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Fury – SAGA – A Master Class – Listening to Your Inner Storytelling Voice
$30.00$62.00 (-52%)
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Yeah I forget to tell you. I’m giving it all away. All I know. Honestly, I’ve been at this thing, this writing gig, this art of storytelling. This noble pursuit of being the ultimate wordsman.
Category: Internet Marketing
Tags: A Master Class, Fury, Listening to, SAGA, SAGA - A Master Class - Listening to Your Inner Storytelling Voice, Storytelling Voice, Your Inner
Fury – SAGA – A Master Class – Listening to Your Inner Storytelling Voice
Check it out: Fury – SAGA – A Master Class – Listening to Your Inner Storytelling Voice
*Come closer*
Let’s begin.
Let me tell you a story.
Let me tell you about
You’ve been struggling with writing
You think writing is reserved for elite, or *gifted* people
You procastinate constantly on your writing
You experience heavy sessions of *writer’s block*
Finally, you don’t know what the difference between mere writing and STORYTELLING is.
If any of the above is you, don’t worry, I got you covered…
SAGA is the only masterclass on writing and storytelling you will EVER need.
SAGA is broken down in FOUR ACTS.
Here’s What You MASTER:
📜 ACT I — The Premiere
- The Number ONE thing ALL writers get wrong – Hint: It’s not what you think, but intuitively it FEELS right
- A Storyteller Mindset
- Demystifying The Writer’s Myth
- TWENTY ways to Overcome Procrastination + Break Writer’s Block
- How to Cultivate SUBLIME CONFIDENCE in your Storytelling Capabilities
📜 ACT II — The Skeleton Beneath the Skin
- Understanding how Readers, and Your Audience Think
- Passing The Airport Test – Readers Give you Less than 5 seconds chance to purchase your story, switching planes on a layover…
- How to HOOK your reader from the first word, and never let go. Until the last.
- How to UTTERLY DOMINATE The Art of The First Line…most don’t even know where to begin with this, or will never master this. There’s a sublime art in polishing a fine first sentence most will never dream of achieving.
- 4 Case Studies of Excellent First Lines
- How to Adopt The First Reader Principle and get into the shoes of your reader, to always craft the Perfect Story.
- 3 Way to Properly Outline ANY Story.
- Never Edit Again.
- How use YOUR OWN Unique Thing, which is the internal motor of your story, and makes it propel all on its own.
Yeah I forget to tell you. I’m giving it all away. All I know. Honestly, I’ve been at this thing, this writing gig, this art of storytelling. This noble pursuit of being the ultimate wordsman.
For over a DECADE.
Yup. 10 years. But it’s good news for you. It’s time for me to pass the mantle.
You’re getting it all.
I’ve been secretly supplying my divine nectar – SAGA – to a Test Audience
He send me a frikking VIDEO on Instagram of a Painter SPLASHING HEAVY AMOUNTS of Paint on a blank canvas. The VEHEMENSLY IMPACT of my words did that to him, he associated my Storytelling with ART. No laurels could be higher than that.
*end intermezzo*
Now, I got WAY more for you coming up. This is the last Two ACTS you Master…I promise…
📜 ACT III — Style
- How To Master The Comma Like Hemingway and Kafka
- How to Create a BEAT in your prose – yup, you heard that right. We’re jumpstarting your Story. Making it come ALIVE. VIVID and Vibrant.
- How to set the perfect mood for your story, derived from music theory
- How to select words with caution, to speed, OR slow…down…your story as needed
- Master MOMENTUM – this is where most writers fail. I will show you the keys to mastering the speed of your storytelling.
- LISTENING TO YOUR INNER STORYTELLING VOICE – why if you can talk, you can write
- The Four Fundamentals of Story: Scenery, Plot, Dialogue, and Character
- Mastering True Dialogue: This is perhaps the ultimate writer’s test. Here most fail. You can either write dialogue, or you can’t.
- The ULTIMATE SUSPENSION HACK. A ingrained psychological effect that plays a heavy role in our brains. The CHEMICAL reason why we crave mystery, and HOW to utilize this Trick – to make your audience be on the edge of their seat, cling to each and EVERY word of yours.
Honestly, this trick alone is worth the price. Fuck, can’t believe I’m giving my ultimate weapon away. But like I said, I’m turning the page, it’s your turn now. Your turn to write your SAGA.
📜 ACT IV — The Cave
- The underlying Two Stories ALL stories that were EVER made are based upon. Yes, there are only two.
- 10+ Archetypes which house in every story, and has been for the EONS.
- Understanding why we as humans inherently crave storytelling and fantastic narratives, dating back from a Pre-Homer Oral Tradition, all the way to this very moment.
- The Whisper of Legends