Google Adsense Mastermind 2016 – Make $100 a Day
$45.00$195.00 (-77%)
This software will allow you to rank ANY video you want for ANY keyword on the top of the page for both Youtube and Google
Google Adsense Mastermind 2016 – Make $100 a Day
Check it out: Google Adsense Mastermind 2016 – Make $100 a Day
For those of you wondering if Youtube supports this system, here is a Tweet directly from Youtube Creator Support verifying that they do! They approve re-using content if you are editing (which is what this course teaches).
A couple great reviews of my course by my students:
This software will allow you to rank ANY video you want for ANY keyword on the top of the page for both Youtube and Google, and will also assist you with monetizing a channel as well!
You do not need to use this software to be successful in this course, but mixing the two together will make your ad revenue SOAR!
Over the course of 2017 I was able to make over $60,000 in profit on Youtube and I was actually only posting videos for four months of 2017 (January, February, March, and November). This year I used this same tactic to make $37,000 in ONE MONTH, May 2018, and $42,719 in ONE MONTH, June 2018. I was doing this by posting videos I DIDN’T EVEN MAKE! This is done using videos with a special license that do not have copyright licenses, so it is 100% legal and not breaking any Youtube policies.
It is literally as easy as downloading a video, doing some important slight tweaks, reposting it, and using effective tags, titles, thumbnails, good SEO strategies, and putting ads on it. It consistently makes me anywhere between $500 – $2000 a day and it only takes me half an hour of work a day! This still works today, even with the new monetization review process. This is by far the easiest way I have ever found to make a substantial amount of money online, and the best part is you do not need to spend A PENNY to accomplish this, so everything you make is pure profit! And you can learn how to make money on youtube WITHOUT MAKING VIDEOS!
Here is a screenshot of my Google Analytics account for 2017 and a screenshot of my bank account with the Google deposits. These payments were direct deposited into my bank account (January – $1,332, February – $25,970, March – $15,835, April – $1,516, November – $18,560):
(Rotate your phone sideways if you’re on mobile)
Here is a screenshot of my 2016 1099 Miscellaneous Income tax document:
And here is my screenshot from May 2018 (payment comes the following week of the new month):
And here is my screenshot from June 2018 (payment comes the following week of the new month):
And here are my full 2018 earnings:
And 2019 earnings
In this unique course I will take you step-by-step using the EXACT blueprint and secrets I used to generate this income on Youtube. I will teach you the essential secret tricks I have used to get over $100,000 on Youtube using videos that YOU DON’T HAVE TO MAKE! You don’t have to have a camera, a microphone, or make your own videos. There is no other course like this and you will not find this information anywhere else (there are others teaching this, but WAY LESS in depth). This make money on youtube without making videos strategy is the BEST method I have found to make money online in 2019!
I will serve as your over-the-shoulder guide through the entire process and give you secrets such as how to choose a successful niche, how to download, upload, and monetize videos LEGALLY that do not have copyright licenses, secret tips to increase views and watch time, how to create unlimited youtube channels using unlimited phone numbers, how to gain additional views and subscribers easily, how to avoid getting your channel deleted or getting copyright strikes, how to get rid of copyright strikes, how to get past the youtube demonitization bots, how to get past the monetization review process quickly and easily, how to get your videos ranking on the search results, how to effectively use SEO strategies, and a secret trick to making more money on youtube than ANYONE else is able to generate doing one simple secret that will increase your revenue times 10. This will also work in ANY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD, so no matter where you live you can make money on Youtube.
I will also teach you a VERY EASY way you can get to the monetization review process within two weeks with just ONE video! This means you will be able to have a monetized channel to start making money within just a couple weeks, with barely any work involved!
As an added bonus, which will be WORTH THE PRICE of the course on it’s own, you will be given access to a special facebook group that is dedicated to students helping each other grow each other’s youtube channels through giving free subscribes, likes, comment, views, and watch time to other student’s channels. This means your channel will grow EXTREMELY FAST and you will reach the monetization review process in no time, because you will be given free subscribes, views, likes, and comments on your channel by other students! This is ONLY available to students who have purchased the course.
You will also be given access to a special mastermind group I have created where I will answer any questions you have. In addition, all members will have the ability to discuss questions and give feedback and tips to each other. You will also have the ability to leave comments and questions right there on any lecture you want and I will be able to respond and help you through it right there on the course in real time!
If you apply my blueprint and secrets you will be able to make your investment on this course back in ONE DAY and be consistently making much more than that on a daily basis. You will receive IMMEDIATE access to the course as soon as you checkout!
**As a student ONLY, you will also have the opportunity to join my affiliate program and make $20 – $25 for every sale you send to Bye 9 To 5. This means you can make money by being a student, and just 5 sales will completely PAY FOR YOUR COURSE!**
Student Success Stories
(these are real people that you will be able to meet in the private Bye 9 To 5 facebook group when you become a student)
(Rotate your phone sideways if you’re on mobile)
(full screenshot from above)
These are just a few of the many students who have seen success so far in my course. This could easily be you right now, let me help you get there because I truly want to see you make this kind of money, quit your job and live life on your terms!
Bye 9 To 5 Facebook group:
Make Money On Youtube Facebook Group:
So join the 4,000 students today and be a part of the family!
NOTE – THIS IS NOT A GET RICH QUICK SCHEME. This will take work from you to earn results, and I do not guarantee any results.
(Disclaimer: The results shown here may not be accurate and have not been verified and are for example purposes only. We are in no way giving a guarantee that these results are typical or that you will get these results. These are results that are possible if you put in the work. By purchasing this course you are agreeing to the refund policy and agreeing that I am not held liable in any way for what you do on Youtube, taxes, legally or otherwise, and I am not held liable in any way for any success you do or do not have with this program. All facts and figures shown or stated here or anywhere else, such as Youtube or the Facebook group, are for example purposes and have not been verified. It is possible that you make this much, and it is also possible that you make nothing. It all depends on the work you put in. I am also not guaranteeing that this method will work to get you monetized or that you will never have any issues with Youtube deletion, demonetization, etc. or that this works 100% in any and every country you live in. This is all just based on my own personal experience and success. You agree not to rely upon any facts or figures contained here or elsewhere (Youtube videos, facebook group, etc. regarding Bye 9 To 5 or Jordan Mackey.) I am not giving you legal or financial advice, and this is not made for that purpose.)
Connect with me on Youtube –
24 hour money back guarantee, valid if you have watched less than 25% of the curriculum. It doesn’t matter if you click “complete” or not, we have a chart that shows exactly how much of each video you have watched. NO exceptions!
Payments are 100% secure through Stripe.
Paypal notice: I do not accept PayPal, but I can accept Payoneer. If you would like to purchase the course with Payoneer, please email me at [email protected]
Your Instructor
My name is Jordan, also known as Bye 9 to 5. I was a business analyst at a very successfully company and have a Masters Degree in Business Psychology, but I hated my job! So I decided to do something about it. Since that time I have been blessed to be able to say bye to my 9 to 5 with over $100,000 on Youtube through Google Adsense. I have helped countless students make thousands of dollars doing the same thing, and it is my goal to help as many people as possible quit their job and live life on their own terms like I have been blessed to be able to do!
Course Curriculum
Module 1: Introduction
Facebook Group and My Email (5:24)
Quick Note On Questions (3:12)
Introduction Video (3:17)
Overview Of My Secret Youtube Money Making Blueprint (12:07)
Making Money With This Blueprint Case Studies (10:55)
Module 2: Creating Your Youtube and Adsense Account and Navigating Youtube
Creating Your Youtube Account (1:20)
Creating and Changing Your Channel Name and Picture (2:38)
Creating Your Google Adsense Account (3:11)
Before Creating Your Adsense Account (1:50)
Getting Your Adsense Account Approved (3:55)
Youtube Navigation and Analytics Overview (11:04)
How To Create Unlimited Channels (7:01)
Module 3: Getting To The Monetization Review Within One Month and How To Pass It With ONE VIDEO!
Monetization Review Overview (4:52)
Passing The Monetization Review Method 1 (5:51)
Passing the Monetization Review Within One Month Method 2 (13:44)
Passing the Monetization Review Within One Month Method 3 (4:26)
[5/3/2019] Passing The Monetization Review Within One Month Method 4 (4:18) [5/3/2019] Passing The Monetization Review Within One Month Method 5 (2:27) [5/3/2019] How To Make Your Channel Pass Review! (6:58)
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
This is a self-paced course so you can learn whenever you want at your own speed! I will continue to add modules and lectures and keep the content updated and relevant to today! It is a completely self-paced online course of video modules. You will have access to this course forever, or for as long as Teachable is in existence! You can also access this course on ANY device, including cell phones and tablets!
What Will I Get Out Of This Course?
You will receive step-by-step training on every single aspect of generating revenue on Youtube, WITHOUT having to make your own videos! You will receive the blueprint I used and the special tips and tricks for how to choose a successful niche, how to download, upload, and monetize videos LEGALLY that do not have copyright licenses, secret tips to increase views and watch time, how to create unlimited youtube channels using unlimited phone numbers, secret to increasing views and subscribers, how to avoid getting your channel deleted or getting copyright strikes, how to get rid of copyright strikes, how to get past the youtube demonitization bots, how to get past the monitization review process quickly and easily, how to get your videos ranking on the search results, and a secret trick to making more money on youtube than ANYONE else is able to generate doing one simple secret that will increase your revenue times 10. You will also receive access to a special mastermind where I will answer any questions you have and can get tips, tricks, and answer questions from other students, as well as a Facebook group where all of the students will help you grow your channel quickly by giving you free subscribers, views, and watch time!
Does This Actually Work?
It works for me and is working for countless others and I know it can work for you with the right blueprint and secrets, which you will learn right here! The only thing that will allow it not to work is if YOU do not put in the work!
Why The Price?
There is no other course available that will teach you what you will learn here. This is a completely unique course you will not find anywhere else. I know if you do what I outline in this course you will easily make back what you spend on this course in ONE day, and will consistently be making much more than that on a DAILY BASIS. Using this blueprint I easily generate $500 – $2,000 every single day with just half an hour of work per day!