Robin Sampson – Sow and Reap

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I was off to the tractor store, daydreaming of a freezer packed with green beans, carrots, cabbage, and rutabaga, and a pantry overflowing jars of pickles and tomatoes.


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Robin Sampson – Sow and Reap

Robin Sampson - Sow and Reap

Check it out: Robin Sampson – Sow and Reap

30 Bible Lessons and Bible Journaling

Sow and Reap

30 Bible Lessons and Bible Journaling Ideas

The principle of reaping what we sow is unavoidable. We can expect a large harvest if we sow good seeds. However, if we sow weeds, we will only reap what we have sown. Spiritually and practically, the same is true. We must live for Christ if we wish to be rewarded. If we, on the live-in sin and indulge our fleshly desires, we will pay the price both now and in forever. No matter how hard society attempts to persuade us differently, this law has always been true.
In the 30 lessons in this you will learn that although sowing and caring for the seed sown isn’t easy, the prospect of a large harvest is what motivates us and makes our labors enjoyable. Spending a lot of time pruning, weeding, and carefully watching over the garden of your heart and the hearts of people you love is not in vain.

One spring when my children were young, I tripled the size of my vegetable garden. Our family was growing, and we had a large new freezer where I could put up more vegetables. I enjoyed preparing, planting, and tending the garden, but once my first plants sprouted I realized how much more weeding was necessary. After weeks of hot and sweaty wedding, I knew I had to upgrade from a hoe to a rototiller (to weed in between the rows).

I was off to the tractor store, daydreaming of a freezer packed with green beans, carrots, cabbage, and rutabaga, and a pantry overflowing jars of pickles and tomatoes.

On my way home from the store, I was in a car accident. I wasn’t hurt badly, but my back and neck were sore and I could not work in the garden for weeks.

Those of you who have had a garden know what happened; with no one to tend the garden, the weeds grew rapidly, choking out my tender plants. In just a few days, due to neglect, weeds overgrew all the hard work of getting the soil ready and planting the seeds. . The garden did not care if the neglect was accidental or on purpose, and the weeds did what weeds do––they germinated and multiplied.

We default to our sinful nature every day. We battle our flesh with prayer, Bible study, and fellowship. If we don’t battle our flesh, spiritual weeds can take root—fear, self-pity, anger, lust, pride, etc. Sinful inclinations do not go away on their own. If we neglect our hearts, old attitudes will soon take over (Proverbs 4:23).


Christ taught many heavenly truths with stories common people could understand. When they asked if God would give his Spirit to them Jesus replied, “Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?”

Christ and Paul both used this style of teaching, including the familiar process of sowing and reaping. It is as if he said that every man as he journeys through life is scattering seed at every step. The seed consists of his thoughts, his words, his actions. The seeds that pass from him eventually spring up and bear fruit.

(This class has nothing to do with the Prosperity Gospel also known as the Word of Faith Movement.)

Life is Our a Seed Time

Every life has a field to sow, cultivate, and finally, to reap. We plant by exposure us to good or bad influences (habits and friends) and we are cultivating the seed for the coming harvest. We cannot see the seed as it grows however as it develops time will reveal it.

The full harvest is potentially contained in the seed, so it potentially contained the fruit of sin or holiness. “When lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin, and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.”

We cannot reap a good harvest unless we have sown the good seed. Weeds grow easily without the planting, just as sin springs up naturally in our hearts.

This Course

The 30 lessons examine Bible passages on Paul’s sowing churches, Ruth’s reaping a husband, how our mouths can reap kindness or anger, and lots of other parables. After you enroll you can download the free printables.

Several of the lessons are from Paul’s writings. I highly recommend you view the movie Paul, the Apostle of Christ.

Your Instructor

Robin Sampson

Read Robin’s Masked to Truefaced Story Here.

Homeschool mother to nine children, Bible teacher, designer, and author of A Family Guide to the Biblical Holidays, Ancient History: Adam to Messiah, The Heart of Wisdom Teaching Approach, What Your Child Needs to Know When, Wisdom Unit Study, and Adam to Abraham Unit Study.

Robin’s designer and Bible journal kits can be found at the BibleJournalLove Etsy Shop.

See Robin’s articles on

Proceeds from these classes and BibleJournalLove Etsy shop automatically go to pay overhead and support several ministries every month:,, Bridges for Peaceand These three ministries are devoted to making Bible resources available. I hope you get a chance to visit each site and take advantage of amazing resources.

Course Curriculum

  • Course and Navigation
  • Introduction
  • Printable Bible Prompts
  • Sow & Reap Dex Card Kit
  • What are Memory Dex Cards?
  • Friday Freebies
  • Verse Mapping
  • Class Freebie
  • Lesson 1. Firstfruits
  • Lesson 2. Like a Mustard Seed
  • Lesson 3. Sowing Good Works
  • Lesson 4. Bear Fruit
  • Lesson 5. Fruitful Labor
  • Lesson 6. A Soft Answer
  • Lesson 7. Seek the Fruit
  • Lesson 8. Kingdom of God
  • Lesson 9. Seeds and Harvest
  • Lesson 10. Cheerful Giver
  • Lesson 11. Good Works
  • Lesson 12. Sowing Injustice
  • Lesson 13. For This I Toil
  • Lesson 14. Ruth Sows Faith
  • Lesson 15. God Gives the Growth
  • Lesson 16. Wise Sowing
  • Lesson 17. Sow Righteousness
  • Lesson 18. Always Trust God
  • Lesson 19. Sow to the Spirit
  • Lesson 20. Shouts of Joy
  • Lesson 21. Parable of the Sower (Part 1)
  • Lesson 22. Parable of the Sower (Part 2)
  • Lesson 23. Parable of the Sower (Part 3)
  • Lesson 24. Parable of the Sower (Part 4)
  • Lesson 25. Sow Bountifully
  • Lesson 26. By Their Fruits
  • Lesson 27. The Enemy Sows Weeds
  • Lesson 28. The Sluggard’s Field
  • Lesson 29. Reap Some Harvest
  • Lesson 30. Unless the Lord Builds the House

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Robin Sampson - Sow and Reap

Robin Sampson - Sow and Reap

$10.00$19.00 (-47%)

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