Hustle and Conquer – Insider Hacks To Twitter Money
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Someone told me to be “controversial”. So, I did that. I started writing annoying comments on big accounts. Most of them blocked me.
Hustle and Conquer – Insider Hacks To Twitter Money
Check it out: Hustle and Conquer – Insider Hacks To Twitter Money
How I Went From 22 Followers In August 2019 To 37k+ Followers Now
I started @hustlenconquer in January 2019. Like everyone else, I started tweeting like crazy. 20 to 30 tweets a day. I did it for a month then gave up.
A month later I decided to give it a try one more time. Again no results. No followers. After Tweeting 300+ times I managed to get just 22 followers. It was painful.
I gave up again.
I even bought a shoutout on Fiverr from an account with 100k followers. Paid $20, nothing moved. Not a single f**king follower.
I gave up again.
Around June I decided to try it again. This time I started commenting on big accounts.
Someone told me to be “controversial”. So, I did that. I started writing annoying comments on big accounts. Most of them blocked me.
Andddd… I gave up again.
But, I’m not a quitter. I’ve built a large following on IG. I knew I’m missing something. It can’t be this hard.
So, in July I decided to observe & learn. No tweeting, no commenting, nothing. Select a few accounts and study them.
I did that for almost a month and a half and finally found something I could apply.
I started using some simple hacks from 15th August and BOOM, I went from 22 followers to 70 followers the same day.
1000 followers just one month later.
4000 followers 3 months later.
Almost approaching 13000 followers just 10 months later.
I sold my first ebook when I had 44 followers. I went from selling one ebook every few days to selling 10 to 15/day in just 5 months.
From $0 to 4 figure monthly income.
I’ve created 5 new accounts since then. Total following for all my accounts is almost 18k followers now. ( I’ll show you all my accounts inside the guide)
18k followers in 7 months.
On good days I make $500+
On bad days I make $100
Twitter money is real. I didn’t believe it. I do now.
I’ve shared al my SECRETS in this guide. I’ve held nothing back. I still use these methods to grow my accounts.
If you’re ready to take action, this guide will give you all the tools you need to fire up your Twitter.
- More Follower
- More Influence
- More Money
$400 In Just One Day
Look At The Engagement On The Tweet. I Got 800+ Followers From Just One Tweet
Are you ready to finally Make Twitter Work For You?
See EXACTLY How I Went From 0 To 12000+ Followers & $0 To 4 Figure Income On Twitter
– With no prior experience
– With no huge ad spend
– With no bots or buying followers
– With no existing network on Twitter
No matter what you’re selling. A product or service, this guide has you covered.
You can make money using systems provided in this guide, even if you’ve no products of yours to sell right now.