Randy Schwantz – The Wedge for Technology
$90.00$795.00 (-89%)
Complete access to over 9 hours of self-paced video training (6 1.5-hour lessons),
Randy Schwantz – The Wedge for Technology
Check it out: Randy Schwantz – The Wedge for Technology
What You Get
– Complete access to over 9 hours of self-paced video training (6 1.5-hour lessons), including a couple of bonus videos which go into depth on a few important topics.
– One 40+ page workbook that accompanies the training, which you can use for note-taking, exercises, and brainstorming. Print it out and use it as many times as you like. (It’s great to use for annual planning preparation.)
– Picture Perfect Recipe Cards for Technology (you’ll have to take the course in order to find out how valuable these will be in your prospecting and your post-sales efforts).
Yes, Randy! I want The Wedge For Technology