Barron Cruz – Vocal Power And Tonality
Why you should slow down when you talk, even though you’re scared to sound like an idiot
$85.00$499.00 -
Barron Cruz – The Quick and Witty Comeback Bootcamp
The 11 Core Comebacks that make up the centerpeice of the Quick & Witty Comeback System
$40.00$147.00 -
Barron Cruz – Mature Man’s Dating Program
when dating women. If you are bitter or resentful from a recent break up, it can be easy to abuse the power that comes with the program.
$35.00$97.00 -
Barron Cruz – The Social Invincibility Program
I invite you to take the first step, and allow me to personally walk you through “The Social Invincibility Program.”
$32.00$87.00 -
you “permission” to not only continue to act in these high status ways, but act even more confidently.
$30.00$87.00 -
Barron Cruz – BEAST
“…worth way more than the price and will stay with me for the rest of my life.” – J.N.
$20.00$47.00 -
Barron Cruz – Become BEAST With College Girls
From what he’d heard, the was expecting to immediately be dumped into a campus town with an unlimited supply of girls who are 9’s and 10’s, AND at the drop of a hat are ready to hook up and date him.