Jason McClain (High Traffic Academy) – Data Secrets
Check it out: Jason McClain (High Traffic Academy) – Data Secrets
In order to be a master at Data, you need to learn how to use it. “Giving you 20 years of secrets” to monetize your data. We show you how to monetize an email, a sms, a text message, and via addresses without spamming. Learn how to make Data work for you.
1.-Getting-Started (DS)
Getting acquainted with your data – personally. Understanding what kind of data you have and how we can help you learn to monetize!
2. Get Permission! (DS)
In this module, you will learn a case for emailing data all the while obtaining their actual permission to receive your email. Learn why emailing is important!
3. Create.Dissect.Append (DS)
Learn how to create data, dissect it for proper and real information, and append your data for results that monetize!
4. Email Offer Secrets (DS)
In this module you will obtain a birds eye view of email list management to give insight on selecting specific offers to email. Learn the secrets to marketing your data via email.
5. Market Via SMS & Postal (DS)
Get in the know related to what is up to date with marketing via sms and postal mail.
6. Implementation Time! (DS)
Take everything you have learned in Data Secrets and put those thoughts and notes into practice! Get some extra resources here from Jason. Ready, set, go!