Gangaji – Living A Fulfilled Life Now

$60.00$297.00 (-80%)

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Together, we will learn how to stop the internal wars and be fully present to living a realized life – a life that includes all and discovers spacious peace everywhere.


Author: Gangaji



Gangaji – Living A Fulfilled Life Now

Gangaji - Living A Fulfilled Life Now

Check it out: Gangaji – Living A Fulfilled Life Now

Gangaji, an internationally renowned teacher and author, is dedicated to the
recognition of peace and freedom inherent in the core of all being.

Over the course of seven video teaching sessions she shares her essential realization and self-discovery, and offers deep guidance for your realization of lasting peace and fulfillment.

Get a taste of Gangaji’s essential teachings now:

Your day-to-day life is your spiritual path.

But if you’re like most people, you fall into a fundamental spiritual trap: segmenting aspects of your life and self, then initiating and perpetuating unnecessary wars between those aspects.

During this course, Gangaji will guide you to bring into focus the deepest possibility for your life as you walk the razor’s edge of your divinity and humanity.

What is really happening when your emotions are raging and your thoughts are spinning?

How do you reconcile political, social and family responsibility and personal spirituality?

And how do you face your idealizations of how you think you should feel, and what you think you should do, with how you actually feel and what is actually happening?

Gangaji will guide you to look deep within for the answers to these questions and to experience yourself as you truly are.

Together, we will learn how to stop the internal wars and be fully present to living a realized life – a life that includes all and discovers spacious peace everywhere.

During this 7-module journey, together with Gangaji, we will explore:

  • How to directly experience the causeless fulfillment at your core and embrace the responsibility that naturally arises within you
  • How it is we go to war with ourselves and others, and how we can stop the war at any stage
  • What it means to free yourself from comparison, put down the measuring stick and discover what is always immeasurable
  • The true capacity of your heart to face all emotional and mental storms
  • What it means to be both fulfilled and responsible in relationship
  • The possibility of living freely and authentically
  • The possibility of trusting yourself as who you truly are

Course Overview
Module 1: What is Fulfillment? What is Responsibility?

Being a limited form of expression, language can pose a particular challenge as you move from a concept of fulfillment to the direct experience of fulfillment.

In our first gathering, together with Gangaji, we will explore:

What is really meant by fulfillment and responsibility
Directly experiencing the causeless fulfillment at your core
Embracing the responsibility that naturally arises within you
Module 2: How We Start and Perpetuate the War)

Every war, internal or external, has a build up to a starting point. And in the midst of every war that has been started, there is an ever-present choice point to end it.

What can you do when you don’t know “how it got started” and you remain lost in the battle? Together with Gangaji, we will explore:

The initial and final stages of how we go to war with ourselves (and in the world)
How we can stop the war at each stage
Module 3: The Trap of the Measuring Stick

One of the many powers of the thinking mind is the power of comparison. While the power to compare is enormously useful for thesurvival of the individual person and the whole human species, it also becomes one of the greatest obstacles on your spiritual path.

In this meeting, together with Gangaji, we will explore:

The great experiment of putting down the measuring sticks
What is both always here and always immeasurable
Module 4: Facing Emotional and Mental Storms

We naturally desire more bliss and less despair. We naturally prefer more clarity and less confusion. But we can also see that our avoidance of some emotional and mental states and the grasping of others, leads us to suffer unnecessarily. What happens when we are willing to experience it all?

In this meeting, together with Gangaji, we will explore:

How we avoid some states and grasp for others
What happens when we are willing to experience it all
What is the true capacity of the heart
Module 5: Relationship

One of the great opportunities for deepening on the spiritual path is relationship. Mother, brother, lover, teacher… who are we to each other?

In this meeting, together with Gangaji, we will explore:

What it means to be both fulfilled and responsible in relationship
How we can penetrate the illusion of separation to see the deepest truth of our relationships
The power of projection and its role in our day-to-day relationships
Module 6: How Will Your Life Be Used?

When we are willing, each of us has the possibility to live in alignment with the truth of our being. We have the choice to live freely, authentically and responsibly.

In this meeting, together with Gangaji, we will explore:

What it means to live authentically and freely
What choices we have to rebel against or surrender to in any particular role or circumstance
Module 7: Trust Yourself

To trust yourself is to step outside all ideas of how you think you should be and experience yourself as you truly are. To allow yourself to be as you are is the end of the spiritual search, the end of the path. No ledges, no concepts, no holds, just free falling. Finally, who you are is all that is needed, and all that is here. Are you ready to trust that?

In our final meeting, Gangaji will take us through this gateway to… peace

Bonus #1: “The Invitation” Audio with Gangaji

“You have the capacity to live a lucid, clear, and authentic life. If for one instant your attention is withdrawn from the physical, mental, or emotional story of your life, you will know yourself as clarity, as spaciousness.”

Have you looked everywhere for fulfillment? In relationships, spirituality, health, self-image? Have you found what matters most? At the very heart of Gangaji’s message is the simple yet radical invitation to stop looking outside yourself for resolution, and simply be willing, just in this moment, to see what is already here.

This compilation of crystalline monologues is the encouragement, the support, and the inspiration to finally accept the invitation of your soul’s deepest longing. Beyond any belief about yourself, closer than any joy or sorrow, more immediate than either sickness or health, is the endlessly fulfilling truth of who you are. Welcome in.

Bonus #2: “Beyond Practice” Audio with Gangaji

“The desire for true freedom, the desire for real fulfillment, paradoxically can finally only be realized if you don’t do anything for its realization.”

Ironically, a spiritual practice can become the obstacle to self-realization. In this compilation, Gangaji addresses the topics of meditation and practice, when they are useful and when they are a hindrance. Her invitation is to stop every effort toward what you think will give you truth and peace so that truth and peace can naturally reveal themselves in your heart.

Bonus #3: “Revealing Strategies of Ego” Audio with Gangaji

“Mind, ego, superego have the power of great imitation. What cannot be imitated is the vastness of being.”

The voices of the ego and superego are an illusion in the mind, and yet they can consume our attention and direct our choices in life. Their often-tortured opposition to each other gives rise to a myriad of strategies and battles in the mind.

In this compilation, Gangaji supports you in identifying the false voices of ego and superego. When examined with discriminating wisdom, both the inflated and the deflated ego serve to reveal the pristine truth that is untouched by the conditioned mind. This essential revelation is the gateway to living a life that gives full attention to the truth of being rather than the common perpetuation of the internal and external war of the egos.

About Gangaji

Gangaji shares a simple message: This is an invitation to shift your allegiance from the activities of your mind to the eternal presence of your being.

Born in Texas in 1942, Gangaji grew up in Mississippi. After graduating from the University of Mississippi in 1964, she married and had a daughter. In 1972, she moved to San Francisco where she began exploring deeper levels of her being. She took Bodhisattva vows, practiced Zen and Vipassana meditation, helped run a Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Center, and had a career as an acupuncturist in the San Francisco Bay area.

Despite her successes, Gangaji continued to experience a deep and persistent longing for fulfillment. She pursued many paths to change her life including relationship, motherhood, political activism, career, and spiritual practice, but even the greatest of her successes ultimately came up short. In the wake of her disillusionment, she made a final prayer for true help.

In 1990, the answer to her prayer came unexpectedly, taking her to India and to the meeting that would change everything. There on the banks of the river Ganga, she met Sri H.W.L. Poonja, also known as Papaji, who opened the floodgates of self-recognition. In this meeting Gangaji’s personal story of suffering ended and the promise of a true life began to flower and unfold.

Today, Gangaji travels the world speaking to seekers from all walks of life. A teacher and author, she shares her direct experience of the essential message she received from Papaji and offers it to all who want to discover a true and lasting fulfillment.

Through her life and words, she powerfully articulates how it is really possible to discover the truth of who you are and to be true to that discovery. She is the author of Hidden Treasure: Uncovering the Truth in Your Life Story, The Diamond in Your Pocket: Discovering Your True Radiance and Freedom & Resolve: The Living Edge of Surrender.

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Gangaji - Living A Fulfilled Life Now

Gangaji - Living A Fulfilled Life Now

$60.00$297.00 (-80%)

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