Stylelife (Neil Strauss) – Three Pillars Of Seductions
How do they do that? The female mind works in mysterious ways but what matters to a woman is your attitude
Stylelife (Neil Strauss) – Three Pillars Of Seductions
Check it out: Stylelife (Neil Strauss) – Three Pillars Of Seductions
earn the Secrets of Advanced Pick-up Artists From Entertaining, Seducing to Having One-Night-Stands
Recently scientists have proven that attraction and courtship is a psychological process that follow three stages. If you want a woman to find you attractive and you know what to say or do in each of them yo can make her feel like you should be more than friends. Read on to find out how it all works.
The truth is that women decide within the first few minutes what they want from you…
How do they do that? The female mind works in mysterious ways but what matters to a woman is your attitude, how interesting you are, and how you make her feel. And when you reach a certain level she thinks:
“This guy is interesting!” and her mind starts wandering ….
Most guys know how to talk to a woman and have a more or less interesting conversation with her. But the difficult part is escalating from just having a fun conversation to making her want to go home with you – better yet – go home with you and have a one-night-stand.
That’s were powerful seduction techniques come in and “seal the deal”. Men who are good with women know that women don’t want men who want them, instead they want to chase a man. They know that women also want a man to lead the interaction. A woman isn’t going to say, “Let’s finish this conversation at my place.” That’s your job as the man. And they know that if you want to kiss a woman and escalate to sex, you need to first make her comfortable with your touch.
The “Three Pillars of Seduction” are DISQUALIFICATION, LEADING THE INTERACTION and PHYSICAL COMFORT. They’re the most powerful weapons in the arsenal of every seducer in the world because they turn a normal interaction with a woman into a sexual encounter:
- PILLAR 1: Disqualify and banter with her to make her chase you.
- PILLAR 2: Lead the interaction to the places you want her to go (isolate, new venue, then your place).
- PILLAR 3: Make her comfortable to be physical with you in an innocent way and she’ll crave more.
Now … if you want to instantly turbo-boost your game to a master seducer level who can pull one-night-stands, we’ll give you these three component in the most powerful package we have ever made…
Here’s what’s included:
1. PILLAR 1: “Style’s Complete Field Guide To Disqualification”: You’ll be handed an entire arsenal of “Chick Crack” and learn the art of disqualification (teasing, bantering and flirting) – James Bond Style – broken down into easily understandable steps. You’ll discover how you magically can change a relationship from a stranger to potential lover. This essential skill will give you the challenging “mental frame” women crave.2. PILLAR 2: “Style Takes Your Game to The Next Level”: You’ll learn my method for building up your inner game so that your own personality ultimately becomes an attraction factor. This works especially, if you are super shy or not naturally extroverted and outgoing. I will show you how to avoid low value mistakes and feel an entirely new level of confidence in any type of social situation. I also will share with you the “secret sauce” of my personally perfected routines.
3. PILLAR 3: “Advanced Kino and Massage” with Gypsy & Evolve: A PUA knows exactly how, where, and when to touch a woman. The techniques on this DVD show you how to bridge the invisible touching gap between you and her. It’ll teach you how to seamlessly move from light playful touching to massage, all the way to kissing and beyond. -$47 retail value, 40min. run time
4. BONUS I: “The Truth About Women & Sex” with Style & David Shade: The author of The Secrets Of Female Sexuality Unapologetic Brutally Honest Truth About Sex That Women Secretly Wish You Knew But Can’t Tell You, on this CD David Shade helps you discover the forbidden inner secrets of female sexuality to bring out the sexual creature in all women. -$37 retail value, 143 min. run time
5. BONUS II: Style’s Personal Training Program: Thirty (30) days of Stylelife Academy interactive online training with direct access to the Elite Forum and thousands of missions. You’ll get to talk on the phone with me (Style) and other top students. I’ll take your questions and personally help you to develop your game routines so that they fit you! And if you choose you can continue your training on a month-to-month basis (no long-term commitment)
6. BONUS III: “Style’s Red Book – the Ultimate Attraction Strategy Guide” To turbo-boost your game, you are also going to get the latest edition of Style’s coveted “Red Book – the Ultimate Attraction Strategy Guide”. It contains literally all of the key techniques, revealed and laid-out in scientific detail, ready for you to emulate and implement step-by-step: How to approach and start a conversation with any woman in any situation. How to create social value that makes you more attractive. How you use banter and role playing to turn her on. The Red Book contains the complete blueprint of the attraction process and demystifies all of crucial techniques and gives you the “ah-hah” moments making it brain dead simple. Plus you’ll read real field reports that outline word by word what to say and when to make your move.