Joseph Matthews – Pure Personality Bonus

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All B.S. Aside, When You Discover The Simple Personality Secrets That Drive Women Crazy – It Doesn’t Matter How You Look, How Much Money You Have, Or What Car You Drive… You Can Get The Hottest Girl In The World So Excited, She’ll Practically DRAG You Into The Bedroom For Some Wild, Steamy Monkey-Love!





Joseph Matthews - Pure Personality Bonus

Joseph Matthews – Pure Personality Bonus

Check it out: Joseph Matthews – Pure Personality Bonus

How Does This Fat, Bald, Ugly Guy Have Hot Women Hanging All Over Him… While You Sit All Alone Wondering Why You Can’t Even Get “Ugly Betty” To Notice You?

All B.S. Aside, When You Discover The Simple Personality Secrets That Drive Women Crazy – It Doesn’t Matter How You Look, How Much Money You Have, Or What Car You Drive… You Can Get The Hottest Girl In The World So Excited, She’ll Practically DRAG You Into The Bedroom For Some Wild, Steamy Monkey-Love!

Ask Yourself: What’s Holding You Back From Success With Super-Hot Women?

  • Is it your age?
  • Is it your height?
  • Is it your weight?
  • Is it your bank account size?
  • Is it your nationality?

What if I were to tell you that no matter WHAT you think keeps you from scoring with uber-hot chicks, the fact is – it doesn’t matter? That anyone, even a fat, bald, old, broke guy with acne can attract women to him so easily, it’ll make every other guy in the room jealous! Keep reading, and I’ll show you exactly how this works…

Due To The Extreme Demand For This Course, I Do Not Know How Long I Can Accept Orders Without My Server Blowing Up! If You Want To Ensure Your Spot, You Must Order Your Course Right Now:

Click Here To Sign Up For Pure Personality Now!

Hey Dude, I’m going to be brutally honest with you here… I AM NOT AN ATTRACTIVE MAN! Physically, I am what many would consider “below average.” As I write this, I’m clocking in at 290 pounds. I have absolutely NO hair on my head. I’m just your average fat, bald, and ugly schlub. In the time it took me to write that paragraph above, I got text messaged by two different girls, and emailed by a third. They all wanted to know if they could come over. And believe me when I say, these girls are so attractive, I feel bad about being with them! (Seriously, good looking girls should be with good looking guys, right?) But here’s the kicker… Each and every one of these girls THINKS I’m attractive! Not only that, but they tell me all the time how hot they think I am! An no, these girls aren’t “chubby chasers” or “prostitutes.” These are real girls I met in the real world who genuinely like all 290 pounds of me.

So How Can An “UCoursegly” Guy Like Me Be Attractive To Hot Girls?

Most guys think you have to look like Brad Pitt to get girls to feel attracted to you. But what they don’t understand is there are different kinds of attractiveness… There’s looking attractive. And then there’s BEING attractive. These are two very different things. Beyond showering, shaving, and the clothes you wear, there’s nothing you can do about your looks. You’re stuck being short, bald, old, or whatever. That’s not going to change anytime soon. But you DO have 100% control over how you are. Over what you do, say, and act like! Understand: Women are much more emotional than men. They have to be, because that’s how nature designed them! If they weren’t in tune with their emotions, it would be very hard for them to care for children – who can’t communicate when they’re babies. Because of this, men who are able to evoke powerful, fun, and exciting emotions in women WILL be attractive to them, no matter what they look like. When you’re BEING attractive, what you look like has no bearing on the interaction. That’s how an ugly S.O.B. like me can get super-hot girls texting and emailing him, practically begging to hang out.

Video PROOF Shows That It’s Possible For An Ugly Guy To Get Hot Girls…

Don’t believe me when I tell you about all the girls I’m getting? Check out this video to see for yourself…

So here’s the question: Do you want to be able to walk into a room and easily attract any woman to you that you desire? If so, read on…

I Used To Be MISERABLE With Women…

It wasn’t always like this for me. I used to actually BELIEVE that because of the way I looked, no woman in her right mind would ever find me attractive. Can you imagine how miserable I was? Seriously, it was so bad, I started RESENTING women because of it. Over time, as I discovered more and more about myself and how other people function, I came to realize that the only thing holding me back from real success was ME. There are guys out there way uglier than I am, getting girls attracted to them. We see them every day. The older guy with the young girl. The fat guy with the skinny girl. The short guy with the tall girl… Every single thing we think holds us back from getting women doesn’t hold these guys back at all! When I realized this, I came to believe that it truly doesn’t matter what you look like… all that matters is how you present yourself to the people you interact with. THIS IS GREAT NEWS! Why? Because this is something each and every person on this PLANET has absolute control over. You no longer have to feel like a “victim.” Now you can have the power to attract any woman you want – all based on who you “really” are!

What Is The Most Common Piece Of Advice Women Give Men About Attraction?

Tell me if this sounds familiar… “Just be yourself!” Look, every single woman on the PLANET likes to tell guys to just “be themselves.” And yet, if just “being yourself” was all it took to attract a woman, wouldn’t it be easier to get one? The fact is that most guys believe “just being yourself” doesn’t freakin’ work. But oddly enough – IT DOES WORK. In fact, it’s probably the most effective way of attracting women there is! But if that’s the case, again – why hasn’t it worked for you in the past?

FACT: Most Men Don’t Know How To Just “Be Themselves.”

Here’s the deal with “just being yourself”…

  • When you’re nervous around a hot girl, you’re not “being yourself.” You’re being more introverted, quieter, and shyer than you normally are because you don’t want to mess up or get rejected.
  • When you try and “fake confidence,” you’re not being yourself. You’re trying to be a caricature of what you think you SHOULD be, as opposed to who you really are.
  • When you talk to girls, you’re desperately trying to keep the conversation going because you’re afraid of awkward silences.
  • You tend to be “overly nice” and friendly, trying hard not to offend or “scare off” the girl, and then wonder why you get stuck being “just the friend.”

So as you can see, you’re never really just “being yourself.” You’re trying to be something you’re not – something that you can’t sustain over the long run. You can learn every routine and trick in the book to get a girl to like you, but at some point, you run out of stuff to game a girl with, and have to be who you REALLY ARE. And if who you really are doesn’t jive with who you pretended to be to get the girl to like you, then before you know it, SHE’S GONE!!!!

So How Do You “Just Be Yourself” And Get Results?

It all comes down to one thing: PERSONALITY. Personality is all about who you are. It’s about being yourself, all the time, and attracting people to you who appreciate your personality. When you have the right personality, you…

  • Never have to worry about running out of things to say to a girl.
  • Are more fun to be around.
  • Can be incredibly interesting and engaging.
  • Tend to be more outgoing and personable.
  • Are more relaxed and therefore funnier.
  • Have people seeking you out to spend time with you.
  • Are more outgoing and get more attention.
  • Are way more attractive than people who don’t have very good personality.

And the best part about it is – you don’t have to change who you are to get it to work! Your personality is all about YOU. It’s about what YOU like, what YOU think is funny, what YOU are interested in, and what YOU want! So as you can see, you just have to learn to be yourself around the women you want to attract, and before you know it, they’ll be BEATING a path to your door.

But Its Not Just About Being Yourself…

Its also about learning how to be your BEST self, and bringing all your most attractive qualities to the forefront of every female interaction. And its also about injecting a healthy dose of male sexuality in there, so you’re not stuck as being just the “friend” or gender neutral emotional tampon. In order to use your personality to get hot girls interested in you, you have to be able to…

  • Communicate your character through your own personal stories.
  • Know what it takes to keep people entertained and interested in you.
  • Use humor to manipulate people’s emotions.
  • Gain instant reputation no matter where you are, so you can raise your social status immediately.
  • Create sexual tension that carries through all your interactions with women.
  • Be extroverted and get people to notice you, even if you don’t say anything.

Now, you may think all this sounds hard to do… BUT IT ISN’T. You just need to get used to a few simple techniques that can train you to do all of the above automatically.

What Do Hot Girls Think About How Important Personality Is In Attraction?

Listen to it right from the source – check out what my hot girl friend Kristia has to say…

Make No Mistake: This Is A Step-By-Step Method That Is PROVEN To Work!

There are a lot of other products out there that promise you the world and deliver absolutely jack. Instead of real, honest-to-god techniques you can go out and start using immediately, you get some high-minded philosophy with no practical application what so ever. Me, personally, I can’t stand crap like that. I want REAL techniques that are easy to follow – and that WORK. You have seen me in my videos. I am one fat, lazy S.O.B. I don’t like to do anything more than what it takes to get a result. I like things done right, and I like them done fast. And that’s one of the reasons why Pure Personality works for me. It’s easy to do, but deadly effective! In fact – it’s so easy to do, you can go out TONIGHT and use the methods I share with you for immediate results. I hold your hand through the whole course, and it’s laid out in a very easy to understand way. Trust me, you won’t get lost or confused on any of the methods.

Hey – If I Can Do It – ANYONE Can!

You guys have seen me. You know what I look like. If a fat, ugly shlub like me can use these techniques to get super-hot women, then I’m positive you can too! Seriously, I was not always what you would call a “ladies man.” I’ve had to struggle with painful shyness, low self esteem, depression, and just plain old nervousness around women. For years and years, I struggled with the “attraction” mechanism. I had no idea what girls would be attracted to in me – in fact, I had a hard time believing ANY would could possibly find me attractive. It wasn’t until I discovered these personality methods that things really started to “click” for me. All of a sudden, I could actually BELIEVE women would be attracted to me, because I felt that even though I wasn’t the best in the “looks” department, I was definitely attractive as a person. I could make girls laugh, help them have fun, and make them feel like they had a genuine good time with me. I can’t tell you how amazing it feels to have girls calling YOU up and texting YOU and asking YOU to go out with them! It certainly makes life easy, that’s for sure. And I attribute it all to the personality techniques I share with you in the Pure Personality course. Keep in mind… The Art Of Approaching is all about how to MEET women and build your confidence. Renegade Rapport is about how to create strong and lasting emotional connections with women rapidly. Consistent Close is about how to get women into bed. But Pure Personality is all about the “attraction” game. I am literally teaching you how to be the most attractive guy in the room when you use these methods. And it works because it’s based on the things you have COMPLETE control over – your words and actions. If you feel you’re not a good looking guy, these techniques will make you just as appealing to women as the guys who look like Brad Pitt. And guess what? If you’re not a bad looking guy to begin with, these techniques will make your success with women even BETTER than it already is. So what exactly will you be learning in the course that makes attracting women so easy, its like magic? Read on…

Here’s What You Get…

When you get a copy of Pure Personality, you get INSTANT ACCESS to the member’s only section of this website where you can get the full course – no waiting around for it to come in the mail! So what’s the course consist of? More than you’d think…

The Videos

This is the first course I’ve ever made that actually utilizes a lot of video, so I wanted to be sure that the videos KICKED ASS. The videos should be very easy for you guys to follow, and have a LOT of information in each one. Video 1: The Addiction Method Part 1 The addiction method is the foundation for the Pure Personality course, and in this video, I explain the first part of the method on how to get people addicted to your Personality. In this video, I go into great detail on how to “create your character” and cultivate a “social mask.” The cool thing about this method is that you aren’t “acting” or trying to be someone you’re not. This is all about taking the best qualities of you who are NATURALLY and bringing them to the forefront in a way where as many people get exposed to it as possible. Video 2: The Addiction Method Part 2 The second part of the Addiction Method is all about teaching you how to tell STORIES. See, storytelling is the method by which people learn about your character! And the better stories you tell, the more addicted people will become to who you are. In fact – they will actively seek to have you around as much as possible! And better than that, they’ll start telling their FRIENDS about you and repeating your stories to others, effectively growing you reputation. Can you see how powerful this can be when it comes to attracting women? Video 3: How To Be The Life Of The Party This technique goes hand-in-hand with the addiction method. I have developed a system where you can enter into any social situation – a bar, club, party, business meeting, whatever – and instantly be the center of attention. Here, we’ll use the Butterfly Effect to meet lots and lots of people, but we’ll also use some covert tactics to build our reputation and help us deliver the Addiction Method techniques. Video 4: Conversational Ninjitsu A HUGE part of personality is being able to hold fascinating conversations with anyone you want. Too often, guys stumble in conversation with women. Things might go good for a while, but then the dreaded “awkward silence” sets in and you run out of things to say. Conversational Ninjitsu is a covert method of keeping the conversation going, effectively eliminating awkward silences and making all conversation seem natural and effortless. Video 5: How To Be Funny A big part of having a great personality is about how to make people laugh. In this in-depth video, I go into a number of proven techniques to help make even the dullest guy FUNNY. This isn’t just some collection of lame jokes. I actually break down many different TYPES of humor and show you how to use them to get laughs from pretty much anyone. More importantly, though, I’ll show you what to do when a joke goes BAD, and how to quickly recover from anything that “falls flat.” Video 6: How To Tease Teasing women can be a powerful tool in your attraction arsenal. Unfortunately, lots of guys tease women the WRONG WAY, and can come off as “jerks” or offensive. In this video, I lay out a number of different proven and effective teasing techniques you can use to get powerful reactions from women every single time. Anyone who’s ever tried to use “Cocky and Funny” methods to pick up women before MUST see this video! Video 7: An Interview With Brad P. Brad P is one of the most interesting guys I’ve ever met, and in this 60 minute video, I sit down with Brad and pick his brain about all his best personality techniques. Brand and I are good friends, so we talk about some really killer information in this video, and you get to see a different perspective on the whole “Personality Game.” Bonus Videos: Non-Verbal Personality Personality isn’t just based around what you say, it’s also based around what you do and how you act. In a special bonus video section, I go into detail on how you can use your body language to communicate personality. This is really powerful stuff that can show anyone what a cool, funny, fun guy you are without ever having to open your mouth!

The Audios

In addition to the video material, I tracked down and interviewed a number of Personality Experts who reveal their best tips and techniques for how to be funny, interesting, and cool around girls. Audio #1: Interview With Adam Lyons Adam is one of the most naturally gifted new pick-up instructors in the scene. His skills are almost completely based on his personality, and in this interview, I peg him down and get him to reveal all his secrets on how a scrawny geek like him uses his personality to hook up with super-model quality women night after night. Audio #2: Interview With Barry Kirkey Some of you might know Barry as “Extramask” from Neil Strauss’s book The Game. Barry is a talented comedian living in Canada, and he’s also quite knowledgeable about the dating scene, having been an instructor in the men’s dating advice field for some time. In this candid interview, I get Barry to open up about his off-the-wall humor methods, and how you can use them to get women attracted to you in no time flat. Audio #3: Interview With Joe Falzerano Joe Falzerano is a professional comedian who teaches other comedians how to perform stand-up comedy. Joe’s workshop is based out of Los Angeles, and he’s taught some very recognizable names in the entertainment field how to be funny. And in this interview, Joe goes over his teaching methods that can take any man, and make him a funny guy. Audio #4: Interview With Mike Piantedosi This was a bit of a strange interview, because Mike is one of my Best Friends from High School, and he is one of the funniest guys I have ever met. Like me, Mike is a self-admitted “Fat, Bald, And Ugly” dude. But his personality is so strong, that he is able to attract insanely hot girls whenever he wants. Mike’s story is truly inspiring, and his methods are incredibly effective. Audio #5: Interview With Richard Miller Richard is one of David DeAngelo’s top students, and the “king” of cocky comedy methods. Richard is another “fat guy” who uses his humor and personality to attract women, and he’s EXTREMELY good at it! In this interview, I sit down and get Richard to share all his personality techniques with me, including a few unknown tricks taught to him by David DeAngelo himself! Audio #6: Interview With Steve Roye Steve is a professional stand-up comedian, and a teacher in the field of comedy. In this interview, I get Steve to open up and share how he creates his material from scratch, and how anyone can create incredible jokes and stories that will captivate any audience. Audio #7: Interview With Tony Piccasso Also known as the “Cardfather,” Tony is a Las Vegas Magician who enraptures any audience he has. I ran into Tony at the Magic Castle here in Hollywood and was so impressed, I had to BEG him to let me interview him! In this interview, Tony reveals how he cultivates his persona, creates an unforgettable character, and entertains his audience. This is one of the most unique interviews you’ll ever hear, as Tony reveals an amazing step-by-step system he uses to create “instant fame” no matter where he goes. If you’ve ever wanted to know how to create a rockstar like persona, this is the interview that reveals how!

The Text

In addition to all the multimedia, we also have some good, old fashioned text to go along with it! Included in the course is a full Charm School manual that will teach you how to charm any woman you meet. In addition to that, I’ve also created a number of assignments to help you learn how to use the techniques described in the course. This method is specifically DESIGNED to help you start naturally attracting women based on your personality. Trust me when I say – NO OTHER course out there goes as in-depth into this subject as Pure Personality does.


For the first 50 people who get the course, I’ll be giving them access to a special coaching club I’ll be holding over the next three months. So not only will these lucky 50 people get all their questions about the Pure Personality techniques answered, but they’ll also get to hear about some of the new stuff I’m working on. I’ll also be having some special guests stop by on the calls for them to share what they are currently doing. Trust me – these will be BIG TALENTS in the world of dating and seduction.


For everyone who stays with Pure Personality past the refund period, I’ll be sending out an actually PHYSICAL copy of the course for their convenience. So not only will you get instant access the day of release, but you’ll also get a review copy to hold in your hands, listen to in your CD player, and watch on your TV. I’ll be spending my own dime to ship you this course for free. You don’t have to pay anything extra to get it. It all comes out of my own pocket.


For the first 100 people who sign up for the course, I’m going to allow them to partake in a little “experiment.” I’m going to get some of my hot girl friends to hop on the phone with us, and let you PRACTICE your personality skills with them live on the phone. After you take your turn, I’ll be there to give you a LIVE critique of how you did and tips for improvement, along with feedback from the girl! This way, you can practice your personality skills in a safe environment, and actually get some feedback – not just from me, but real, live women! And of course, all these special bonuses are in ADDITION to the benefits you get from the actual course itself! Things like:

  • How to keep a conversation flowing effortlessly.
  • Proven anti-stall tactics to avoid awkward silences.
  • How to be funny, even if you have the sense of humor of a doorknob.
  • How to walk into any social situation and OWN it – no matter how shy or introverted you might be.
  • A deadly effective method of meeting tons of women, wherever you are, and never getting rejected.
  • How to tell stories that are so interesting, you’ll have every girl around you enraptured by them.
  • The right way to tease a girl that will build instant attraction.
  • The secret to how to “just be yourself” and actually start getting results with girls!
  • How to radiate such fun energy, women will be drawn to you like flies to honey.
  • The secret to recovering from any failed attempt at humor, so you never have to worry about embarrassing yourself…
  • And much more!

See For Yourself – Get A Sneak Peek Of What You Can Learn In The Course

So Let’s Get Down To It… How Much Is This Sucker Going To Cost?

Well, that’s actually the WRONG question to be asking. The real question you have to be asking is – how much is this course WORTH? Think for a minute – what would you pay to be able to have beautiful women come up to YOU and want to get to know YOU better? How much is it worth having women constantly text and call you because they want YOU to hang out with them? How much would you be willing to pay to by-pass all the B.S. and hardship that goes along with having to go out and constantly struggle to get a good woman? Me, personally – I’d be willing to pay ANYTHING to have that kind of power with my love life. Fortunately, what you will have to invest to get that isn’t very much. But keep in mind – this IS an investment in yourself! This is about you spending the money on making yourself happier! This is a LONG TERM training you’re getting for yourself to achieve what YOU really want. Ideally, I’d like to be able to give this course away for free, because the techniques in it are so good. But unfortunately, I have to charge money for it. Why? Two reasons, really. The first is that I’m running a business, and I want to make money! It took me a lot of time and effort to test these techniques, and make the product, get the site designed, etc. So I want to be rewarded for my efforts. But the other reason is that I know people don’t appreciate things they get for free. So by charging money, I know that the people I’ll be spending the next couple of months with coaching through my techniques are COMMITTED to succeeding with women. So to make it as easy on those people as possible, here’s what I’m charging… You can get the course for three easy payments of $197, or one payment of $497. You can also pay a one-time fee of $497. After payment is completed you will get Instant Access to the member’s area and receive your product. After 56 days, I’ll be shipping you a physical copy of the course on DVD and CD. Now, let me ask you – over the course of ONE YEAR… if you were to meet the girl of your dreams using these techniques, and have more fun and choice with hot women than you ever thought was possible, would you be able to look back on today and say to yourself: “You know what? That was the best investment I ever made!!!” You bet your ass you would. As I look back on all the women I’ve been with because of these techniques, I’m willing to say that I would have been willing to pay $10,000 or MORE when I was just starting out learning how to attract women. Imagine – it doesn’t matter what you look like anymore. All you need to focus on is your personality, something you have COMPLETE control over, and see the kind of amazing results you’ll get.

But Joe – What If It Doesn’t Work???

I know there are always “skeptics” out there to think that they’re going to invest a lot of money and get nothing in return. Well, I can promise you – THAT WON’T HAPPEN!!!! The Pure Personality method is so darn effective, you’ll see results as soon as you start using it. Women will like being around you. They’ll be laughing at your jokes. They’ll be looking forward to seeing you time and time again. The only way these tactics WOULDN’T work is if you DIDN’T USE THEM!!!! But just in case you need an assurance they these skills are worth every single red penny you invest in them, I am going to give you a triple-clad guarantee. Try Pure Personality for 56 days. If you’re not getting results from my methods by then, I want y

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Joseph Matthews - Pure Personality Bonus

Joseph Matthews - Pure Personality Bonus

$99.00$497.00 (-80%)

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