You need to show that you understand where they are coming from and show empathy towards their situation – but, they also need to know that you can implement a solution for them.
The final call to action in the video should ask people to schedule a call… but only after they are sure that you are the perfect agency for them.
Crafting this video is an art and a science, but once you get it right it becomes a marketing asset that you can leverage to generate an abundance of leads for your agency.
2) The Calendar Booking
Remove friction and get more calls.
After your Dream Client watches your Ignite Video, they are going to want to book a call with you.
Forget manually following up… that’s a pain in the ass.
Instead, give them access to your calendar and let them choose a time that is available and convenient for them.
After they select a time slot in your calendar, you’ll need to add a small questionnaire that allows you to vet people so you can only speak to hyper-qualified leads.
3) The Show + Awe Confirmation
Make prospects want to give you their credit card BEFORE they speak to you.
Dan Kennedy once said that you need to Shock & Awe your prospects by giving them more than they anticipated.
Your confirmation page needs to do just that… Shock & Awe them so that they are ready to buy from you even before they speak to you.
Remember, positioning is one of the MOST important aspects of marketing and getting new clients.
Your Ignite Video should set the stage and position you as an authority,
The calendar should make it super easy for your prospect to book a call with you,
The Shock + Awe page is the tipping point to push people over the edge and make them desire your services before they even speak with you.