Igor Kheifets – Ultimate Bridge Page System
How to get total strangers to like you, trust you and see you as a credible authority in your niche – even if there’s already tons of authority figures crowding the market
No more hype, high-pressure sales or begging people to buy
from you
Fast and easy way to instantly convert cold traffic into sign ups, increase your stick rate and double your upgrades
I absolutely guarantee there’s no better way to get complete strangers to instantly fall in love with you and want to join your business without social proof, income proof or picking up the phone.
I’m convinced my system will instantly increase your conversions. But you may have been promised similar outcomes before.
That’s why i’d like you to take a full year to put my system to the test. If it doesn’t live up to the claims, I insist you contact me for a full no-questions-asked refund at any time over the course of the next 365 days.
I’ll give you your money back and you can keep the ultimate bridge page system for your trouble.
“Yes, Igor! I’m Tired Of Begging People To Join My Business! I Desperately Need A Better System To Convert Strangers Into Customers!”
Yes, Igor! I’m tired of being questioned and laughed at. Please show me how to get people to join my business without convincing, lying or having to present tons of proof.
Yes, Igor! I can’t make decent sales. My stick rates suck. My upsell conversions suck. This is driving me nuts, because I’ve got a great business that’s changing lives. It’s just no one seems to see it the way I do. Please help me get my message out to the world in a way that people will listen.
Yes, Igor! I hate selling. I’m uncomfortable using shady tactics. I’m not willing to compromise my ideals for quick cash. Please show me an ethical way to invite people to join my business by inspiring them, not by hard-selling.
Yes, Igor! Thank you for giving me a full year to test your system for free. It’s comforting to know I don’t have to rush through it because of some fine print close in the terms of services. I appreciate you being so transparent and understanding of my situation.
Yes, Igor! Thank you for making your system foolproof. Thank you for supporting the fill-in-the-blanks workbook with detailed video tutorials and examples. Thank you for including a case study that puts it into easy to understand frame. And thank you for showing me how to put my bridge funnel technically without having to code anything or build a WordPress site.
Yes, Igor! I know this limited time introductory price won’t last. I understand if I don’t act soon, I’ll lose the 50% discount. I’ll have to pay double unless I get off my hands ASAP.
Yes, Igor! I’d like the $197 value bonus tutorial where you walk me through, over your shoulder, how to build my bridge page using ClickFunnels in less than 30 minutes!
Thanks for showing me the best template and structure to use with my bridge page to achieve high engagement!
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