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Entheos Academy – How to Parent Through Toddlerhood (Years 1-4) with Carrie Contey
$20.00$55.00 (-64%)
Module 4 – Set Clear Boundaries – In this phase of development your little person is exploring the world and needs your help to know the limits. This module guides you in setting those limits clearly, firmly, kindly and in ways that support their unfolding.
Entheos Academy – How To Parent Through Toddlerhood (Years 1-4) with Carrie Contey
Check it out: Entheos Academy – How to Parent Through Toddlerhood (Years 1-4) with Carrie Contey
On Toddlerhood Course Summary
Module 1 – Get Clear and Practice – And away we go! This module gets you prepared for experimenting with new ideas and new information. Plus it gives you several tricks and tools you can use right away with your little One.
Module 2 – Understand Human Development – In this module you are introduced to a whole new way of thinking about young child, human development and parenting. This perspective sets the foundation for everything we explore in subsequent modules.
Module 3 – Learn About The Growing Brain – Massive growth is taking place in this phase of life and your child’s brain is expanding in miraculous ways. This module gives you a clear understanding of what’s taking place, how it influences your child’s behavior and how you can effectively parent in the midst of these profound changes.
Module 4 – Set Clear Boundaries – In this phase of development your little person is exploring the world and needs your help to know the limits. This module guides you in setting those limits clearly, firmly, kindly and in ways that support their unfolding.
Module 5 – Address Annoying Behaviors – Kicking, spitting, screaming, melting down…a normal part of toddlerhood. This module offers you a practical understanding of why your child acts in ways that are challenging and what you can do when it happen.
Module 6 – Practice Impeccable Self-Care – Your emotional state sets the tone for the entire family. In this module you learn ways to keep your cool when things heat up and how to stay steady no matter what your little growing person is experiencing.
Module 7 – Foster Empathy and Connection – In family life, empathy is an extreme stabilizing force. It creates ample opportunities for connection and gives your child a deep sense of emotional safety. This module helps strengthen this important muscle which will serve you as a parent now and down the road.
Module 8 – Navigate the Road Ahead – This module integrates all of the learning from this course and provides you with ideas, tools and inspiration for going forward as a thoughtful and equipped parent.
On Toddlerhood Bonuses
Bonus Module: Navigating Meltdowns
Get immediately download Entheos Academy – How to Parent Through Toddlerhood (Years 1-4) with Carrie Contey
It seems like she’s throwing tantrums all the time. If feels like he’s crying over the silliest things. Is this normal? And what can I do about it?
Yes, it’s completely normal and when you understand the science of emotional regulation, brain development and early learning you very quickly realize that this is a necessary and often inevitable part of toddlerhood and early childhood.
This bonus module will give you an understanding of:
Why meltdowns happen so frequently in this phase of life
Why crying and expressing strong emotions are a part of healthy human development
How you can help your little ones in the midst of big emotions
How you can minimize the frequency of tantrums and meltdowns
On Toddlerhood Q & A Download
Over the last three years I’ve received and thoughtfully answered hundreds of questions from participants in my year long program, Evolve, about early parenting. I’ve compiled a list of the Top Ten that are specific to Toddlerhood that will help you navigate specific scenarios during this extraordinary and sometimes challenging phase of life.
Here are some of the topics addressed in the bonus On Toddlerhood Q+A download you’ll receive for enrolling in the course:
What to do with your child’s aggressive behavior
Navigating school drop offs with ease
How to create a joyful meal time experience
Potty training challenges: keeping them on track
How to deal with sibling fighting
And much more!