Keti Sharif And Sam Nascimento – NEW Silver Shimmies Somatic Bellydance
Each week we begin the class with a specific focus on each of the six levels of ‘total body connectivity’, so you will learn more about Somatics for wellbeing.
$20.00$60.00 -
Tomlin Leckie – Introduction to Improvisation eCourse – New
Playing the Blues Scale With Interesting Rhythms over Fast Swing in G (2:42)
$35.00$97.00 -
Brianna Battles – 8 Week Postpartum Athlete Training Program (NEW)
Your strength in strategy and movement has been built over the course of 6 weeks
$35.00$99.00 -
TechSmith Camtasia 2021
Take separate Snagit images and combine them into one, organized piece of content. Perfect for step-by-step instructions, how-to guides, documentation, and more.
$90.00$299.00 -
TechnicalGods FX Academy, Advanced Forex Education
Retail traders get slaughtered in the financial markets. TechnicalGods focuses on teaching you how to effectively trade alongside the big money banks, institutions, and hedge funds.