Psychotherapy Networker Symposium 2016 + Previous Years
$80.00$395.00 (-80%)
There are 3 options for purchasing a package of all the presentations from the 2016 Psychotherapy Networker Symposium . Each option includes over 250 hours of workshops and addresses that can transform your practice
Psychotherapy Networker Symposium 2016 + Previous Years
Check it out: Psychotherapy Networker Symposium 2016 + Previous Years
There are 3 options for purchasing a package of all the presentations from the 2016 Psychotherapy Networker Symposium . Each option includes over 250 hours of workshops and addresses that can transform your practice:
- 6 Month Fast Pass Streaming only: $295
- 12 Month Season Pass Streaming & downloading: $349
- Flash Drive WORKS Package Streaming, downloading & USB Flash Drive: $395
NEW with the WORKS Package: Get 5 years of Networker Symposium content for 1 full year. Stream online OVER 500 Sessions + 1000 hours of recordings!
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