Taylor Welch – News Feed Authority – Get Clients without cold outreach or Ads

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Which means they now have the option to sift through the applications and cancel any that don’t seem like a good fit… Because they don’t NEED to close every single person anymore.


Taylor Welch – News Feed Authority – Get Clients without cold outreach or Ads

Taylor Welch - News Feed Authority - Get Clients without cold outreach or Ads

Check it out: Taylor Welch – News Feed Authority – Get Clients without cold outreach or Ads

Become The Go-To Authority In Your Industry And Scoop Up Your Fair Share Of Dream Clients…

… Without cold outreach or 

spending a single cent on ads!
Right now, 3,014 entrepreneurs are pulling in the lion’s share of the best high-ticket clients in their markets.

Yet they’re doing it WITHOUT any cold outreach, webinars or funnels.

And more importantly — without spending even a cent on ads.
Nearly every single week, their booking calendars look something like this:

Their DMs blow up regularly with messages from people who are interested to learn more.

Notifications *ding* on their phones throughout the day as new appointments flow into their calendar.
Any sense of desperation and neediness they once felt has vanished in the face of the ABUNDANT inbound opportunity…
Which means they now have the option to sift through the applications and cancel any that don’t seem like a good fit… Because they don’t NEED to close every single person anymore.

Clients And Revenue Are No Longer The Finite Resource…

It’s Their Precious Time That’s In Limited Supply

So they cherry pick only the people they’re most eager to work with.

No longer “sucking it up” to work with a client they don’t like just because they gotta put food on the table.
Many of them even raised their fees to match the new level of demand.
And the one question they all ask is…
“Where were these clients hiding all this time?”
Because that’s how it seemed with the million “proven solutions” they’d tried in the past…
  • Writing an ebook
  • Building a funnel
  • Recording a webinar
  • ​Content marketing
  • ​Running paid ads
  • ​Launching a sweet website
  • ​Gearing up their social media
  • ​Podcasting
  • ​Blogging

No matter what they tried, the results always seemed to fall short…

Which is an all-too-common experience for coaches, consultants and service providers.
Yet no one in this group of savvy entrepreneurs will have to face that frustration again.
That might sound like a bold statement, but the reason why is simple:
It’s because they each leverage a unique client acquisition strategy that keeps their “opportunity pipeline” filled to the brim with people eager to work with them.

And like I said…

You don’t need webinars, funnels, a website, a social media following or to run a single ad

And I’m about to show you exactly how you can put the same exact organic strategy to use in as little as 30 minutes a day.

Not only that, you’re also about to discover…
  • How to rapidly validate your offer and dial in your messaging before you touch a funnel, webinar or ads… (and why skipping this crucial step comes at a high cost)
  • ​The 3-step journey every single prospect must take before enrolling as a client (it’s human nature, and you can use that knowledge to your advantage)
  • The critical factors separating the experts with more people beating down their door than they can handle… and those that only ever land new clients by chance (i.e. zero predictability)


News Feed Authority

More Clients with Zero Ads

Newsfeed Authority walks you through the exact same organic client acquisition system we share with our clients.

It hands you a proven, step-by-step roadmap for attracting your dream prospects in droves. Winning them over. And enrolling them into your program with less resistance than ever before.
Across 3 modules, you’ll be equipped with everything you need to plug this into your business and start filling your calendar and inbox with qualified client opportunities.

And all you need is the social media account of your choosing. No ads. No cold outreach.

Here’s what you’ll find inside:

Module #1: Fundamentals of Non-Paid Client Acquisition

This first module is all about equipping you with the crucial fundamentals.

You’ll get the big picture understanding of how and why our organic framework is so effective at attracting masses of cold prospects, filtering out the “bad apples” and getting them to apply to work with you.
You’ll discover:
  • The 9 pitfalls that commonly keep entrepreneurs from enjoying a constant stream of “new opportunity” (miss even one of these and you’ll be stacking the deck AGAINST yourself)
  • ​The surefire recipe for wanting to throw in the towel on organic altogether (so common yet so easy to dodge)
  • The single worst thing to do once you’re organic is bringing in a stream of clients (sounds silly, but we’ve seen it happen so many times)
  • ​​The critical lead and lag measures you must understand to win the game (so many cut off their organic less than 3 feet from gold – all because they couldn’t read the signs)
  • How to use organic as a “validation tool” BEFORE wasting 50+ hours on a webinar or a few grand on ads (this removes practically all the time-wasting, frustration and guesswork)
  • ​The “personal profile” blunder that instantly diminishes your authority and forces prospects to dismiss you as a viable option (if you want to be a leader in your market – fix this today)
  • The 80/20 of perpetual growth through Organic. Leverage this 3-step feedback loop and it’s inevitable you’ll nail your messaging and win more clients.
  • ​The “mental block” that separates those who land client after client using this strategy… from those who never even catch a glimmer of its true power

Module #2: Identify and Get In Front Of Your Dream Clients

This module focuses on two things. Identifying who you want to work with… and how you can actually find them.

Because let’s face it: if you can’t get in front of the right people — this will all be for nothing.
This training dives into:
  • An in-depth walkthrough of a completed “avatar profile.” We explain exactly what to consider for each question so that defining your dream client is a breeze
  • The Avatar Builder worksheet: you’ll refer to this frequently to ensure your messaging remains potent and as dialed-in as possible (skipping this only sets you up to lose)
  • 4 target market mistakes that will render your client acquisition efforts pointless from the start
  • ​​How to find and nurture pre-existing pools of clients so you can get traction quickly (while leaving group owners thrilled to have you posting to the audience they’ve built)
  • The mark of a high-quality group… and how to identify the ones that’ll be a waste of your precious time
  • ​How to speak the language of your market in a way that breeds trust and gets them paying attention to you

Module #3: The Implementation Roadmap

In this module, we’ll walk you – step by step – through how to implement the strategy and put together your own organic content with ease (even if “writing” is hard for you and you agonize over what to say).

You’ll discover:
  • The “Organic Roadmap” that took us 4 years to develop – you’ll never again find yourself wondering “what should I write” or “what content should I create today”
  • How to establish yourself as an authority and get more conversations and strategy sessions with hot leads
  • ​You DON’T need a website… but there are TWO things that are must-haves (without them you’ll spin your wheels endlessly)
  • ​​Peek over my shoulder as I write an organic post from scratch – in only a few short minutes (approach it the way I show you and you’ll quickly find yourself hammering out posts in under 10 minutes)
  • The RIGHT way to pair “direct outreach” with the rest of your organic efforts (let’s face it, you’ve probably had more than a couple people DM you on FB in a way that instantly turns you off)
  • ​How to do “Leveraged Posts” that establish pre-eminence and give your prospects the chance to connect and “raise their hand”
  • ​​The “2nd Tier” Organic Flywheel – once you begin leveraging this it’s almost impossible not to gain serious momentum
  • ​The best way to leverage your existing organic content in different places and on different platforms
  • ​Fractional Content: the 4 main types and why they’re of such vital importance (#2 is “leveraged outreach”)
  • ​The 4-part framework I relied on for years when preparing to write a piece of organic (this will instantly help you figure out what to write in your posts)
  • Access to the “Daily Metrics Tracker” our clients use to measure their progress and identify their greatest opportunities
When you plug this system into your own business, your prospects begin to know, like and trust you. So it becomes a much easier decision to submit an application or book a call.

And… the best part of all…

This doesn’t take long to kick in…

After the first few days, you start to notice the sparks of potential and realize “this might actually work.” People are already beginning to engage with your posts..

A week later you’re starting to get some traction and find yourself in messenger conversations on a daily basis.
You’re no longer worrying about “messing up” interactions because you know there will be plenty more opportunities for you.
By the end of week three, it feels like second nature and you find yourself knocking out posts in as little as 30 minutes a day.
Which is great news because it means you have more time to jump on the phone with potential clients.
In fact, as all the slots on your calendar are claimed, you’ll probably decide to cancel a few that aren’t quite as high quality as the rest.

One of the perks of having such a surplus of inbound opportunity.

Because why work with “so-so” clients when there’s more dream clients out there than you could even make time to work with?
So far, this exact system has played a key role in growing the businesses of over 3,000 clients…

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Taylor Welch - News Feed Authority - Get Clients without cold outreach or Ads

Taylor Welch - News Feed Authority - Get Clients without cold outreach or Ads

$15.00$22.00 (-32%)

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