groups myself. This way you’ll never be more than one week away from getting help from ME personally, nor more than a few days from speaking with one of my Master Coaches. Get help with ANY stumbling block you encounter until one full year from your date of purchase! Because what’s the point of losing weight if it’s only temporary, right?
- Live Online Group “Safety Net” Coaching (4x/week): The weekly contact with ME personally in the live Q&A group call continues until one full year after your purchase date. So do the other three weekly Safety Net calls per week conducted by my Master Coaches!
- Private, 25 Minute One-on-One Consultation with ME Personally: I normally charge $250 for this private consultation, but if you have completed the Mastery Challenge by the end of the six month mark (it’s designed to take no more than sixty days) and maintain your account in good standing, you’ll get a coupon good for a FREE 25 minute consultation with me personally, good for use up to one year from your date of purchase.
- OnePrivate, 25 Minute One-on-One Consultation with Yoav Ezer, my Business Partner and CEO of Never Ever Again, Inc! Offered under the same conditions as the consultation with me personally, you’ll also get an additional consult with Yoav. Read more about Yoav in the Master Coach details section later on this page – suffice to say for now that he’s lost almost 100 pounds himself using Never Binge Again, and if it weren’t for him the book would NEVER have become popular!
- NOTE: Consultation coupons are (only) provided to those who complete the required activities (mastery challenge completed, 80%+ email check in rate with their coach, attend at least one Q&A call each month, and account in good standing at the end of the six month mark). As an extra incentive to keep you binge-free and using Never Binge Again for the long run we provide these consultation coupons only to those who work the program for six months or more.
Got It? So Let’s Cage Your Pig and Make Sticking to Your Food Plan as Easy As Breathing… Even at Night, on Weekends, and When Your Emotions Are Out of Control!
Life Doesn’t Come with Guarantees But With This Program You Either Quit Overeating Or You Don’t Pay a Dime!
Click Here for the Full Details of Glenn’s
“It Works Or You Don’t Pay” Guarantee!
Keep reading below to discover everything else you might want to know about ending your overeating problem with this radically effective new program
All Meetings Held via Zoom and/or Telephone
No Matter Where in the World You May Live.
With this powerful combination of accountability, live contact with both myself and the Never Binge Again Master Coaches, and an extraordinarily well thought out, tested and proven Mastery Challenge…
…YOU can succeed regardless of how much social pressure and/or family conflict you experience…no matter how much you travel and/or eat out…and despite how little free time you may have available to prepare and/or plan your food!
Consider the testimonials below obtained from people who went through the program even before all this support was added!
“I have managed to lose 74 pounds and have not binged one single time”
(Racquel Charrois – 7 months after taking program)
“My life has totally changed. My weight dropped 17 pounds and it’s very clear what my body needs and wants. As long as I stick with my plan I keep losing 3 or 4 pounds per month […] Many of my doctor friends are in trouble with obesity […] I think doctors need help and would be interested in Never Binge Again not only for themselves but their patients!”
(Dr. Margaret Fletcher, first female surgeon on faculty at Johns Hopkins)
DISCLOSURE: It would be unreasonable to assume you’ll get the same results as many of the clients on this page, who may be considered outliers, because of their unique situations, metabolisms, and backgrounds. Then again, it can and does happen! And with the new pricing options, wouldn’t you be risking more by not joining me? Hear me out please before you make up your mind, because itcouldvery literally change your life!
(Full legal disclosure and typical results statement)
From: Glenn Livingston, Ph.D.
RE: Personal coaching and consulting
While my book “Never Binge Again” has completely changed the perspective of more than a million readers, after coaching hundreds and hundreds of overeaters during the past several years I’m now convinced personal contact is the magic bullet.
See, everyone’s Pig is unique, and personal contact allows for fast, effective customization and implementation. It lets people absorb MY confidence and strength in a LIVE environment, as well as the confidence and strength of those who work with me, AND the contagious energy, hope, and enthusiasm of seeing peers excited about their own results!
- I’m NOT one of those never-been-fat guys who’ll just nod at you and suggest you just “eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re full”…
- I’m NOT someone who’s going to tell you to write down your feelings and stop swallowing your emotions, or go call a friend and paint your nails for distraction when you feel like overeating…
- And I’m NOT going to suggest you “hug your inner wounded child” while offering no practical wisdom to help you with your binge eating!
What I AM is a formerly obese psychologist who almost ate himself to death while trying all the psychological self-love approaches you can imagine…who (after suffering for decades) tripped over a not-so- glamorous tool which solved the problem…
So I can personally drive the Never Binge Again benefits home for you, and help you live the life you KNOW you’re capable of inside.
LIVE perspective from someone like me is often the missing ingredient. It’d be a shame for you to give Never Binge Again “a quick try,” only to slip back to your old ways because your Pig™ has convinced you it works for others, but it can’t ever work for you. Or because you’re perpetually putting it off to start “someday.” We both know “Someday” is NOT a day that shows up on ANY calendar!
This would be a shame indeed because, as I’m sure you know, when you’re in the throws of overeating beyond your own best judgment, the world is a truly overwhelming, awful place…worse than anyone besides a fellow binge eater could ever know. You really CAN be fooled into thinking your Pig™ has all the power; that it’s undefeatable…
But don’t worry, you won’t be alone in your efforts because I’m also providing…
- Daily Accountability and Support: There is NO additional charge for access to our extremely qualified accountability coaches (details in the team section). Every night, you’ll fill out a simple email template to help create dramatic, daily improvements in your implementation of the NBA system, and your coach will typically email you back with personal feedback (typically within 24 hours). One catch – daily accountability coaching is ONLY available for thirty days from the start of the first Kick-Start Presentation (see next paragraph) so you’ve got to get going as soon as you purchase.
- Educational Kick-Start Presentations: I’ve worked with a LOT of coaching clients since publishing the book. Hundreds! Early on I found most of the time spent in the first few sessions was to help them overcome a dozen or so very common stumbling blocks. Initially I offered the individual coaching component right away but I found it was unnecessarily time consuming, and therefore too expensive for most to afford. That’s why I now require people to go through four weeks of educational presentations in a group to get up to speed first. This makes the work SO much more effective, and makes it possible for us to keep the program more affordable too! (A much more detailed description of the educational presentations is provided further down this letter. Please note these sessions ARE recorded so if you happen to miss one you can always watch the replay.)
- Live Online Q&A/Group Coaching Five Times per Week: Finally, since the accountability support is via email and the educational presentations are largely informational in nature, I wanted you to have a vehicle to get live personal help with experts you could speak with directly during the Kick Start phase. Therefore I’ve arranged for there to be FIVE group calls each week. These are all held LIVE without any particular agenda. Show up and talk about any difficulties you’ve had with your action challenges, difficult situations you’ve encountered, some of the crazy rationalizations for overeating your Inner Pig Squeals about… or just share your success. I promise I’ll always run at least two of these sessions personally, while the rest will be conducted by one of my Master Coaches (see the coaching team bios later in this letter) and/or my business partner (who has also lost close to 100 pounds using Never Binge Again!)
- PERSONALIZE IN MONTHS #2 THRU #6: After the month-long Kick Start phase of the program you’ll STILL get individual attention to help you further customize and personalize the system to your needs. A lot of this attention is often focused on perfecting your Food Plan, but you can use it to talk about ANYTHING you like. There are TWO components of the Personalization phase, which lasts from Month #2 through the end of Month #6, as measured from the date of the first educational presentation:
- Mastery Challenge Part Two: Continue your Never Binge Again recovery with specific, step-by-step actions to build your confidence beyond the level you ever dreamed possible. Every step continues to build on the previous ones (including the part one challenge) as we help you become the person you’ve always wanted to be with food… and lay the foundation for applying this to the rest of your life!
- Ongoing Accountability Coaching (2x/week through end of month two, 1x/week thru end of month six): We will shift your personal email coaching to focus more on personalization and planning for future. Root out and plan solutions for all possible situations with the potential to derail you later on. The daily email accountability coaching becomes 2x/week during the Personalization Phase in order to build your sense of independence and control–AND–to keep the overall package more affordable.
- Live Online Group “Safety Net” Coaching (4x/week): Continue contact with me personally AND my Master Coaches (more on them later) in four live, weekly Q&A groups at NO additional charge. I’ll always run at least one of these groups myself. This way you’ll never be more than one week away from getting help from ME personally, nor more than a few days from speaking with one of my Master Coaches. Get help with ANY stumbling block you encounter until one full year from your date of purchase! Because what’s the point of losing weight if it’s only temporary, right?Similar to the Group Calls in the Kick Start phase of the program the Q&A Safety Net sessions are entirely dedicated to directly answering questions and coaching participants in a group format. The difference is that the people attending the Safety Net Call are comprised entirely of people who have already completed the Kick Start phase of the program, so the focus is much more on personalization and optimizing the Food Plan vs. educating newbies about common sticking points. (The Kick Start groups are only for people during the first month of the program, the Weekly Safety Net call is available thereafter)
- MAINTAIN IN MONTHS #7 THRU #12: In these final months the focus is much more on maintenance and identity change. See, the goal of the Never Binge Methodology isn’t just to get you to “white knuckle” your Food Rules and relentlessly follow them no matter how you feel (or what your Inner Pig says)… the higher purpose is to help you transform your relationship with food. Ultimately if you can become a “different person” with regards to eating than you ever were before you’re much more likely to succeed long term… and in a truly effortless way!
- SAFETY NET CALLS CONTINUE: To put the icing on the “cake”, we’ve made the Safety Net Group Coaching and Q&A Calls (the 4x/week calls which began in the Personalization phase above) available for an entire year from the date of the first Educational Presentation. This way for one full year you’ll never be more than one week away from access to me personally to help you! And you’ll have the opportunity to talk live and direct to my Master Coaches an additional three times per week too!
- One Private, 25 Minute One-on-One Consultation Coupon with ME Personally ($250 Value): I normally charge $250 for a private consultation of this length, but those who complete the required activities (mastery challenge completed, 80%+ email check in rate with their coach, attend at least one Q&A call each month, and account in good standing at the end of the six month mark), will get a coupon good for a FREE 25 minute consultation with ME personally. Good for one year from date of purchase.
- One Private, 25 Minute One-on-One Consultation Coupon with Yoav Ezer, my Business Partner and CEO of Never Ever Again, Inc! ($175 Value): Offered under the same conditions as the consultation with me personally, you’ll also get an additional FREE consultation coupon good for one session with my business partner Yoav, who’s lost almost 100 pounds himself using Never Binge Again! Purchased separately a 25 minute session with Yoav is $175. (More about Yoav and ALL the Master Coaches later on this page.)
This Intensity of Immersion in Never Binge Again, the Live Personal Contact, and the Email Accountability Helps MUCH More Than Dozens of Full-Length Individual Coaching Sessions in My Experience!
The whole reason people pay for coaching is to get well deserved, FOCUSED ATTENTION. Through experimentation and study, I’ve found the best way to provide this is with a laser focused and thorough response to your personal questions, AFTER having immersed you in the basics and gotten YOU to focus your attention on homework related to a very specific problem.
Moreover, I find when people have a briefer opportunity to get the right feedback and direction such as that which may exist in the group coaching and/or email environment, they very carefully think through their issues and priorities, then present them in a much more concise and coachable manner. The process of putting this together is, in and of itself, extremely beneficial. Many people say they’ve arrived at life-changing insights before they’ve even gotten on the call!
The group calls combine with the Mastery Challenge and focused assignments to help organize your thoughts, stop overeating, and reprogram yourself to think like a permanently thin person on the diet of your choice. And the structured support calls and slowly tapered down email accountability coaching give you the help you need WITHOUT training you to become dependent on a coach forever!
In the end, it’s the most workable coaching model for implementing Never Binge Again.
Ok, hear me out on this…
- Going to a rehab center for a month can cost between $30,000 and $80,000…
- Working with a psychologist to address the problem? 5,000 to $20,000…
… and neither will guarantee your success 🙁
Get immediately download Glenn Livingston – Never Binge Again Online Intensive Coaching Program
With them, you pay your money and you take your chances…
Plus, good luck finding a spot at a high quality facility, or a psychologist exhaustively trained to work with binge eaters. Even if you do get in, how do you know it will work? And has the practitioner you’re assigned to actually recovered from overeating and binge eating themselves, or are they just never-addicted doctors who can’t possibly know what it’s like to feel like someone’s got a gun to your head screaming “Eat! More! Now!” And will the treatment facility and/or individual psychologist share their typical results? We’ve published ours results right here on this page.And how do they screen their practitioners? EVERYONE who coaches alongside me has been in serious trouble with eating themselves. They all used (and cherish) the Never Binge Again method to recover. And they have all been through a rigorous certification and training program I personally designed and taught!
On the other hand, if you’ll excuse my immodesty, I am one of the top thinkers and practitioners in the world when it comes to overeating. Through my individual, group, and training programs I’ve worked successfully with hundreds of binge eaters and overeaters. And you’ll get access to both myself and my proven team for a FRACTION OF THE PRICE of the next cheapest option.
Why are we offering this? There are just WAY too many people suffering and far too few real professionals who know what they are doing, in my not so humble opinion. On top of this, because of the huge demand and miniscule supply of real experts, other options are priced so expensively they’re literally out of reach for the vast majority of people who really need help. So I set out to create an affordable, accessible coaching solution for all, and after six years of hard work we’ve cracked the code. Which is why we’re able to offer guaranteed results at such low price.
So I say with confidence that access to me personally at these prices is the best VALUE you’ll find. Here’s why:
- My offer attracts serious people with serious healthy eating goals, willing to do whatever it takes to achieve them, and both myself and my Master Coaches can’t help but respond with enthusiasm, so we tend to over-deliver…
- It would cost many times as much to book the same amount of time in one-off private telephone sessions…
- I’m not your run of the mill “diet guru.” I’ve got an extraordinarily well thought out SYSTEM for stopping overeating and binge eating in its tracks, and for restoring your sense of ownership, responsibility, and power over your own food. I know a lot of people SAY they’ve got a system but my book has more than 1,200 Amazon reviews and has appeared in the top three for “Binge Eating” and “Overeating” for YEARS at a time for a reason: It works!
- We’ve collectively seen hundreds of clients and really know how to recognize dozens of subtle Pig Squeals which we can put to rest quickly…
- I can bridge the gap between psychology, research, statistics, and other mumbo-jumbo about Binge Eating from the perspective of a psychologist who’s had the problem AND has worked for Big Food in the past. This gives me a powerful perspective my competitors are extremely unlikely to ever match…
- I’m honest. As in, I’ll tell you if I think you’re barking up the wrong tree, even if it means losing you as a client. (As an aside, I unfortunately find telling people the truth often DOES mean losing them as a client. There are a LOT of broken hearted people out there who chose to let their Pigs rule. A lot of pain which could be prevented if people wouldn’t waste so much of their life making easily corrected wrong turns with food. I wish someone would’ve had the guts to point this out to ME before I almost killed myself with bagels, pizza, and chocolate!)
- I’ve got a very full and balanced nutritional and health regimen which fits MY needs perfectly. I’d like to help you achieve the same! I’m not just talking about having a positive attitude and a sense of humor, which of course I DO have (despite what my Mom said,) but a forward moving, passionate zeal for life based on a REALISTIC ability to define and comply with my Food Plan. My body is rarely at war with food, so I’ve got an incredible amount of energy to connect with others and achieve amazing things. Not miraculous things—I claim no divine connections worth speaking of—but amazing things via the application of Never Binge Again skills with persistently focused attention. (Note: I’m not a medical doctor, dietitian, and/or nutritionist – I don’t want to mislead you.)
“Life is a Collection of Experiences” – Jim Rohn
(Since I conquered my Binge Eating, I’ve been able to add experiences
like climbing every 4,000+ footer in New Hampshire’s White Mountains!)
- Famous health and weight loss authors—who compete directly with Never Binge Again!—
- endorse both the method AND Dr. Glenn Livingston himself as the their ‘go to guy’ when they have trouble with their own eating!
Finally, there are SO many happy customers raving about the book and/or their Never Binge Again coaching experience!
(DISCLOSURE: Never Binge Again is NOT intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease, disorder, or condition. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA or any other regulatory agency. It would be unreasonable to assume just taking this program will result in any guaranteed level of weight loss, the improvement of any physical condition, and/or the reduction in any mentally distressing thoughts, feelings, conditions, diseases, and/or disorders. Many and/or all of these clients could be considered statistical outliers with unique physiology, emotional makeup, and other resources. Then again, it can and does happen. And given the affordable payment plans and 100% money back guarantee, might you not be risking more by NOT joining us? Full Disclosure Statement)
Now that you know what you need to know about the program as a whole… let’s talk about the content we’ll cover in the Kick-Start Presentations as Well s the Mastery Challenge!
Every Challenge and Every Presentation Builds on Previous Learning in a Logical, Structured, Systematic Way to Create Momentum and a Virtually Unshakable Foundation for Life!
(Each Kick-Start Presentation is approximately 80% lecture material and 20% interactive coaching. But remember, as soon as the Presentations start you’ll get immediate access to 4 additional LIVE group sessions per week which are ALL designated for interactive coaching! Also, the agendas for the Kick-Start Presentations are always approximate since individual participant needs will always come first! We will vary according to the group’s specific composition and requests. Although the sessions are officially 90 minutes we ask people to leave a little extra time in case we need to go over to answer questions and/or resolve someone’s sticking points. You can access each session with a telephone OR a computer and a headset)
Bring Your Biggest Struggles with Food into the Light of
Day, So You Can Begin Formulating Strategies to Eliminate Them!
(Meet Your Inner Pig™ – For Real)
During the orientation, we’ll get to know one another by discussing the biggest struggles we each face with our own Inner Pigs™ AND our greatest hopes for transformation. Many people may find this initial go-around to be life changing in and of itself as they begin to recognize sneaky Pig Squeals™ in each other’s Pigs™ that they couldn’t hear in their own! (Please Note: Not everyone is comfortable with the term “Pig.” Some people use alternate monikers. This is perfectly fine and we will provide you with options. NO exercise in the entire workshop is required. You may choose not to participate in anything which makes you uncomfortable.)
- Discover why articulating your Pig’s biggest Squeals can immediately render them harmless…
- Meet like-minded people working the Never Binge Again philosophy. Strengthen your ability to recognize your Pig’s craziest arguments. Get support. Make potentially life-long friends who truly understand this way of life…
- See how common your Pig’s crazy arguments actually are! (Many people believe their Pig is uniquely powerful, cunning, and baffling. They therefore let it win. Putting the Pig’s cards squarely on the table can quickly put an end to that silly notion!)
Two Words Which Can Give You All the Freedom
AND Control You’ll Ever Need with Food!
(End Your Fear of “Never and Always”…Forever)
If you’re reading this, you probably already know Never Binge Again is a rules-based program. YOUR rules! Hearing your Inner Pig Squealing (and then ignoring it) requires crystal clear lines which define what is vs. what is not on our food plans. Yet many people are terrified of these rules, particularly when they take the form of Never and/or Always.
In this critical section we’ll eradicate the fear of Never and Always by reviewing the most common objections and quickly showing them to be nothing but more of the Pig’s deceptive Squeals. Even if you’re already relatively comfortable with the idea of Never and Always rules, this section will significantly strengthen your foundation and make it possible to more thoroughly nail your Pig’s Cage shut.
Real Time Refutations: The Most Critical Never Binge Again Skill for Overcoming Emotional Eating, Stress Eating… And Every Other Kind of Overeating! (Also known as “Calling Out the Pig™”)
Four years and hundreds of coaching sessions after the book was published we discovered a VERY powerful shortcut, difficult to describe in writing, but incredibly effective and efficient. We call it “Real Time Refutation™” and it can speed your recovery by a factor of ten!
In this very intriguing and critical section we will teach you to implement this shortcut in detail so you’re fully equipped and ready to fight the Pig the moment it strikes!
(The “Stop the Boomerang” Session – Provided
as a Recorded Bonus Video Presentation)
Binge Recovery Tactics: How to Easily Put the Pig Back in Its Cage (Even Smack Dab in the Middle of a Binge) So You Can Minimize the Damage and Get Back on Track Quickly
Perhaps the most important distinction between people who succeed on Never Binge Again and those whose Pigs defeat them is the willingness and ability to get back up if you happen to fall. Plus, winners do all they can to LEARN from the experience so they can “stop the boomerang” and truly Cage their Pigs!
- How to stop the Pig in its tracks the MOMENT you realize what’s happening so you can minimize the damage…
- Specific instruction on how to reverse engineer what happened during the “Pig Attack(tm)” so you learn everything you can from it (and use it to nail the Pig’s cage more tightly shut)
- Prevent the Pig from demoralizing and weakening your confidence and resolve after a Binge so you can get back on track quickly…
- See how to decide whether to resume on the same Food Plan you just broke vs. make modifications…
- What to do when you’ve broken ONE rule and your Pig has you utterly convinced you MUST break the rest…
- An unusual way to remember all the rules of your Food Plan BEFORE you take that first forbidden bite…
- Escape the most devastating Pig Squeal of all! (“Screw It, I Already Blew It”: It’s extremely difficult for most people to stop in the middle of a binge, even when they’re fully aware of what they’re doing and are well beyond the pleasure of those first few bites)…
- And how to get back on track after illness, injury, or ANY other interruption!
How to Construct a Food Plan That Won’t Drive You Over the Edge Like All Your Previous Diets, So You Can Achieve All Your Health Goals While Still Enjoying Food!
In this module we’ll review three critical variables which make for effective vs. ineffective Food Rules. These are things I’ve previously only been able to illustrate in the context of live conversations and coaching sessions. (Which is why this information is NOT in the book!)
For example, you’ll discover the important reason so many people have trouble complying with a well-intentioned “eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re full” rule. I’ll show you how to fix the problem with an uncommon (but simple) shift of mind! This information is NOT in the book.
This is the section where you learn to create a Food Plan which won’t drive you over the edge like all your previous diets. We’ll balance your health goals with personal freedom, avoid boxing you into a “food prison”, and show you how to be sure your Food Rules don’t cross the line into “Crazyville”
You’ll also learn how to keep it simple! As long as your Food Plan is easy to remember, unambiguous, and nutritionally complete you CAN make it work. Evaluate your plan against these three key criteria for simplicity, then revise until it meets them 100%. You’ll see how to balance taste vs. enjoyment with ALL your health goals, and I’ll show you how to decide which foods to regulate vs. eliminate.
Find an Unlimited Source of Internal Strength and
Motivation for Even Your Most Tempting Times!
(Easily handle your Pig even when it’s screaming the loudest)
“A man can tolerate any WHAT if he has a big enough WHY” – Victor Frankl
One of the BEST ways to become sick and tired of your Pig’s Squeals and maintain more permanent motivation to ignore them is to write down, amplify, and enhance your “Big Why” statement. Most people I’ve worked with can just barely articulate their motivation. In this module I’ll help you thoroughly ground yourself in the REAL reasons you want to stop Bingeing. From then on, everything your Pig says will seem pathetic!
- Paint a vivid picture of life without overeating…
- Discover the FULL vision of everything you can have in your future if you could only get the Pig out of the way…
- Visualize life without excess weight…
- Imagine the additional energy you’ll have…
- Find freedom from constant food thoughts and mental obsession with overeating…
- Consider how a life free of Pig Slop could improve your relationships with family, friends, and colleagues…
- Be a better role model for your children…
- Think about the clothing you could wear again! (For example, that little dress that’s been just hanging in your closet for WAY too long now)
- Improved social activities due to less fear of judgment…
- Better finances due to substantially less money spent on binge food…
- Career advancement due to more energy for work…
- The ability to participate in more physical activities with children, friends, and family…
- And much, much more!
How to Cage Your Pig Regardless of How Much Social Pressure and/or Family Conflict You Experience… No Matter How Much You Travel and/or Eat Out… and Despite How Little Free Time You May Have Available to Prepare and Plan Your Food!
(Succeeding with Travel, Restaurants, Family, Holidays, Children, and Non-Cooperative Life Partners)
Learn how to stay on track no matter what:
- Even if your entirely family has a break down over what you’re eating…
- Even if you’re on a 14 hour non-stop flight which gets stuck on the runway for an extra three hours…
- When you’re utterly surrounded by your favorite Holiday treats and everyone else is not only enjoying them but pressuring you to join them…
- Even when your children refuse to eat anything but sweetened cardboard…
- Even when your Pig says “we will never have this particular food again – this is our last chance – and it’s really really good!”…
- And even when the unexpected strikes!
The End of Emotional Eating
(How to Break the Emotional Response Cycle Which Seems to Lead You Into Binge Behavior)
- Understand real hunger vs. emotional hunger… and see how to STOP the Pig from using them both to undermine your eating. Learn to make more mindful food choices within the confines of your Food Plan! (It’s like sitting alone in a dark room & having someone walk in & switch on the light)
- What to do when the urge to Binge hits you like a ton of bricks, because you’re feeling sad and lonely…
- How to obliterate the Pig’s attempts to make you feel sorry for yourself after an injury so you will Binge…
- Escape the “Deprivation Trap”: Your Pig will inevitably suggest ANY food rule is too depriving to maintain. But did you know there’s more than one kind of deprivation? Understanding BOTH is the only way to make an informed and healthy decision…
- How to move beyond that lingering sense of doubt to confidently make your commitment…
- What to do when you truly believe food is the ONLY way to get satisfaction…
- Resist temptation around others eating your favorite treats (and how to gracefully decline their delicious offers)…
- Make better food choices when you’re idle or bored…
- The strange reason bingeing does NOT really alleviate grief, loneliness, or loss…
- How to stop eating sweets when you get off of work…
- Which nutrient rich foods can kill your incessant physical cravings…
- Three ways to intervene when every bone in your body says “it’s time for a little comfort food”…
- STOP using food as a reward! (Even when you’ve done enough exercise)
- Why overeating to numb, distract, soothe, or fill a void you haven’t yet confronted is completely unnecessary (and a MUCH smaller part of the binge than most people realize!)…
- The most common causes of “emotional eating”…
- Fulfilling strategies to feed your hunger (and nurture your soul)…
- Recognize and ignore the Pig’s efforts to make you think you “deserve” the extra food…
- Why there’s really no such thing as “self-medicating” with food, and how you SHOULD think of overeating in order to take back your control!
- PREVENT your Pig from winning the day after huge arguments with your boss, family, or friends…
- Stop yo-yo dieting, and break the binge-eating cycle by addressing the root cause…
- Develop confidence and free yourself from self-doubt around food! (You’ll also see how to free yourself from self-doubt in other areas of life!)…
- What to do when “coping skills” just aren’t enough…
- Stop food thoughts from hijacking your brain. (Eliminate the constant, nagging debate about what to eat, when to eat, what you weigh, and how you look)…
- WIN the battle between your ears! (Stop arguing with yourself about food all day so you can get on with your life. Eating doesn’t have to consume all your time, thoughts, and energy. It can just be something you confidently handle in the background)…
- Overcome obstacles, and make better decisions to support your hopes and dreams…
- Trust yourself more! Have more physical and emotional intimacy…
- What to do when “Aunt Flo” is right around the corner…
- How to move beyond that lingering sense of doubt to confidently make your commitment…
How to Completely Eliminate Those “Sneaky Little” Binges
and “Health Food” Binges Your Pig Says Are “No Big Deal”
- How to stop your Pig from convincing you “just a little” won’t hurt…
- Overcome the sneaky Squeal which says “You’re really good at putting me back in my Cage now, so how much harm could I really do?”
- Specific strategies to avoid giving into a “health food binge”…even when you’re still hungry. (Some people can even binge on water – this is the module where we expose the difficult-to-hear “healthy” Squeals that others in our environment might think were “harmless.”)
- Why every Binge is a VERY big deal, even if it’s only one micro-bite, taste, or swallow off your carefully constructed Food Plan…
How to Stop Procrastinating About “The Decision” to
Stop Overeating. Lock Your Pig In Its Cage No Matter
How Much It Squeals for You To Start “Tomorrow”
WARNING: “I know the answer…I only need to put it into practice”
is one of the biggest Pig Squeals you’ll ever face. (Learn
to overcome the “it’s too soon for me” Squeal)
- What to do when your weight has reached a new high, and you REALLY know it’s time to Cage the Pig!
- How to tell if you’re ready for the “hard line” approach in the book (and if ANYTHING else will ever work for you)…
- Getting started even if you have an anxiety disorder, depression, or other difficult feelings to contend with…
- Why it’s important to STOP over-planning, bite the bullet, and get your Pig under control…
- One weird trick to get started when you can’t quite bring yourself to do so…
- What if every time you fail you find it harder to re-start? Is that a good reason to put this off until you’ve got the PERFECT plan?
- Find out how to shut your Pig up, so you can finally really read and absorb the entire book!…
SESSION FOUR PART A: Adjusting Your Food Plan So You Can Achieve Minimum Friction Weight Loss and Reach Your Goal Weight
Here’s something which might come as a surprise to many of you – it’s entirely possible to Cage Your Pig indefinitely without losing weight. Yes, you’ll gain immense benefits – freedom from the obsession, a healthier body, mind, and soul. But when it comes right down to it, many (if not most) of us want to take off somewhere between a mountain and a mole-hill of extra pounds we packed on during our years of overeating!
- Why most people don’t lose weight at first…
- Simple adjustments you can make to start melting away the pounds…
- How to master the simple bathroom scale so it doesn’t become the bane of your existence. (HINT: Most advice you’ll read on the internet about how and whether to use the scale is wrong!)
- The “airplane” method for measuring progress…
- What cleaning up after yourself has to do with losing weight…
- How to choose a weigh-in frequency – if you should choose one at all!
- Six crazy things your Pig will say about the scale to support Binge behavior (and how to ignore them!)…
- The “Livingston Method” to stop yelling at yourself about your weight! (Note: It’s almost impossible to keep Bingeing if you refuse to yell at yourself)…
- Stop yo-yo dieting, and break the binge-eating cycle by addressing the root cause…
How to Use Never Binge Again to Eradicate Negative Thoughts, Achieve Your Goals, Maintain a Positive Attitude…and Thoroughly Enjoy Your Life!
See how successfully applying Never Binge Again to your Food Plan can be expanded to include virtually anything else you’d like to improve in your life, and why you won’t be able to stop yourself from doing so! See how to instantly stop the negative thoughts, and thoroughly open your mind to a new way of thinking. WIN the battle between your ears! (Stop arguing with yourself all day and just get on with your life. Negative thinking doesn’t have to consume your time, thoughts, and energy. It can just be something you confidently handle in the background)
Everyone at the workshop will have the opportunity to discuss any remaining objections, concerns, or Pig Squeals they are still having trouble ignoring while I work intensively to help them overcome it. Slam the door shut and keep it that way. (It’s actually a little bit like having a new super power – the ability to look at bad food and stay away!)
FREE BONUSES: Available nowhere else, these important trainings are immediately downloadable after you order the full program, and you may keep them even if you decide to ask for a refund. That’s just my way of saying “Thanks for giving it a try!”
to End Night Time EatingApproximately one year after the book was published, I started to notice a pattern with my personal coaching clients. There was ONE Pig Squeal which didn’t seem to yield to the Never Binge Again methodology for a significant number of people, with seemingly NO rhyme or reason. They’d apply the standard Never Binge Again approach, but when night time came, all bets were off. Their Pigs were like vampires, only coming out at night to feed! For months I just couldn’t figure it out because I’d personally solved the “Pig Vampire” problem along with all my other overeating problems in the exact same way.Yet there it was, over and over and over again. “Never Binge Again has tremendously improved everything about my eating EXCEPT at night” they would say, and I just couldn’t have that! So I zeroed in on the night time eaters in my practice. I carefully examined their patterns, the particular Pig Squeals that seemed to derail them at night, and any inklings of a solution they seemed to be approaching…I WAS SHOCKED TO DISCOVER ONE OVERWHELMING SECRET WHICH ALL MY NIGHT TIME EATERS HAD IN COMMON, particularly since they all vehemently denied it until I pointed it out repeatedly. In this FREE bonus you will discover:
- The VERY strange thing virtually ALL night time binge eaters have in common… and how knowing it can have a dramatic effect on your night time control! (WARNING: Most people vehemently deny this the first time I present it to them, but when I can get them to accept it, it almost always has a tremendous impact)…
- What to do at 10:30 PM when your Pig is telling you the pie and leftovers look mightily delicious…
- How to recover from a binge after midnight which lasts until the wee hours of the morning…
- Why you may be waking up in the middle of the night to shove something quickly into your mouth (with the idea that you need it to “get back to sleep”)…
- Putting “Pigula” back in its coffin when it tries to sneak out at night and feed, feed, feed!…
- One weird trick to find your willpower at night, even if you’re putting in 12 hour stints at work or school, and no matter how many times you’ve broken your best laid plans in the past…
- What if you just “freak out and can’t deal!?”
- The unusual way to combat the “you can’t throw THAT away” Squeal! (You know the one, where your Pig thinks your body is a garbage can designed solely for Slop and destined to be filled to the rim every time you make enough room)…
- Stop derailing from your best laid plans in the evening…
- Dozens of things you can do during the DAYTIME to help prevent the nighttime eating urge…
- And much, much more!
This was a truly a piercing insight which made a dramatic difference for not only these clients, but the people who viewed the 45 minute recording I created based upon it. And this is the ONLY place you can get it!
FREE BONUS #2: How to
Fall Madly in Love with
the Weight Loss Process!
Frustrated with how long weight loss is taking? What if you could turn that energy around and use it in your favor? In this dynamic one hour Webinar (available nowhere else but here) you’ll discover:
- What to do if you’re hardly losing weight despite sticking 100% to your Food Plan…
- One simple trick to turn frustration about slow progress into unstoppable motivation…
- The critical difference between “hard” vs. “impossible” (and why you need to know)…
- True or False?: Tracking and celebrating non-scale victories will help you drop inches in the long run…
- What the Pig does to derail you for years on end! (Hint: When you get sick and tired of it, do this)…
- Specific strategies to stop the Pig from beating you down about your day to day weigh-ins…
- How to persevere no matter what the scale says or how long it takes to lose weight…
- 9 serious problems with the “magic pill” approach to weight loss… and one simple thing you can do to prevent them…
- 8 non-scale victory areas you can focus on each and every day!
- And much, much more!
Available here (and only here) for immediate viewing upon purchase!
FREE BONUS #3: What to Do When You’re Too Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired (And It’s NOT What You Think!)
A very common theme in 12 step programs is the notion becoming too hungry, angry, lonely, or tired is a major contributor to addictive behavior. But you’ll be surprised to discover:
- The very unusual way to overcome the “just this once until whatever you’re going through is over” Squeal…
- Why meditation, exercise, walks in nature, and massage are helpful but NOT necessary to keep your Pig caged when you’re hungry, angry, lonely, or tired…
- The impact of being bored, stressed, and/or very upset…
- 11 ways your Pig can turn you into a “junk food vegan” when you’re hungry, angry, lonely, or tired (Why simply avoiding animal foods may not be sufficient at these times)…
- How even Never Binge Again beginners can stop stuffing food in without really enjoying it during stressful times…
- Putting the Pig back in its cage during HALT “emergencies”…
- 5 ways to manage loneliness without a massive Binge…
- What to do if you’re an “anxiety eater”…
- How to stop “eating at” people when you’re angry…
- The “Anti-Pig-Slop” solution for overwhelm and fatigue…
- Why “eat some Slop so you’ll have more energy to get through your day” is almost always a big hairy lie…
- Stupid things your friends, family, and colleagues will say to seduce you into overeating when you are HALT…
- The insidious relationship between anxiety, depression, and Pig Slop…
- Find out what to do when you’re lacking direction and feel like an aimless wanderer…
- How to get up if you DO fall down when you’re too hungry, angry, lonely, or tired…
- Stop the Pig from rendering you “unconscious”, “numbing you out”, and taking over your actions…
- What if you’re just too hungry to “eat all that salad and rabbit food”…
- The horrific problem with the “I deserve it” Squeal… and how to stop it in its tracks!
- Why “sleep feeding” is almost always a lie…
- 3 ways to stop compulsively going to your refrigerator…
- How to stop swallowing all your feelings…
- WARNING: Your Pig’s demands for comfort during difficult times will NOT comfort YOU! Discover 2 unusual ways to ignore these pleas…
- Managing your Fear of Failure (and Fear of Success!)
- Why the solution for night time eating can work for WEEKEND eating too!
- And much more!
Just like with the night time eating webinar, this is the ONLY place you can watch this important training.
FREE BONUS #4: Mindfulness
and Mindful Eating Training
(Note: Subject to removal at any time. If you are reading this text it IS available and will be delivered with your program – but please understand if you come back tomorrow and this text is gone, we will no longer be able to provide this bonus)
One of the most powerful arguments the Pig uses to prevent people from adopting a healthy food plan is the “But We Love Food WAY Too Much!” Squeal…
“We really love to eat” it says…
“It’s SUCH an important part of our lives. You just can’t take away the one thing you enjoy the most… you’d only create a boring, sad, SAD life for us both. Now let’s just stop this healthy eating nonsense and go get us some yummy Pig-Slop. Can we? Can we? Huh? PLEAZ??? Whoooopeee!!!” – Your Inner Pig(tm)
But what if there was a way you could enjoy eating healthy food MORE than your Pig’s favorite Slop…
More than Chocolate…
More than (gasp) Pizza…
(Which is not to say Chocolate and Pizza can’t be healthy for some people)…
Well there IS such a way…
It’s called Mindful Eating…
It takes a bit of practice, but once you employ it, eating a simple apple becomes a gastronomic experience like no other.
You’ll experience a symphony of tastes, textures and sensation, no type of junk food can match…
In fact, you’ll enjoy eating fruit and vegetables so much, you might actually wind up feeling guilty for it!
And…meals you eat mindfully not only taste ten times better, they can also calm your mind and dispel your anxiety…
But Mindfulness does a lot more than just make healthy food taste great…
It can work as an antidote for negative feeling and emotions too.
By practicing a very specific form of meditation called “mindfulness meditation” just a few minutes each day… you can make yourself dramatically more aware of just how silly your negative thoughts are…
Plus, the act of meditation allows your mind to rest and enjoy worry and stress free moments…
As those negative thoughts disappear…
While at the same time inoculating yourself against those negative thoughts and emotional patterns throughout the day.
That’s why we’re adding FOUR bonus recordings on Mindfulness and Mindful Eating to the program. This is over and above the four Never Binge Again Online Intensive sessions. The mindful eating bonus recordings will be delivered week by week concurrent with the online intensive sessions.
We are seriously considering separating these recordings out into a paid-for-separately product of its own. If you are reading this text then it IS available today and WILL be delivered along with your training if you purchase TODAY… but if you come back tomorrow and this text has disappeared, please understand we will no longer be able to offer it.
How to Beat the ‘You’ll Feel Too Deprived If You Try to Stop Eating or Moderate XYZ Food’ Pitfall
- Identifying your OWN specific deprivation trap (YOUR Inner Pig’s unique strategy to keep you overeating)…
- One simple trick to obliterate the “You’ll miss XYZ food too much if you stop binging on it (or moderate it)“…
- What you’re REALLY giving up by continuing to binge on any particular Slop vs. what your Inner Pig wants you to think!
- The critical difference between “hard” vs. “impossible” (and why you need to know)…
- True or False?: You can say goodbye to Conscious Pig Parties™ caused by “deprivation”…
- QUESTION: Can you prevent the Pig’s efforts at convincing you to binge because you’ll be too deprived… in advance? (Hint: The answer isn’t no!)…
- How to use a benefits journal to build your confidence and squelch the Pig’s incessant Squeals…
- One simple way to create a “pressure release valve” so the cravings don’t bother you so much…
- And much, much more!
You will NOT find this information in the book or our free forums. Yoav and I will go into more depth, and provide more valuable advice on this subtle-but-powerful nuance of the Never Binge Again method than you’ve seen before. (Note: This bonus subject to removal at any time. Like the above bonus, we are seriously considering moving this to a product of its own)
12 Ways to Beat the “Just Start
Again Tomorrow” Trap!
In this powerful one hour recording my business partner Yoav Ezer and myself discuss the giant Piggy lie “Just Start Again Tomorrow” which fools so many of our clients repeatedly. You might know one or two answers to this seductive Pig Squeal… but do you know all twelve? Sometimes that’s what it takes!
- Why the “Last Supper” Squeal is so deceiving (and what you can do about it!)…
- Stop your Pig from telling you to wait until after XYZ event to be good…
- You literally CAN’T start tomorrow… here’s why!
- What to do instead of taking “a day off” of your Food Plan to relieve the pressure…
- True or False?: You can ‘make up’ for one day of bad eating with one day of healthy eating…
- The secret meaning of “tomorrow” to the Lizard Brain…
- A scientific, peer reviewed research study which explains why “starting tomorrow” may actually be the WORST thing you can do for your weight, health, and mental well-being…
- One simple way to keep your word to yourself without willpower…
- Why giving the Pig an inch makes it take a mile…
- How to stop enduring literally hundreds of “first days” (which are the most difficult of all days in recovery!)
- The critical difference between planned vs. impulsive eating (no matter what is on your Food Plan!)…
- The “No More Twinkies” technique to stop turning your ship around in the wrong direction…
- And much, much more!
You will NOT find this information in the book or our free forums. Yoav and I will go into more depth, and provide more valuable advice on this subtle-but-powerful nuance of the Never Binge Again method than you’ve seen before. (Note: This bonus subject to removal at any time. Like the above bonus, we are seriously considering moving this to a product of its own)
Beating the “Just One Bite” Trap!
The Pig often combines the “Start Again Tomorrow” lie with the idea you can take “Just One Bite” for an extremely destructive one-two punch that leaves many clients reeling from massive binges. In this additional full-hour recording we discuss 12 ways to beat this vicious Squeal. Between having a dozen ways to beat the “start tomorrow” trap AND a dozen ways to squash the “just one bite” idea, your don’t ever have to fall for these destructive-but-seductive lies again!
- Why the “Just One Bite” Squeal is so deceiving in our modern world (and what you can do about it!)…
- Stop your Pig from telling you “it’s really just this one time!”
- True or False – One bite is a tragedy? And how to make yourself believe it!
- What’s REALLY behind the “just one bite” to “you already blew it so you might as well put everything you can find into your face now” phenomenon…
- How “one little bite” can cause you to lose faith in your Food Plan entirely!
- The critical impact of “just one bite” on your self esteem and ability to Cage Your Pig in the future!…
- WARNING: Consistency is everything! See why “just one bite” makes consistency impossible…
- Turn the Pig’s “just one bite” energy into an opportunity for self-love vs. self-harm (it’s like tai-chi – you use the Pig’s energy against it!)
- The “Potty Mouth Pig” – and how to fight it!
- And much, much more!
(Note: Bonus subject to removal at any time. Like the above bonus, we are seriously considering moving this to a product of its own)
- WHERE: The Four Online Immersion Sessions are Held LIVE Online. Access the calls via your computer and a headset OR a simple telephone. Or download the recorded sessions within 48 hours and watch at your convenience if you need to miss a session.
- WHEN: The NEXT Class will be held on four consecutive Mondays in January, 2022:
- SESSION #1: Monday, January 10th at 8:00 PM Eastern Time (“Day One”)
- SESSION #2: Monday, January 17th at 8:00 PM Eastern Time
- SESSION #3: Monday, January 24th at 8:00 PM Eastern Time
- SESSION #4: Monday, January 31st at 8:00 PM Eastern Time
- EVERY SESSION IS RECORDED AND MADE AVAILABLE FOR REPLAY WITHIN 24 HOURS – INCLUDING BOTH THE LECTURES AND THE LIVE SUPPORT GROUPS. Additionally, there are five LIVE support sessions EVERY week at all different times of day, night, and weekends in order to accommodate people in all different time zones around the world.
- IMPORTANT NOTE: If the date of the first session above has passed but it is still listed, that means we STILL HAVE ROOM. You can watch the recording of the first session (even the first two sessions) and be all caught up with everyone else in just a few days. And you’ll still get one full year of service from your date of purchase. (If the date of the first session listed above is in the future it means the previous enrollment period is full but you can book your spot in the next one.)
- The Email Accountability and LIVE Group Coaching Q&A Sessions begin Day Two and progress according to the schedule outlined previously. (Daily email coaching for the first 30 days, twice per week during month two, and once per week during months three through six. Live group coaching and Q&A 5x/week the first 30 days, 4x/week month two through twelve. Check your email immediately after booking for additional details and logistics.)
- The Mastery Challenge also begins on Day Two, and the second part is provided after 30 days. The challenge as a whole is designed to be completed in 45 days, but you can go more quickly (or slowly) as per your own schedule and desire. You can complete the challenge all the way through the end of month twelve, but the Full Length Consultation Coupons with Glenn Livingston, Ph.D. and Yoav Ezer, CEO are provided only to those who complete it by month six.
HERE’S WHO THIS IS NOT FOR: If you’re looking for someone to tell you losing weight is as easy as falling off a log, then this really isn’t what you’re looking for. There are dozens of programs out there promising you’ll lose 30 pounds in 30 days… but we’re NOT like that. We work very hard to instill confidence in your ability to stop binge eating, control yourself 100%, and find a new, peaceful and free relationship with food so you can stick to your plan and achieve your ideal weight slowly. (We find people desperate to drop weight quickly usually don’t take the time to eliminate their bingeing, food obsession, and cravings and therefore rebound back to an even worse situation after the weight comes off). And we PROMISE you’ll get more high-quality attention and guidance vs. any other similarly priced program on the market… or your money back!
But it does take a little time and persistence. And, you’ve got to be willing to do what it takes to get there. We’ll show you what we’ve found to be the right path up the mountain, and give you all the gear you need to climb it, but you’ve got to be willing to put one foot in front of the other until you reach the top. (You know that and we know that—so maybe it didn’t really need to be said—but the internet is a very big place, so this is for the sake of those few readers who might still be looking for that magical “get skinny pill” guarded by leprechauns and fairies “if you only know where to look”)
Immersing yourself with me and a group of fellow Never Binge Again enthusiasts LIVE for a full year, including the Mastery Challenge & Full Email Accountability to keep you focused, educational presentations, multiple LIVE group coaching calls each week, including those run by ME personally, and individual consultation coupons for full length sessions (including one with ME personally) is the best ways I can think of to help you come to terms with the problem and face it square on…in a safe environment with my help and the comfort of others facing the same issues. We’ll help you deal with outside challenges, get focused, stay focused, and learn to REALLY use that one “weird trick of mind” which has the potential to save your life.
So let me ask you a question…
How Much Would It Be Worth to Know for SURE You Had a Nutritious and Delicious Food Plan Perfect for Your Personal Needs, Dietary Beliefs, and Personal Lifestyle… PLUS a Virtually Fail-Proof System to Help You Overcome Cravings, Lose All the Weight You Wanted, and Keep It Off WITHOUT Driving Yourself Crazy?
How Much is Binge Eating Costing You in Real World Dollars and Sense?
(HINT: This Program May NOT Be a Cost for You But Rather Something That Puts Money Back in Your Bank Account!)
At this point you may be very excited about our program, but frightened you can’t afford it… even with the easy installment plan we provide. But did you ever stop to think how much binging and/or overeating is costing you in REAL WORLD DOLLARS AND SENSE? According to our research, you’ll probably going to be shocked:
How Much Are You Spending on Binge Food? The Answer Will Probably Shock You!
Our Average Reader Spends $4,320 Every Year on Binge Food
(A LOT more than our conservative $2,000 estimate at the top of this letter! Keep reading for the actual dollars and cents facts)
According to our reader survey, the average reader is spending a little more than $18 on a typical overeating episode and has a little more than TWENTY episodes per month.
Take a moment to breathe and take this in please, because that’s $375 per month or $4,320 per year!
And when you consider this amount is not spent for only one year, but EVERY year for the rest of your life, you begin to see just how much money is flying out the window (and into your mouth). The five-year value is $20,000+. I’ll stop there and leave you to calculate the ten-and-twenty-year values, so I don’t upset you too much.
But I do want you to know that while the AVERAGE reader is spending about $4,320 per year, approximately one in six readers were spending an average of $45+ per binge. If you’re among them, you’re losing $900/mo. That’s $10,800/yr! (Five-year value = $54,000)
Could it be worse? Unfortunately yes. One in twenty readers reported spending an average of $64+ per binge, which is $1,280 per month or $15,375 per year. (Five-year value = OUCH!)
SOURCE: 212 survey responses received from our reader email list. We asked people to check off a list of foods they typically overate, describe a typical overeating episode, and then provide the typical cost and frequency of such episodes. Then we simply did the math above. (We were shocked!)
And the above only considers the DIRECT costs of binge eating… how much you’re spending on Slop. It doesn’t account for all the nitty-gritty intangible costs of binge eating like:
- The value of recovering lost time and productivity from overeating. If you weren’t spending so many days sitting on the coach sweating off a binge, what projects might you undertake? Who might you connect with to further your business, career, or even all those undone little projects around the house?
- What it’s worth to be more present for your children, spouse, and family, and to know you’re being a good role model for your loved ones?
- To be able to roll around on the floor with your children (or grandchildren) and engage in making active memories doing things like hiking, walking, or just being outside in nature…
- To feel confident in your ability to live the balance of your life without the scourge of binge eating hanging over you day in and day out?
Plus, even if this money doesn’t wind up in your bank account when you stop binging because you spend it on other things like vacations, cars, or even movies and video games for your kids…wouldn’t it have an infinitely better impact on your life?
Last, if, like me, you’ve truly struggled with this horrible affliction for years (or even decades), your eating is truly the lynch pin of your life. Without eating well it’s not only your finances that suffer, but EVERYTHING in your life. Your relationships. Your parenting. Your work. Your mood. Your home. Your energy. Your ability to think positive. EVERYTHING!
But once you’ve solved the problem, you’ll have a completely different life. There’s really NO comparing life without vs. with binging.
So, in my not-so-humble opinion, when your Pig says “We can’t afford to do this” you should turn around and shout “We can’t afford NOT to!” Because even if you cut the costs of binge eating in half to be conservative, I’ll bet my left-kidney you’ll still see the costs far outweigh what you’ll pay us for the program! And remember, you can refund the program if you don’t get the results you want in the very first month (details in guarantee section), so if you don’t dramatically reduce your binging, you won’t be out a single dime. Therefore, the numbers above should represent REAL dollars and sense in your life!
Plus, if you compare our program costs to other alternatives like the $25,000 some people spend on eating disorder programs, the tens of thousands of dollars others spend on long-term therapy and counseling, what you can save on medical bills by potentially preventing diet-related illnesses like diabetes, heart attacks, and strokes, not to mention the physical pain and personal tragedies you can avoid by eating healthier, it really becomes a no-brainer.
But because I want to help as many people as possible your investment will be…
As Low As Seven Easy Installments of $99.95
(Or save approximately $100 by paying in two installments)
ALSO NOTE: To maintain our ability to provide quality coaching, attendance is limited and we might need to close the doors before the start date of the next class (stated below). While we would let everyone in if we could, we unfortunately have to ensure everyone can get the attention they deserve. (Coach to client ratios are very important to us.)
From the bottom of my heart to the bottom of yours… I know you CAN do this! Won’t you let me help you?
Get the Accountability, Support, and Information You Need to Make Never Binge Again Into More Than Just An “Aha Moment… Make It Time To Make It Your Default Way Of Thinking!
ENROLLMENT IS EXTREMELY LIMITED: Since the new format includes a massive amount of personal and group support, we are (at the time of this publication) limiting the number of students in a class, and reserve the right to close enrollment at any time. We are working on increasing our coaching capacity and will update this number as we see we can serve more with quality…but in the meantime, if you are unable to secure a spot, we will place you on a waiting list. We apologize in advance for the inconvenience. Secure your space by clicking one of the blue links above. (Check the box below first to agree to the terms and conditions)
The Story of The Master Coaching Team
- All Master Coaches Have Used the Never Binge Again Method to Help Them Recover from Their Own Serious Eating Struggles! I’ve found the best coaches are those who feel Never Binge Again have saved their own lives. It’s only through having used the method to recover from their own serious eating struggles that people seem to develop the empathy and understanding required to help others implement it successfully. So I recruit all my Master Coaches from within.
- We Meet Regularly to Solve Problems and Share Insights: We hold regular meetings to report on what’s happening, share insights and observations, and overcome sticking points. Plus, all Master Coaches are encouraged contact me and/or each other in the event they need help between sessions. I find these very special people are often teaching ME things I wouldn’t have discovered on my own!
- All Master Coaches on the Team Go Through a Rigorous Training Program: At this juncture I require all coaches on the team to have trained with me directly before I allow them to work with our clients.
- We Favor Those with Previous Human Service Experience: Finally, I’ve found people who’ve had previous experience in either coaching, teaching, or some type of professional practice are the ones who can create the real magic