Kelly Hampton – The Time of Great Awakening: Activating Your True Power with the Help of Archangel Michael
$46.00$187.00 (-75%)
Kelly’s work is activating, revolutionary and life-changing for those open to receiving these gifts, while honoring the many paths to enlightenment and ascension.
[Webrip – 1 MP4, 11 MP3, 2 PDFs]
Kelly Hampton – The Time of Great Awakening: Activating Your True Power with the Help of Archangel Michael
Check it out: Kelly Hampton – The Time of Great Awakening: Activating Your True Power with the Help of Archangel Michael
The Time of Great Awakening: Activating Your True Power with the Help of Archangel Michael
Kelly is offering 2 Ascension Packages from Archangel Michael.
Divinely shared spiritual teachings and Star Healing to activate your true purpose during this time of Great Awakening.
Kelly’s work is activating, revolutionary and life-changing for those open to receiving these gifts, while honoring the many paths to enlightenment and ascension.
Package A
Discount: 89% Off
Total Value: $888
You Wealth Special Offer: $99
Offer Expired
30-Day money back guarantee**
Package B
Discount: 87% Off
Total Value: $1,394
You Wealth Special Offer: $187
Offer Expired
30-Day money back guarantee**
Package A
Item #1 — The Angelic Answer to Feng Shui!
Total Value: $99
PDF and MP3 both to support your learning of this easy and life changing Ascension based home and small office system from Archangel Michael
Imagine your homes as baking ovens that have never been cleaned.
—Archangel Michael
Learn directly from Archangel Michael the influence of clutter, electronics, and your own thinking can have on your prosperity flow. Understand that objects can carry negative energy imprints and and how they can be positively energetically transformed so that you will be the co-creator of the prosperity you desire and deserve!
If you haven’t come to AAM’s powerfully transforming home space system yet you MUST! Thousands around the world already have.
Kelly is also offering 20% off of her Ascended Spaces™ Certified Practitioners Course when enrolled by July 8. You are invited to join the growing list of practitioners today and step into the Ascension Principles to elevate your lives and the lives of those you serve.
Item #2 — Illuminated Potentials
Total Value: $69.00
MP3 — 60 minutes
Become empowered! Step into your shoes as the multidimensional powerful souls you are with the help of Archangel Michael’s direct guidance through Kelly.
The Protocol: Invoke the pillars of light and the council of 14, invite your Guardian Angel and your inner child, activate the brain and the light to penetrate into the nerves and tissues.
Over 60 minutes of spiritual guidance on :
- Develop your intuition (it’s easier than you think)
- Connect more fully with your guides and angels for your healing
- Become activated to new states of awareness!
Item #3 — Dominion – Vol. 1
Total Value: $69.00
Kelly is always on the cutting edge of new discoveries to enhance our lives during this time of Great Awakening.
The NEW Astrology-Astronomy System from Archangel Michael he is naming “Dominion” for Our Evolving Multidimensional Existence in and for our New Earth.
Be among the FIRST ON THE PLANET to hear from Archangel Michael as he begins to lay the foundation of an entirely NEW AND PROFOUND Astrology/Astronomy system called “Dominion” and dig more deeply into your understanding of the planets, stars, cosmos. Learn why knowing about it may be vitally important to your awakening and well being!
Your astrology in some ways uses an older system. This system will be light years ahead of it. I am naming it Dominion. Do you know what Dominion means? It means Oneness/Ascendancy. Why do we need a new system to understand the stars? Because the one your earth uses is fading away energetically. If you have worn tires on your car, do you wish to keep driving on them, or would you prefer to get new ones? Astronomy? Yes, Dominion will encompass this, too.
- Learn about new species of plants that have been encoded to help grow unity consciousness
- Hear the angel describe Giza, Atlantis and Centurias–ancient civilizations and how sound tone was used for healing between realms
- Learn how the constellations have always played a role in our human development
- Learn how the mighty Sequoias have assisted in the sustainability of love on earth.
- Learn how new species of animals from other constellations have come to earth encoded with information to help mankind

Total Value: $69.00
Be introduced to Ostalas, Persimini, Herculon, Damascus, and other Galaxies and what life forms resides upon them.
- Let Archangel Michael lovingly teach and remove any fear you may have about connecting with other galaxies.
- Have your questions answered about how to make practical use of these teachings for your highest good.
- Learn what these other dimensions have contributed to the rise of our own planet’s vibration

Total Value: $99
In Vol. 3, continue your learning about Celestene, Persimini, and the first 10 of 66 Galaxies AAMichael intends to eventually explore.
- During this third hour, your journey will continue with Archangel Michael as he delves into deeper your understanding of Utopia, a far distant galaxy light years from our own.
- Learn what seeding is and what seeding has to do with the Rainforest, Thailand and Mother Earth’s evolution.
- Listen as AA Michael describes the Utopian civilization.
- Learn harmonic codes to connect with Utopia to promote healing for Mother earth
- Be guided to hear the angel’s wisdom about a sonic boom and how this will be one of the most magnificent times on Earth.
- Learn about the many and varied animal species that inhabit Utopia and how this galaxy is still helping raise the vibration on Earth for Ascendancy… Dominion.
Item #6 — The Alchemy of Unicorns
Total Value: $69.00
Learn from Archangel Michael the Alchemy of Unicorns and be led through an amazing visionary healing journey
- Hear the angel describe Pegasus and the healing powers he can bring you.
- Receive a healing from Mother Mary to open your sacred heart.
- Hear the mighty I AM invocation and receive powerful instant downloads of energy.
- Participate in simple energetic exercises to connect you with Mother Earth for healing of body, mind and spirit.
- Receive instruction about the importance of writing a love letter to yourself to activate your true purpose–be love, give love!
- Listen as Master Kumanthi shares how to become an open vessel of transformation to bring more light to distant war torn places on earth and more.
Item #7 — Alchemy of Time Travel
Total Value: $69.00
MP4 — 60 minutes
Learn how to time travel and understand why this is also important teaching during this time of Great Awakening as thousands are awakening to work together to anchor the Blue Ray of Christ Consciousness into every cellular living being on our planet.
- Hear from St. Germain as he explains the Sea of Tranquility
- Create a prayerful circle of heart energy
- Learn how to use harmonics codes for healing
- Learn why Archangel Michael says that time is an illusion and why learning ways to dismiss it evolves your multidimensional beingness
- Be guided to study higher vibrational plants, immerse yourself in understanding the natural biorhythms of the natural world
- Learn how to transport yourself into other dimensions like the Roman Empire and how this Alchemy work is healing
- Learn how dolphins and whales use sonar (not sonar location) to connect with the Hollow Earth and more!
Item #8 — Alchemy of Winds
Total Value: $69.00
MP3 — 60 minutes
Learn about the various types of healing winds including the Winds of Compassion and how to work with them.
- Be in the energetic company of a legion of angels to vibrationally accelerate your understanding of these teachings–including the Seraphim, the Dominions, the Principalities and Thrones.
- Be regressed to the ages of 4 -7 by Archangel Michael to erase any cellular dysfunction and transmute disharmony.
- Experience and learn the tone for peace to send the peace vibration to anyone, anywhere–everyone– in the world simply and powerfully.
- Be angelically guided to study Merlin the Magician and his Alchemy.
- Learn how to simply create an energy vortex to invoke the lower world.
- Be given other sequences of harmonic codes to further harmonize your light bodies.
- Be guided to make energetic peace rings by Archangel Michael for humanity.
- Learn what Archangel Michael calls the Keystones to Ascension.
Item #9 — The Power of Love and Kindness
Total Value: $69.00
MP3 — 60 minutes
- BE guided through loving, immediate love and kindness blessings from Archangel Michael and Ascended Masters
- RECEIVE homework from Archangel Michael and Master Jesus using Love and Kindness as the cornerstone of your abundance.
- UNDERSTAND what Archangel Michael sees as the “petals of love” and how to “tend this most fertile garden.”
- LEARN why this frequency is THE most powerful on Earth
- BECOME part of a global community through collective consciousness to send love and kindness to others/other places
- LEARN where Archangel Michael feels most love and kindness is needed on earth and to whom. (Don’t forget the animals!)
- LEARN how to create and use the love and kindness healing frequencies through the energy of sound, color, numbers (harmonics) and MORE
Item #10 — The Power of Joy
Total Value: $69.00
MP3 — 60 minutes
RECEIVE new ways to bring joy into your life
- BE taught energetic principles to align yourselves with the joy vibration and learn why this frequency is so important to aligning yourselves with your true purpose.
- LEARN techniques to help you soar into this Christ Consciousness by releasing the past
- ALLOW Archangel Michael and other Ascended Masters inspire you to create joy filled art, music and to once again play as children do.
- DISCOVER how to create and use harmonics through sound, color, and numbers to replicate this frequency energetically in new and exciting ways.
- FEEL the changes immediately AFTER
Item #11 — The Power of Gratitude
Total Value: $69.00
MP3 — 60 minutes
- LISTEN to why Archangel Michael calls this frequency the second most powerful healing one on Earth
- INVESTIGATE new methods for connecting with this healing power
- DISCOVER how to create and use the gratitude healing frequency through sound, color, numbers (harmonics)
- APPRECIATE yourselves and others by sharing your own gratitude statements in this group frequency,
- CREATE a gratitude journal unlike anyone you’ve ever made infused with energetic blessings from Michael, Mother Mary, Christ and other Ascended Masters
Item #12 — The Power of CourseCalm
Total Value: $69.00
MP3 — 60 minutes
Peace is the natural state of being that arises in those who choose Love as their identity
- BE infused with a powerful healing meditation led by a master
- LEARN how to meditate more effectively
- LEARN how to identify energetically when you are off center
- LEARN to identify peace as the expression of God-centered living.
- SEND energy transmissions to places and people in the world
- EXPECT to see optimal health after consistent use of being in this frequency.
- LEARN how to use Archangel Michael’s sacred symbol, his golden halo (from Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™) to ease anxiety
- LEARN how to create and use various harmonics for peace and calm through through sound, color, numbers.
- CREATE a peace garden with the angel’s inspiring guidance.
Package B
Includes everything in package A, PLUS:
Item 13 — One-on-one Private 30-minute Star Healing Intergalactic Energy Session for Your Personal Healing or for Your Dog or Cat
Total Value: $100.00
Q. If the world is Ascending Archangel Michael why is there a need for a new powerful healing system like Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™?
A.Because the vast majority of souls and animals will not ascend and for those who have made a soul contract to do so, it will make their Ascension easier by providing them with a sacred heart opening of a magnified nature.
—Archangel Michael
This is molecular, cellular healing of
body, mind and spirit.
These are magnified Ascension healing systems that many are saying (and witnessing) as capable of producing miracles for themselves and their animals. Experience this safe, non invasive magnificently beautiful 5thD Healing (and higher) molecular cellular healing system! This work “upgrades” the mind, body, spirit multidimensionally expanding your magnificent 5-D. Given to Kelly in 2010 Star Healing Intergalactic Energy™ is as learnable as Theta Healing and The Reconnection, but goes multiple levels higher in multidimensional healing. This is molecular healing which AAMichael promises benefits will extend into the decades! Certain conditions may require more than one attunement per AAMichael in individuals just as with animals. Some people receive instantaneous and complete healing during their session. Combine Star Healing, any level attunement with Archangel Michael’s Ascended Spaces™ home system using Ascension principles and create even MORE TOTAL ABUNDANCE!
Item #14 — Personal 30-minute Reading With Kelly
Total Value: $99
One-on-one 30-minute private session with Archangel Michael and Kelly. Read why many are calling a session with Kelly the best they’ve ever experienced. Kelly’s normal fee is $156 for a 30 min. session and going up. Do you know your soul theme? Knowing it can be so important to helping you understand why you are here and breakthrough stuck energy. When and how is your Infinity partner entering in? What can you do to shift? What changes may need to happen in your life to increase all forms of joy? You may choose to ask about your pets. Kelly is also an animal communicator. You may also choose to use some of your time to connect with loved ones on the other side, as Kelly is also a gifted medium. Allow this time to help heal your heart.
Item #15 — 20% off Star Healing for Small Animals
A special 20% OFF discount off Kelly’s online training course for animal healers. This personal training is perfect for energy healers who would like to expand their existing practice in the comfort of their own home on their own schedule and for those who are unable to attend one of Kelly’s live intensive seminars/workshops AND step into one of the most, IF NOT THE MOST, powerful healing system on our planet from Archangel Michael.
Super Bonus
Many of you have enjoyed the benefits of Kelly’s past programs and now you’ll get FULL ACCESS for 2 entire months—2 months free membership in Kelly’s NEW Ascendancy Monthly program she was directed by Archangel MIchael to create for your healing and transformation. Free access to her Exclusive Members Program – solely for the participants of this group. Your two months will include:
- LIVE Universal Information Group Call (recorded for your benefit). Each call will include wisdom and healing transmissions by Kelly.
- Weekly “Ascension Love Notes” delivered via email directly into your inbox. Be directly linked and continually supported through Kelly’s weekly Ascension Love Notes. Wisdom from Archangel Michael and other angels, Mother Earth and Ascended Masters delivered to you your corner of the globe. - Automatic e-copy of “The Book Of Animals” when released in Winter 2015.
Table of Contents
- Acknowledgments
- Chapter 1: Healing the Core of Mother Earth
- Chapter 2: In the Beginning
- Chapter 3: Animals of the Water
- Chapter 4: Domesticated Animals of the Land
- Chapter 5: Animals of the Sky
- Chapter 6: Wild Animals
- Chapter 7: Extinct Animals
- Chapter 8: Global Cooling and Other Climate and Environmental Changes
- Chapter 9: Animals In Other Dimensions
This third book from Archangel Michael promises to be every bit as successful as Kelly’s earlier books from Archangel Michael—Into the White Light: The Revelations of Archangel Michael and Kelly’s second book: 2012 and Beyond: The Truth from Archangel Michael.
- Extra BONUS: Each month active members will receive a different surprise “Gratitude Gift” from Kelly for those two months like the first month’s FREE gift of 2012 and Beyond: Vol. 2!
This teaching is from a previously recorded live lecture where through Kelly, Archangel Michael answers many common concerns or questions including: What to expect in the years after 2012? What does Ascension mean? Where is your soul home? What is meant by the 5thD? Learn self healing techniques.
- You will also receive access to the special closed Facebook where you can ask questions of Kelly, receive additional healing downloads, share awareness moments with others in the group and receive additional bonus materials.
Special Added Bonus EXPIRED
Into the White Light: The Revelations of Archangel Michael
Kelly’s first book from Archangel Michael
What happens to a soul after death? What is a register? What is it like in heaven? What is the best way to pray? It begins with the time of the Creation and ends with prophecies for the 21st century, including the discovery of a new planet the angel calls Nebulon. It reads like a sacred book in the depth of knowledge the angel shared because he told the author these truths as parables. It is a profoundly enlightening book for all faiths and for anyone on a spiritual path!
Package B
Discount: 99% Off
Total Value: $1,394
You Wealth Special Offer: $187
Offer Expired
30-Day money back guarantee**
*Due to the live nature of this package, there are no refunds after any live time is conducted.
Success Stories
I do have two great things to report. First, I got a raise! I can’t help but attribute it to the Prosperity candles. And I’ve been able to focus and concentrate so much better at work and get more accomplished. And then Jax’s teacher at preschool told me Friday that although he has always been a happy child, she saw a difference in him last week, he’s even happier! The Joy candles are working for us. Our house does feel really good now. I appreciate everything you have done for me. I know it works.
It works wonderfully. We used it to sell a home! Was on the market for 7 months before I could get my beloved to use the program, when he finally did, we started getting offers and it sold that week! Closing was in a week! Woohoo! Kelly, you ROCK! As does Archangel Michael, of course!
After you visited my space my phone started ringing off the hook with bookings. I was almost thinking I would have to close the center. Thank you so much!
St. Louis, MO
I have to admit that I was a bit skeptical of the whole thing when I first heard about it, but now I am a firm believer!!! I most definitely am feeling a lighter atmosphere in my home. Frankly, the last two mornings, I just woke up feeling happy, even though they were weekdays and I still had to go to work!!! I am looking forward to the continuing blossoming!!!
I experienced a calm, peaceful, joyous feeling after the attunement. I didn’t want to leave the office! I highly recommend this!! Outstanding! Love it!
Naperville, Il
Your work inspired us to re-think the way we use the space in the house. People are enjoying the changes we have made in the downstairs room and it feels much better now that we have re-decorated and decluttered it. The energy in the house feels good. Much love.
Praise of Star Healing Intergalactic Energy!
I experienced instantaneous healing from my sciatic pain. The pain and feeling of “misalignment” in my left leg was gone. When you removed my 4th D layers I felt my insecurities and sadness leaving. My back was straightened and I felt the energy moving out causing my headaches. I saw and felt gold dust from ArchAngel Michael’s Golden Umbrella sift into my DNA! I have deep feeling of joy being in Pleiadian energy again!
The ringing in my ears is not as high-pitched as it was. In 24 hours, this healing has accomplished more for me than years of consultation of traditional doctors!
This has been one of the most remarkable, energetic healings I have ever had. It has been so very helpful on every level. Sending Love and Light to YOU and AAMichael!
Wowie Zowie, I’m amazed at the level of frequency in the healing. People need to hear about this modality and have the opportunity to try it for themselves! Abundant blessings
The Star Healing Intergalactic Energy session with you was a wonderful experience! During my healing session I was seeing colors and forms. At first there were sprays of green shooting upward. Then I was seeing cube shapes ” transparent colors with symbols inside. The first ones were green, then appeared in a succession of colors with different symbols inside each color (the actual symbols did not register consciously), ending with pink cubes containing red hearts. The physical problems you worked on were: Clenched jaw. The next morning I woke up with my teeth NOT touching for the first time in years! Foot alignment (esp the left foot): I can tell that correction were made structurally, because I had some muscle aches in my left leg, just like when the podiatrist prescribed shoe inserts muscles realigning because the foot is held in a different, corrected position. Now, I am feeling a pulling sensation in my left knee when I sit back on my heels- like in yoga class. Thank you so much for bringing this new healing into the world.
(During my session) I saw a knights Templar, a red cross and sword. It’s like I’m integrating these past lives wisdom and compacting it all in. So much joy I am feeling!! I am hearing the word, “Reconnecting.
This has been one of the most remarkable, energetic healings I have ever had. It has been so very helpful on every level. Sending Love and Light to You and understanding of my purpose.
In all the years that I have been treated for my bursitis it has taken days for the shots to work fully and even then I had sore arms from the shots. This time, shots at 11:30 am the day I saw you. All pain GONE next morning!!
This is so fascinating. I have studied many energetic healings Theta, DNA and I feel as if I have been waiting for something more. What Kelly is saying makes so much sense to me. One of the children time travels in his sleep and he is clairaudient and clairconsciouness! Thank you.
After my healing session, I felt very relaxed and tranquil. It actually felt that I had gone to a spa for a healing message and re-connection to my internal tranquility do you know what I mean? Also, my right hip discomfort went from a pain level 8 (high is 10) to a pain level 2 (low is 0). Thank you so much!
The Pleiadian energy I experienced through you was indescribable, I was flooded with a love, peace and joy. I have experienced many healing experiences in my 65 years, but never ever anything like this. It has changed me forever!