Tom – Daygame Pickup Girls Everywhere 2.0


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The book contains a complete guide to the London Daygame Model. It will get you through your first approach ever. It also offers a lot of useful tips and tricks, as well as some intermediate tactics to make your daygame more efficient.


Tom – Daygame Pickup Girls Everywhere 2.0

Tom - Daygame Pickup Girls Everywhere 2.0

Check it out: Tom – Daygame Pickup Girls Everywhere 2.0

The Daygame Book – “DAYGAME: Pick Up Girls Everywhere”

“DAYGAME: Pick Up Girls Everywhere” is a proper manual for beginners and intermediate daygamers. It is based on my experiences which include not only daygaming for years but also teaching others how to do it.

The book contains a complete guide to the London Daygame Model. It will get you through your first approach ever. It also offers a lot of useful tips and tricks, as well as some intermediate tactics to make your daygame more efficient.

You will be able to approach all by yourself, without the need of a wing or a coach. Just get the book, read it, do some approaches and use the included Daygame Troubleshooting Guide to improve your results.

  • 150 pages, over 40 000 words
  • A chapter dedicated to improving your social skills
  • Introduction to Daygame
  • A complete description of the all five phases of London Daygame Model
  • Detailed explanation on how to stop 90+% of girls
  • The Hooks Theory so you will never run out of things to say
  • A whole chapter on verbal game, including flirting and attracting girls
  • The Daygame Mindset
  • Daygame Troubleshooting Guide
  • Carefully edited layout that emphasizes the most important ideas
  • A downloadable PDF


This e-book contains everything you need to start picking up girls on the streets. It is the result of years of practice and coaching. And it is only $25. That’s a cost of two or three dates or one evening at the pub with your friends.

And it’s only a tiny fraction of what you would pay for any daygame coaching session.

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Tom - Daygame Pickup Girls Everywhere 2.0

Tom - Daygame Pickup Girls Everywhere 2.0