Mashhur Anam – Redesign Your Reality
$45.00$197.00 (-77%)
Mashhur is guided by a belief and deep knowing that anything is possible
Mashhur Anam – Redesign Your Reality
Check it out: Mashhur Anam – Redesign Your Reality
- All options and possibilities exist for you in this universe, which means YOU can redesign YOUR reality
- Learn to start your day in creation mode by asking a simple question and allowing the universe to respond
- Program the words Money, Finance, Success, Wealth and Abundance to “fire” a new set of success neurons in your brain. Because “Neurons that fire together wire together”
- Deactivate the “firing” of non-beneficial neurons connected to the words money, finance, success, wealth and abundance
- Detox and Feng Shui your energy field (not just your home) and remove energetic clutter
- Free yourself from physical and energetic burdens by completing the incomplete aspects of your past
- Utilize energies from the earth, the sun and the stars to heal your past and redesign your life
About The Redesign Your Reality Toolkit
The Redesign Your Reality Toolkit has been created to help you gradually raise your vibration, operate from your heart space, Feng Shui your personal energy field, energetically resolve old incomplete tasks that drain your energy and cause disasters, reprogram your neural network for success and raise your abundance and relationship thresholds. This toolkit can help you to align with your goals so that you can easily attract what you desire. With this toolkit you will learn some of the most powerful methods to redesign your life.
A Little Neuroscience
In 1949, Donald Hebb, a Canadian neuropsychologist, wrote what has become known as Hebb’s axiom: “Neurons that fire together wire together.” The meaning of Hebb’s axiom is that each experience we encounter, including our feelings, thoughts, sensations, and muscle actions becomes embedded in the network of brain cells that produce that experience. Each time you repeat a particular thought or action, you strengthen the connection between a set of brain cells or neurons.
The following metaphor is offered by neuroscientist, Alvaro Pascual-Leone in the book by Norman Doidge, The Brain That Changes Itself: “The brain is like a snowy hill in winter. When we go down the hill on a sled, we can be flexible because we have the option of taking different paths through the soft snow each time. But should we choose the same path the second time or the third time, tracks will start to develop, and these tracks become really speedy and efficient at guiding the sled down the hill. It doesn’t take long to get literally stuck in a rut. Taking a different path becomes increasingly difficult, but, thanks to the brain’s wondrous capacity for learning and rewiring itself, it’s not impossible!”
What does this mean for you?
Each time we encounter an experience – whether a feeling, a thought or a sensation – it gets embedded in thousands of neurons that form a neural network. It is also true especially for those experiences that we are not aware of or experiences that are harmful to us. Repeated experiences become increasingly embedded in this neural network, making it easier for the neurons to fire (meaning respond to the experience), and more difficult to unwire or rewire them to respond differently. The neurons that fire together bring up similar thoughts and feelings in us.
When you think about the word abundance, if it fires neurons that are associated with anxiety, fear and past failures, it becomes a struggle for you to succeed in life. This Life Harmonized toolkit is about breaking through those old patterns while establishing new ones that help you create your ideal life.
What do you get in the package?
There are a total of eight items in this toolkit, including six programs with background music that has been encoded with layers of holographic matrices to help you gradually raise your vibration to align with higher consciousness and explore new possibilities.
Item 1: Access Infinity Meditation – Design Your Day
Access Infinity is a guided meditation to help you operate from neutrality, non-judgment and your heart-space. You can access the creation matrix with this guided meditation.
- Start each day with this powerful 12-minute Access Infinity meditation
- Take ownership of your life and redesign your reality
- You can gradually move into operating from and being in your heart-space 24/7
- It reduces stress and anxiety and helps you detach from non-beneficial connections
- Learn to start your day in creation mode (instead of waking up and thinking about all the things that have gone ‘wrong’ in your life)
- This guided meditation helps you to focus on a single question after you center yourself and helps you to align with divine energy for creation and manifestation
Item 2: Feng Shui Your Life
The process of Feng Shui is known all over the world. It originated as a Chinese system to harmonize the human existence with the surrounding environment. In the modern world, Feng Shui is commonly known to be a process applied for homes, offices and landscapes to raise the level of energy and create a harmonious flow of the elements within these locations. However, most people do not know that similar to our home or office space, our personal energy field also needs Feng Shui to clear clutter, remove unwanted blocks and harmonize the flow of elements for the physical, etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. By listening to Feng Shui Your Life you will:
- Balance the flow of earth, water, air and fire elements for your energy field
- Detox your energy field and raise your vibration instantly
- Deep cleanse your 12 major Chakras
- Raise the energy of your home and environment
Item 3: Complete Your Past
Completion is finishing something and making it whole. Completing Your Past helps you to tie up the many loose ends in your life. The act of completion unleashes a hidden power to help you manifest your heart’s desires. Completion gives you freedom and helps you to release stuck energy and blocked patterns.
- Free yourself from physical and energetic burdens by completing the incomplete aspects from your past
- Complete financial commitments to allow a flow of abundance
- Harmonize past romantic relationships and heal your heart to attract a joyful and romantic relationship
- Energetically heal broken promises and commitments
- Integrate energy and information matrices from the earth, the sun and the stars to harmonize past events in your life
- Radiate out the energy of your intentions from your heart-space to redesign your reality
Item 4: Reprogram Your Neural Network for Abundance
Using holographic reprogramming technology, you can start to reprogram your neural network to “deactivate” firing of neurons that correspond to failures or lack and connect words and feelings to a new set of neurons that respond to success patterns.
- During the process, the neurons that fire together each time you connect with money, finance, success, wealth and abundance, will be gradually reprogrammed to reprogram your abundance matrix
- Neurons that are connected to patterns of failure, lack and limitation will be isolated
- Firing of non-beneficial neurons will be gradually deactivated for the words money, finance, success, wealth and abundance
- Based on your desires, goals and visions, neurons that correspond to success will be programmed to fire for the words money, finance, success, wealth and abundance
- Holographic programming for geometric reconfiguration of your neural network is applied increasing the flow of abundance energy in your life
Item 5: Reprogram Your Abundance Threshold
The Reprogram Your Abundance Threshold processing has been designed to gradually raise your abundance vibration and increase your resonance to allow more abundance to flow through you.
- Disconnect from non-beneficial morphic fields
- Use visuals, such as golden bowls, to communicate with your subconscious
- Harmonize your relationship to abundance
- Set-up a new abundance foundation
- Raise your abundance threshold
- Regulate your abundance threshold
- Integrate a new abundance matrix to increase the flow of abundance in your life
- Use earth and stellar energies for your abundance flow
Item 6: Reprogram Your Threshold for Love
The Reprogram Your Threshold for Love has been designed to gradually raise your vibration of love and ignite a loving romantic relationship.
- Disconnect from non-beneficial morphic fields and past relationships
- Use visuals, such as a rose bowl, to communicate with your subconscious to increase the flow of love energy in your life
- Harmonize your feelings around love
- Set-up a new relationship foundation
- Raise and regulate your threshold for love
- Integrate a new relationship matrix to increase the flow of love energy in your life
- Embody love energy from the earth and the stars
Item 7: PDF Guide:
- You will receive a detailed PDF guide with explanations about each program and how to use them.
- You will also receive instructions on how to use the Redesign Your Reality series with other holographic tools and programs
Item 8: Two Pre-recorded Group Coaching Calls
With your purchase of the Redesign Your Reality series, you will also receive 2 pre-recorded coaching calls.
- You will receive over 5 hours of pre-recorded coaching calls
- Additional guided processing and integration in each of the 2 coaching calls
- Q&A from participants about the Redesigning Your Reality series and holographic programs
About Mashhur Anam
Mashhur-Anam-Web-188portMashhur Anam is an internationally known alchemist, speaker and the founder of Life Harmonized. He creates easy to use science-based transformational tools to help people access their personal power to manifest their desires and design their ideal lives.
Mashhur is guided by a belief and deep knowing that anything is possible. Over the years, curiosity, exploration and a desire to help humanity raise its collective consciousness has guided him to explore the holographic nature of our universe and uncover a multitude of algorithms and equations that create and design our reality as we know it.
He brings these tools to people and companies from all over the world in a way that is understandable and easy-to-apply. He uses his advanced understanding of holographic technology to help you become the Architect of your own desired reality.
Although these tools and programs are complex in nature, Mashhur’s programs allow anyone from any background to incorporate them into their daily lives.
He founded Life Harmonized so that all people could access these powerful technologies to raise the consciousness and vibration of the world. He and his team of fellow manifestors, dreamers and reality-benders love to serve their clients in achieving their desires.