James Tripp – Hypnosis Without Trance Online Deep Apprenticeship par 1
A place for hypnotists and hypnosis explorers to become the most magical, adaptive and impactful mind-movers and experience creators they can be!
$60.00$420.00 -
James Tripp Rapid Induction Rituals
When you know what you are doing and you understand how hypnosis really works, rapid inductions can become one of the easiest pieces of hypnosis to do!
$50.00$112.00 -
James Tripp – Self-Hypnosis and Personal Alchemy
Over 14 hours of concentrated material exploring skills, understandings and developmental exercises…
$45.00$150.00 -
James Tripp – Hypnosis Without Trance – Changework Applications
Firstly… Are you aware that most hypnotherapists are routinely recruited by their clients problems, and as such,often make them worse?
$40.00$139.00 -
James Tripp Fundamentals of Non Verbal Influence
Because if you cant gain trust, if you cant establish connection if you cant communicate authority, you lack gravitas and presence and cant lead the dynamic in terms of focus, emotion and vibe
$35.00$97.00 -
James Tripp – Smoking Cessation Mindshifts
There is a lot of material covered in this program! If you like specific details…
$35.00$95.00 -
James Tripp – No Fail Protocol
Now this is totally great, and what every hypnotist dreams of (until they can actually do it!), but what I have found is that the vast majority of those I have spoken to are so often held back from going for it by simple anxiety about failure…
$30.00$135.00 -
James Tripp – The Fundamentals of Non-verbal Influence
Hypnosis Without Trance The Fundamentals of Non-Verbal Influence. Moving minds and creating impact through how you move, express and generally show up of all the elements that comprise influential communication. The Non-Verbal elements are easily the most important!
Author: James Tripp
$30.00$97.00 -
James Tripp – The Freestyle Mindshifter’s Toolkit
The Freestyle Mindshifter’s Toolkit. A 5 part online training for developing the skills and understanding to imporvise powerful, personalised changework
Author: James Tripp
$20.00$87.00 -
James Tripp – Transforming Realities with The Tetralemma
The above videos and information are good to get the overall gist and philosophy, but if you like specific details…
$19.00$99.00 -
James Tripp – Beyond the Subtle Fears
sense already of what I’m pointing to. So instead I’d like to unpack it a little with you instead.
$17.00$97.00 -
James Tripp – Hypnosis Without Trance HomeStudy Program
With the Hypnosis Without Trance Hypnosis Mastery Programme you can become an impactful hypnotist, hypnotising with confidence, style and precision…
Author: James Tripp