Kristen McCall – Story Launch Method
Check it out: Kristen McCall – Story Launch Method
I see you hustling hard to serve your customers and innovate new, creative ways to solve the problems we are facing. (And whew, aren’t we facing more problems than ever??)
You work hard to create more solutions, more services, and more products to meet the needs of your clients and customers. You are staying up late and getting up early, probably juggling time with your kids – and maybe you’re even a homeschool parent all of a sudden.
Then, when your product or offer is done and ready to be launched into the world, it’s like you freeze. HOW do I talk about this thing? How do I promote it? This amazing, wonderful thing that you’ve been working on and obsessing over for months now feels like a burden because you’re too close to it. You don’t know what to say so that it sounds genuine and authentic, much less what do you say that would INSPIRE someone to buy it.
The problem is… you’re showing up on social media (sometimes even every day!), but you’re STILL not getting the results you want… the results you know you could have if only you knew what to say…
‘Cuz unless someone’s changed the rules… (ahem, Zucks)
… (even a ton of) emojis still don’t translate into life-changing cash
You know you must be missing something and you’re exhausted from trying to figure it out.
You have a whole ‘idea bank’ of social media prompts and a ninja looking calendar full of hot pink sticky notes counting down to your launch…
But as that date gets closer and closer you feel that all-too-familiar pit in your stomach.
What’s gonna make this launch any different from your last???
Sure, you’ve got…
• The Pretty Posts
• A Great Offer
• Enough emojis to make a Care Bear blush
But you don’t have a repeatable process to turn your fans and followers into buyers…
And YES, I’m gonna repeat myself until it sinks in –
“Likes” and comments DON’T = MONEY!!!”
However, there’s a whole new way to do social media, and that’s
using the perfect stories in the right order as a campaign to launch your next offer…
All it takes is a weekend of planning… That’s it. (and I’ll walk you through it, promise)
I want to show you exactly how to put this to work for your business – so you can have the successful launch you desire!
Imagine if you could create an entire social media promotional campaign for your upcoming launch in an afternoon and KNOW it will connect with your HECKYES! audience & CONVERT them into customers.
There’s a proven storytelling framework that transforms generic social media posts into emotional, converting tools for your business. When your fans read your posts, they will connect with your message and see the HOPE in what you are offering them. They will be able to see themselves in your stories and encourage them to buy the service or product that you’re offering.
The 3 phases of a Pressure Cooker Launch will be covered in this Craft Your Story Workbook:
Phase 1: Prep the Pressure
Phase 2: Cook the Campaign
Phase 3: Release & Review
The Campaign planner will help you plan each day’s theme including how many times to post and types of stories to cover for effective campaign conversions.
Want to plan your campaign visually? Use Trello to color-code, drag and drop story prompts and plan your campaign calendar for your next launch around the three Pressure Cooker Phases.
All the story prompts are available for you as a Google Doc or here in the Trello Board for you.
With more than 100 different story prompts, you’ll have an abundance of ideas to choose from to craft your campaign messaging.
But these prompts are just the beginning… using the Strategic Storytelling Framework, they will be the jumping off point for you to craft custom messaging for your campaign.
Learn how to use the HOOK, STORY, OFFER formula for engaging social posts every time. Getting someone to take ACTION from your posts is the whole point and you’ll get a list of clear call to action examples.
I hear “but I don’t have ANY stories?!” too much! This worksheet is for you…
The full-proof guide to finding and capturing the right stories that will communicate the right message to your audience and hook them in!
No one I’ve ever done this exercise with has EVER concluded that they don’t have valuable stories to share.
Yes! I’m Ready to Share My Story Today!One time payment of $37
I’ve created a simple and strategic framework for dynamic social media launch campaigns that can be used over and over again — whenever you have something to launch!
These aren’t just strategies to me. These are the exact blueprints and templates I’ve used for myself and my clients to increase their social following and launch their products and services profitably to raving fans.
I’m not just a business coach, but I’m ALSO a marketing and social media consultant, strategist, sales funnel guru, designer, author, agency owner, and service-provider. (I’ve also had clients come to call me their digital fairy godmother, therapist, and long-lost best friend.) I’ve been working in the communications/PR, coaching and service provider online space since 2006 and I’ve been in digital marketing for over 15 years. I GET IT. (Why, yes… I am the unicorn you’ve been looking for.)
I’ve helped my clients make LOTS of money across all different industries. I’ve worked with clients in a variety of industries from a world-renown guitar company to healthcare corporations to a truck stop company. (Yes, if you ask me to send a newsletter to your 50,000 truckers about your beef jerky specials, I’ve got you because I’ve done it!) I’ve used these marketing strategies that convert to create engaging campaigns, which have generated 5 and 6 figure launches all the way up to 7-figure launches in 24 hours. (Yes, that’s $1M in 24 hours.)
Bottom Line:
They don’t call me a “Southern Belle” for nothing…
I’m an AUTHENTIC marketer and woman of integrity. I’m a mama to three littles and a wife to my hubby version 2.0 (yes, I’m divorced and remarried, which is a story for another day) and we live outside Nashville, TN. I’ve created a dream life where I get to work or play when I want around my family’s schedule.
Now, I know we may not know each other very well but…
Your Playbook to Launch Your Next Offer on Social Media!
Story Launch Method Mini Course . . . . . (Value $497)
Build Your Story Bank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $497)
Compelling Copy Framework . . . . . . . . . . (Value $497)
Craft Your Campaign Workbook . . . . . . . (Value $497)
Craft Your Campaign Google Sheet . . . . (Value $297)
Dominating Digital Toolkit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $197)
Smart Social Scheduling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $197)