Talmadge Harper – Freedom From Addiction
Listen before you go to bed, at least once a day for 2 weeks. Most people say results happen within the first week
$10.00$29.97 -
Talmadge Harper – Ultra Depth Relaxation 5.0
Just listen once a day when you are free of distractions for at least everyday for a week.
$35.00$97.00 -
Talmadge Harper – Explosive Muscle Mass The Juice
day however do not listen while on youtube or facebook. Do not watch any pornography while listening. Choose the one you want to listen to or listen to them both.
$11.00$49.00 -
Talmadge Harper – Unreal Series. The Spirit Molecule
I find that the most common complaint with people is that they want “deeper” access to their powerful mystical and hypnotic states which gives them peace, euphoria, and understanding.
$35.00$97.00 -
Talmadge Harper – Unreal Series. Limitless IQ – Beyond Mensa
Because of the nature of this product, I recommend you have a solid foundation in Trifecta of Power, Absolute Courage, and Unleash your Infinite Power.
$35.00$97.00 -
Talmadge Harper – Unreal Series. Energy Manipulation
Any limitations on your ability to manipulate energy will be removed. The way this mp3 manifests with each individual depends on what the person can handle.
$35.00$72.75 -
Talmadge Harper – Rejuvenating Super Sleep
It is VITAL that you use a high quality pair of ear buds or headphones. Cheap three-dollar ear buds or headphones are not capable of capturing all the isochronal tones and subliminals.
$20.00$37.48 -
Talmadge Harper – Unconscious Competence And Mastery
I realize now though I was wrong and like any tool it’s the user not the tool. We are at a time now where people need to quickly acquire and master new skills. Its VITAL especially now.
$35.00$97.00 -
Talmadge Harper – Unreal Series
This product is one of a kind and it is based on Neville Goddards teachings combined with the input from a our resident psychic with a 100% Edgar Cayce type accuracy rate with clients.
$35.00$97.00 -
Talmadge Harper – Sophia’s Pleasure Garden
Sophia’s Pleasure Garden Without Music – Highly Advanced, isochronal, binaural subliminal to induce a lucid dreaming time experience or waking dream experience or waking dream experience of erotic delight
$10.00$40.00 -
Talmadge Harper – Dark Aphrodite 3.0
You will be sent an access code to login a website to for the online Dark Aphrodite Program. This consists of constantly updated mp3s , online diary blog and online skype hypnosis and the Art of the Mind Doll book.
$16.00$56.00 -
Talmadge Harper – Enhancement Subliminals
Instant download of Male Enhancement MP3 (45 minutes long), special enhanced isochronal subliminal with soothing background featuring Sophia
$11.00$30.00 -
Talmadge Harper – The Wealth Vibration
A subliminal download MP3 you can listen to before going to bed (45 minutes long). Listen while working or leave it playing while you fall asleep. This MP3 features the latest in high end technology. It is a triple layered subliminal with isochronal tones and a Schumann frequency.
$12.00$29.90 -
Talmadge Harper – Free From Premature Ejaculation
Listen before you go to bed, at least once a day for 3 weeks. Most people say results happen within the first week. You can also listen during the day. However, do not listen while watching videos or on social media. Do not watch any pornography while listening.
$12.00$29.97 -
Talmadge Harper – Inner Golf Genius Subliminal
Every customer gets lifetime email consultation. Simply send me an email and I will help you with any concerns.
$15.00$30.00 -
Talmadge Harper – The Online Marketing Guru
Listen before you go to bed, at least once a day for 3 weeks. Most people say results happen within 1-7 days.
$15.00$30.00 -
Talmadge Harper – Master of Manifesting
Listen before you go to bed, at least once a day for 2 weeks. Most people say results happen within 1-7 days.
$15.00$39.97 -
Talmadge Harper – The Pickup Artist
Listen before you go to bed or relaxed, at least once a day for 2 weeks. Most people say results happen within the first two weeks.
$15.00$29.97 -
Talmadge Harper – Trifecta Of Power Self Love, Self Worth, And Self Acceptance
A rural environment has different lifestyles compared to an urban metropolis.
$50.00 -
Talmadge Harper – Alpha Protocol 4 Platinum Extreme Pheromone Attraction
Enhanced incorporation of the gorgeous pill to increase your looks and appearances