Marketing Analytics Pricing Strategies and Price Analytics
You’ve found the right Marketing Analytics: Pricing Strategies course
$55.00$199.99 -
Copyhackers – Analytics for Copywriters
Before They Come to Your Site: Measuring Lead Generation. 2.1.2: After They Come to Your Site: 3 Reports to Better Understand How & Where You’re Generating Leads
$50.00$197.00 -
Acumen – Prasad Setty of Google on People Analytics
You can use this book to help supplement your study and get through this Python course
$50.00 -
Michael Sanchez – 30 Day Challenge
Introduction: What to expect the next 30 Days (5:37)
$45.00$199.00 -
Scala: A Big Data Framework – Apache Spark 2.0
Learn Apache Spark 2.0 with Scala in Detail: A Complete Guide for Saprk and Scala.
$35.00$97.00 -
San Jose, California – (Keynote) – Strata Hadoop World 2016
Thinking like a Bayesian – Julia Galef (Center for Applied Rationality) 00:14:01
$25.00$60.00 -
Advanced Analytics – Transform Big Data into Intelligent Action
Note: You can find other Cloud Roadshow courses on MVA by searching Cloud Roadshow.
$20.00$40.00 -
Adriaan Brits – AdWords and Analytics Remarketing
Along the way, Adriaan introduces you to best practices and tips for optimizing your efforts, increasing ROI, and creating more efficient campaigns.