Louis Cozolino – The Neuroscience of Human Relationships
Technical advances now provide more windows into our inner neural universe and terms like attachment, empathy, compassion, and mindfulness have begun to appear in the scientific literature.
$10.00$27.00 -
Pat Ogden – Sensorimotor Psychotherapy. Body Oriented Therapy Techniques for Trauma and Attachment
Manual – Sensorimotor Psychotherapy (681.4 KB) 18 Pages Available after Purchase PESI Virtual Summit: Lessons Learned (911.9 KB) 12 Pages Available after Purchase
$15.00$59.99 -
Emily Nagoski – Sex Desire And Attachment – New Science And Strategies to Transform Couples’ Sex Lives
Emily Nagoski has been hailed by Sue Johnson, Ed.D, developer of Emotionally Focused Therapy as “a breath of fresh air in the sex and relationship field.”
$50.00$219.00 -
Terry Levy – Trauma And Attachment – Effective Treatment Strategies for Helping Challenging Clients
You will learn effective assessment and therapeutic techniques for children, adults and couples, based on the latest research in neurobiology, trauma and attachment therapy, and resilience.
$50.00$219.00 -
Bessel van der Kolk – Bessel van der Kolk on the Neurobiology and Treatment of Trauma and Attachment
You’ll return to your clinical work with new knowledge of the impact of trauma on the brain and nervous system, along with mind-body treatment approaches that can rewire the trauma response and help your clients reclaim their lives.
$85.00$439.99 -
Mark L. Beischel – Attachment and Emotional Regulation
This recording will address crucial issues relating to the neurobiological and cognitive bases of emotional regulation; how regulatory strategies are developed and used across the lifespan