Laura Ehlert – Self-Regulation Strategies for Children with ADHD, High-Functioning Autism, Learning Disabilities or Sensory Disorders

$35.00$109.00 (-68%)

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Strategies to improve self-regulation, social success, emotional control and task completion

Laura Ehlert - Self-Regulation Strategies for Children with ADHD, High-Functioning Autism, Learning Disabilities or Sensory Disorders

Laura Ehlert – Self-Regulation Strategies for Children with ADHD, High-Functioning Autism, Learning Disabilities or Sensory Disorders

Check it out: Self-Regulation Strategies for Children with ADHD, High-Functioning Autism, Learning Disabilities or Sensory Disorders – Laura Ehlert


Treatment approach using a processing perspective

Improving children’s self-regulation through our own paradigm shift
Ping + Ping + Ping = Frustration and dysregulation
Pioneering strategies and pioneering solutions to problems
Behavioral and alert interventions for dysregulated triggers

Sensory impairment

Integration, meaning, perception
Experience your own dysregulation to sensory challenges
Reduce sensory triggers
Reduce the sensitivity of the “panic switch” reset strategy
Manage the environment and reduce sensory overload

Language/learning disability

Incorporate language processing into behavioral understanding
Meaning = perception = reality = response
Your emotional response to their language challenge
Recognize, verify and troubleshoot red language triggers in common languages
Social Pragmatic Insights and Behavior

Executive dysfunction

Effect of processing inconsistency on daily functions
Experience how to configure your kids to fail without noticing
Problem-solving strategies to improve organization, working memory, and metacognitive impairment
An environment that manages fidgety, restlessness, carelessness, and provides active social and emotional regulation
Obstacles due to lack of executive skills

Perspective and meaning

“Setup”: Child expectations + developmental delay = failure
Fostering Appropriate Expectations: Pitfalls and Pros of Developmental Models
Strategies for triggering triggers
Use Nurtured Heart Approach to enhance desired behavior

Action strategy

Better understanding of the child’s process creates realistic expectations
Behavior modification and skill coaching: resets and choices to improve self-regulation
Environmental structure to regulate
Empowering children to improve self-regulation
Cognitive restructuring to reduce tantrum and emotional dysregulation

Problem solving strategy

Reduce stressor
Improving children’s behavioral acceptance and personal responsibility
Create realistic expectations
Learning/educational flexibility
Self-adjust using language

Neurobiological considerations

Exercises and movements that regulate the brain


This recording helps in better intervention with challenging children, children who are not sitting still. Not following the instructions; often throw a tantrum. Or it is difficult to wait for the turn. It may be “hit first, ask later”. They react impulsively and have difficulty expressing what is needed and what is frustrating them. The child is smart, caring, and kind, but their behavior does not reflect these positive qualities. These are children who confuse parents, irritate them, and overwhelm teachers and peers. They struggle to meet basic expectations, are deregulated, and cannot succeed in school, with their peers, and at home.

Through discussions and hands-on experience, we discover how language, executive function, and sensory processing deficits mislead about the causes of emotional and behavioral dysregulation in these children. You will change your perceptions, learn strategies to create expectations and environments, and help you succeed with your family, school and peers!

Recognize signs of underlying underprocessing leading to dysregulation
Strategies to improve self-regulation, social success, emotional control and task completion
Strategies to reduce the frequency and duration of tantrums and emotional explosions
Positive structure and expectations, positive coping, problem-solving strategies to create self-regulation
Interventions and brain training exercises to enhance self-regulation

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Laura Ehlert - Self-Regulation Strategies for Children with ADHD, High-Functioning Autism, Learning Disabilities or Sensory Disorders

Laura Ehlert - Self-Regulation Strategies for Children with ADHD, High-Functioning Autism, Learning Disabilities or Sensory Disorders

$35.00$109.00 (-68%)

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