John Morgan & Kalpna Manek – Paradigm Shift

$35.00$93.00 (-62%)

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Do you sometimes find it difficult to even enter into a conversation with a woman that you are really attracted to?


John Morgan & Kalpna Manek – Paradigm Shift

John Morgan & Kalpna Manek – Paradigm Shift

Check it out: John Morgan & Kalpna Manek – Paradigm Shift

“The unusual and weird is happening. And I like it…a lot. Had a very attractive girl…nervously ask for my number. Random? Or have you given me principles of magic?”


    1. Week 1: INTERGITY

    1. Week 2: STRENGTH

    1. Week 3: PRESENCE

    1. Week 4: HUMOR


  2. Week 6: EMPATHY

Listen to Samples of  Six Weeks of Essential Skills Development Audio Training

 Where to Meet Women

    1. Approaching & Engaging
    1. Conversation & Charisma
    1. Flirting
    1. Dialing & Dating
  1. Seduction

Do you find it challenging when it comes to ‘approaching’ a really hot woman?

Do you let the opportunity pass by and think maybe next time I’ll make a move?

How many ‘next times’ are you going to let there be?

Are you ever left wondering why you seem to have no problems talking to everyone else but when it comes to talking to a beautiful woman you can’t seem to find the right words to say?

Do you sometimes find it difficult to even enter into a conversation with a woman that you are really attracted to?

Do the words sometimes stick in your throat?

Are you left wondering how on earth you are going to keep her interest?

Do your conversations dwindle into nothing and end up becoming uncomfortable silences?

How many more silences are you willing to experience?

Do you find yourself always being “just friends” and never the “guy she’s dating” or the “boyfriend”?

How many more times do you want to be just friends?

Have you ever been on a date with a hot woman and wanted to have sex with her but you wasted your time and energy worrying about when was ‘right time’ to even kiss her, let alone touch her, that the moment passed by?

How many sexual experiences are you willing to let slip through your fingers?

You are not the only man who has had these experiences.

All of our students have experienced many of the above.

“The real thing, concise, authentic and to the point with working examples.” — Shayan

Many of our students have confessed that in the past they had read numerous books and maybe even attended PUA seminars, but were left confused with all the different techniques and ‘pick up’ jargon.

Sometimes they have even felt the jargon ended up stopping them from even making a move because they were so confused as to which was the right technique to use!

Some of our guys have just wanted to have more choice with women.

They wanted to be meeting and dating women they really desired.

You know the kinds of women that make your head turn, the kind of women that you find fascinating to talk to.

The ones that turn you on both mentally as well as physically.

But they were only attracting women that they were not really interested in!

Other guys had not been on a date in months.

Whatever the situation you are in, you may be wondering what to say or what to do to attract the kind of women that you really find desirable.

“This was more useful than most body language books.” — Adrian Clint

You may even think you are doing the ‘right’ thing but you are still not getting the results you want with women.

No numbers, or maybe just no dates with the kind of women you want to date?

Or simply not enough dates with the kind of women you are really attracted to?

We know it can be frustrating – especially because you can’t get into the mind of a woman to know what she is thinking!

The problem is that the harder you try to get it right, and make a good impression, the worse your situation gets.

We call this the “control trap”.

The more you try to control what happens in your encounter with a woman, the harder it gets to talk to her, harder it gets to say the right thing, harder it gets to keep her interest or make her laugh.

What if I told you that it’s not what you are doing or saying, but what you are thinking that’s the problem.

The solution is not to learn a new script, or a new technique but to completely shift the paradigm.

By this we mean to shift your entire mindset about attracting, connecting with and seducing women.

Your paradigm is what is affecting your success with women.

“Excellent stuff, manages to be both laid back and mind opening!” — Christopher

Einstein said that you can’t solve a problem with the same level of thinking that created it.

What this essentially means is that if you don’t change the way you view attracting with women and dating you are committing yourself to a lifetime of the same level of success that you have been achieving with women so far.

Without a shift, you are going to experience the same struggles and results over and over again.

If you truly desire the goal of attracting and keeping beautiful women, then you need to shift your paradigm!

If you dream of having more choices, more success, more dates and more intimacy with beautiful women then you need to change the way you perceive the world of women.

Once you see things from a completely new perspective, the way you think, feel and act transforms and so do your results and success with women.

The PARADIGM SHIFT Online Training program was designed to completely transform the way you think about women, attraction and dating.

So if you would like to…

  • Meet women in places that you never expected….and have them respond to you in ways like never before
  • Start a conversation with a woman in a way that makes anxiety or nervousness completely impossible
  • Know how to NEVER be rejected by a woman
  • Have more fun whilst talking with women, because your conversations flow like water
  • Turn small-talk into a deeper and more fulfilling conversation, creating deeper and more powerful connections with women
  • Flirt playfully with women and in a way that leads to mastery
  • Get a woman’s phone number without ever having to ask.
  • Ensure that more women will look forward to talking to you again and be waiting for your phone call.
  • Be the kind of man that has women wanting to be close to you in a natural and powerful way.
  • Know how to decide where to take women on dates, how to bring it up conversation and how to actually make it happen.
  • Never feel guilty or be worried about seducing a woman, because you will be able to do it in a way that she will both respect and enjoy.
  • Understand what a woman wants and needs so that you she will open to being intimate with you in all the ways you want her to.
  • Become a truly liberated Magnetic Man, and be able go to bed at night with a clear conscience and a beautiful woman by your side…

The PARADIGM SHIFT Online Training Program is an intensive 6-week home-study course with 7 video tutorials, 6 audio tutorials, 13 workbooks and loads of soul-searching and experiential exercises that you will go out and apply in the real-world.

The pace of the course is set for you in that the content is released to you on a weekly basis through our private Members Area at

The PARADIGM SHIFT Online Training Program is designed as a six-week course to ensure you absorb the knowledge more efficiently and then use what you have learned to create different patterns of behavior.

You will have your own username and password so that you can come back and login to review the audio and video at any time.

You can listen to the audios and watch the videos in the privacy of your own home, but know that by taking action on this now, you are also committing to yourself to do all the exercises and to engage fully in becoming a greater and more attractive man over the next six weeks.

If you are interested in achieving the kind of results that you dream about, sky-rocketing not only your success with women but also your social life and your happiness in life overall – then join us.

Join us, The Magnetic Man mentors John P Morgan and Kalpna Manek, as over the next six weeks, we teach, guide, encourage and support you every step of the way to attracting women through greatness.

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John Morgan & Kalpna Manek – Paradigm Shift

John Morgan & Kalpna Manek – Paradigm Shift

$35.00$93.00 (-62%)

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