Glenn Livingston – Hyper Responsive Marketing Secrets
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“The cutting edge advantage you need to get to the next level as a marketer!”
Glenn Livingston – Hyper Responsive Marketing Secrets
Check it out: Glenn Livingston – Hyper Responsive Marketing Secrets
Most marketers ignore hyper-responsive buyers.
That means you can make a LOT more money with less effort if you know how to sell to them, even in brutally competitive markets.
Here’s the simple math:
THE 80/20 RULE: 80% of profits come from 20% of customers
THE 80/20 RULE SQUARED: you can apply the 80/20 rule to the TOP 20% of customers too. Without getting too caught up in the math (e.g. 80% x 80% = 64% and 20% x 20% = 4%, etc)… about 5% of buyers drive HALF the profits
THE 80/20 RULE SQUARED ON THE INTERNET: 5% of BUYERS may drive HALF your profits, but only 1% OF VISITORS BECOME BUYERS on most sites. 1% x 5% = 0.01 x 0.05 = 0.0005 … or ONE OUT OF TWO THOUSAND VISITORS
But you really don’t have to understand (or agree with) my math in order to make more money with the information right here in this letter because:
Whether your a solo entrepreneur on a teeny tiny budget, or a Fortune 100 company with a Billion dollars to spend on advertising…
Whether or not you’ve made your first dollar online…
And even if you (heaven forbid) decide NOT to become my customer…
If you’ll just entertain the idea that a small percent of special visitors drive a large percent of profits then these 5 Tested and Proven Hyper Responsive Marketing Principles below can make a dramatic and immediate difference in your business:
Dr. Glenn Livingston’s 5 Little Known
Principles For Getting Hyper Responsive
Return On All Your Advertising Dollars
#1 – It’s All About The Hyper Responsive Customer
It’s crazy. Most marketers lump their best customers in with all the rest.
All their advertising, products, price points, market research, customer service, follow up systems, and sales are targeted at one “big glob” of people… as if no customer was any more important than any other.
So I want you to forget what Mom said about loving all your kids equally because in business, you’ve got to play favorites! Otherwise, you’re giving WAY TOO LITTLE ATTENTION to the people who put the most food on your table.
Now, I know some people worry If you focus on a small group of customers you’ll cut your volume and profits. But it’s actually just the opposite when you’re talking about HYPER-RESPONSIVE customers.
Because they’re the ones who really know what makes the WHOLE market tick. Sell to them and watch the rest tag along. Hyper-Responsives mean EVERYTHING to your business. Find out who they are, how to reach them, and exactly what they want. Then just give it to them.
#2 – Hyper-Responsives Buy “Real Points Of Difference”
Hyper-responsive customers search hard for solutions and educate themselves to the hilt because they’re looking for a deep relationship with a vendor who can provide DISTINCT ADVANTAGES they can’t find elsewhere. Find out what needs your competitors aren’t addressing and hammer home your ability to do so. Do it right and you’ll be the only one in your market to offer these real points of difference!
#3 – Hyper-Responsives Have Huge B.S. Detectors
You may have heard the common wisdom: “people buy for emotional reasons then justify their purchase with logic”. But what no one tells you is that the emotional buttons you push have to make sense given what you’re selling … or else you’ll UN-SELL the customer. (Studies have shown it’s possible for bad advertising to actually reduce sales)
It’s true. Link real human needs to a real product or service feature and you’ve got something. Otherwise it’s just hype… which is a nice word for bullshit. And Hyper-Responsive customers have HUGE B.S. detectors … so you’ve really got to get this right!
#4 – Use Hyper-Responsive Buying Language:
You’ve probably heard how important it is to use the customer’s language, not your own. This isn’t news, even though hardly anyone does it. But I’m talking about something WAY more powerful.
I’m talking about HYPER-RESPONSIVE BUYING LANGUAGE … the language people use when they’re in heat and ready to buy, NOT when they’re “kinda sorta thinking about it”. And only the most responsive people in your market can give you the hottest buying language. Capture hyper-responsive buying language and use it in ALL your marketing and advertising efforts.
#5 – Always Estimate Advertising Risk
Always estimate your cost per visitor, per lead, and per sale BEFORE you invest a fortune in product development and marketing. There’s just no excuse for risking a fortune in any venture today, especially online. I’ll show you how to use simple surveys, and free/low cost internet tools to minimize your advertising risk.
Put these 5 principles together and you get…
My Golden Rule
“Sell Distinct Advantages to Hyper-
Responsive Customers Using Their
Buying Language And Emotional Values”
(And estimate your costs first!)
Makes sense, right?
When you look back on what you’ve learned from me in 12 months or 12 years, you’ll think of me as the guy who gave you the PRINCIPLES which finally took you to the next level, or maybe even saved your business from drowning.
But since you probably don’t know me from Adam, you might want…
“An Amazing Way To
Approach Market Intelligence”
Dave Seldon, Nashville, TN “Eliminate Your Competition”
Stephen Georgulis,
Sydney, Australia
Proof Point Number One
$14,000,000 In Consulting Services
$14M sold to Fortune 500 clients (via “The Livingston Group for Marketing, Inc.” & “Executive Solutions, Inc” … I’m the CEO of both) to clients like:
A T & T
American Express
Astra Zeneca
Bausch & Lomb
Burger King
Grey Advtg
Hunt Wesson
J & J Exxon
Flagship Banks
Ford Motor Company
General Mills
J Walter Thompson
M & M/Mars
Master Card
Merck Novartis/Ciba
Ortho McNeil
P & G
Sara Lee
Warner Lambert
Despite how happy I am to have finally escaped the Fortune 500 world, I still AM one of the very few ‘marketing psychologists’ billion-dollar companies have used to crawl deep inside their prospects’ minds and uncover exactly what they were desperate to buy… to improve profits on existing product lines … AND to research new markets (often before the idea for the product even existed).
Proof Point Number Two
A Stellar Track Record In Many Markets
Having Nothing To Do With Making
Money Or Business Advice
Many people teaching marketing have never really made any money ANY way other than teaching internet marketing. Kind of like the people who sold shovels and picks during the gold rush of the 1800s. But before I started teaching these hyper-responsive traffic and sales principles, I proved them in a wide variety of markets having absolutely nothing to do with making money or business advice.
In fact, at first I didn’t intend to teach them at all. To be totally honest I was just SO fed up and stressed out I just wanted to hide behind my computer screen. So I started a little publishing business, applying my principles to selling books and tapes on things having nothing to do with business advice like (click for full legal disclosure statement):
How to care for pet guinea pigs, rabbits, frogs, and goats (I sold over $250,000 worth of e-books and audios–each one for under $10–that’s a lot of piggy books!)
Reading body language (another $100K–$14.95 at a time)
How To Solve Sudoku Puzzles (I built a whole company around this one with a partner, it quickly had 100,000+ subscribers!)
And a whole range of other issues, like dealing with radon problems, waste water management, etc.
The point is, these principles HAVE been proven in a wide variety of markets which have nothing to do with making money. You should also know I risked no more than a few thousand dollars on any one venture. You see you can get a pretty good estimate of your cost per lead and per sale BEFORE you even develop a product. More importantly, you can tell how “hyper-responsive” a traffic source will be before you spend a lot on it.
That’s why as soon I produced an income graph which looks like this once I started implementing the hyper-responsive formula (data below from actual report in account #46203):
Month By Month Income Growth When I
First Started Applying the Hyper-Responsive
Traffic and Sales Rocket Formula
((It’s unlikely you will get the same results I did because I had 20 years of professional marketing experience prior to instituting these campaigns. However, you WILL get the very best of my marketing knowledge with nothing held back. Click to read the disclaimer and terms of use.
click for full disclosure statement)
(It’s unlikely you will get the same results I did because I had 20 years of professional marketing experience prior to instituting these campaigns. However, you WILL get the very best of my marketing knowledge with nothing held back. Click to read the disclaimer and terms of use. Click for
full testimonial and typical results disclosure statement)
Proof Point Number Three
Thousand of Dollars Worth of Free Publicity
As further proof, consider the flood of publicity I’ve had from newspapers, radio and TV ABOUT my methods and principles. (YOU can use the principles to generate publicity too!)
When you can see what’s on people’s minds–not just what they’re thinking, but what actually motivates them to purchase, and what the emotional hot buttons are in a particular market–the press just eats it up, especially if you can offer some statistically reliable numbers as support. Over the years, I’ve had tens of thousands of dollars worth of free publicity (including some feature stories) in the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Sun Times, Milwaukee Business Journal, Indiana Star Ledger, Crain’s NY Business, and many, many more.
I’ve also published articles and had my work cited in many Trade Publications like … American Demographics, Marketing News (American Marketing Association), Quirks Marketing Research Review, Views, Direct Marketing News, The Canadian Marketing Association, Transaction World, & Research Business Report, been on CBS, ABC, & Bloomberg Radio, and UPN, WNTN, & WGN TV
I certainly hope all of the above is enough proof to get you to take me seriously. But if not, you’ll find literally dozens of VIDEO TAPED REACTIONS from people who’ve been exposed to the system later on in this letter. (In the ‘See for Yourself section’) . Let’s move to more specifically discussing what I can do for YOU:
Here Are Just Some Of
The Key Benefits Of The Hyper
Responsive Marketing System
When you do it right, it becomes extremely difficult for others in your market to compete: Using this system, you’ll know practically everything your market really wants … it’s like having an x-ray of your prospects’ mind
Get higher click through rates in Adwords, MSN, and Yahoo because you’ll know what the responsive people in the market are thinking BEFORE they see your ad
You can dramatically increase profits for an existing business, or cut your risk of failure in new markets in half: And, if you haven’t figured out the difference between “price of entry” and “point of difference” in your market these are my conservative estimates
The principles are fully road tested and proven: I’ve used them to enter over a dozen markets without losing a dime
Hyper Responsive marketing can be applied to both online and traditional businesses, in combination with any strategy you desire: These principles came from my consulting days as far back as 1987. So it doesn’t really matter whether you sell physical products, provide a service, or sell information online. Whether you concentrate on one market or have 50 in your business model, whether you use Pay Per Click marketing or Direct Mail, Radio/TV, Display Ads, Classifieds, etc.
They’re idiot proof and I’ll provided you with everything you need: I’ve developed step-by-step instructions for Hyper Responsive marketing in virtually any situation. Once you understand the basic process you can apply it anywhere.
Find The “Hyper-Responsive Bulls-Eye”
Before You Invest Your Marketing Dollars
(Even Before You Develop A Product)
You can also spare yourself the ‘black-hole-money-pit’ or “not-fully-researched dream” which almost ruins you
(most entrepreneurs have at least one of these stories)
It doesn’t matter whether you’re marketing online or offline, whether you’re B2C or B2B, whether you’re a single entrepreneur working out of your basement, or the CEO of a multi-national company … If you’re not using the hyper-responsive marketing principles you’ll learn in this system I’ll bet you’re leaving between ½ and 3 times your current income on the table, and/or needlessly failing at new product launches.
How can I say this so confidently? Because I know…
The #1 Reason Any Product Fails To Sell
It’s not the marketing, the price or the customer base. It’s simply because… no one wanted to buy the product in the first place. The truth of the matter is this…
The Best Marketing In The World Will
Not Sell A Product No One Wants To Buy
But…even crappy marketing will sell a product people are desperate for. What’s more, the sales will come fast and easy if you’re SURE of exactly what the most responsive people in the market want, the EXACT LANGUAGE they use to describe it … and the EMOTIONAL HOT BUTTONS which motivate purchase.
Break your market into sub-groups with unique needs and your response rates almost always go up dramatically because you’re getting the exact right message to the exact right person. But how do you find out what people want (literally down to the letter)? How do you READ YOUR CUSTOMER’S MIND?
Of course, with my background, you can bet I’m NOT talking about a simple survey, or playing with a few keyword tools.
I’m talking about doing thorough and complete A to Z projects covering every aspect of the market and providing you with a detailed list of exactly what your market is looking for, what the most responsive people are most interesting in PAYING for, exactly how much it should cost you to generate a sale, and how to break your market into smaller groups for maximum effectiveness.
Bill Harrison
Philadelphia, PA
“I heard everybody raving about the results they were getting with Glenn’s techniques, so I was one of the first people to sign up”
Listen, I’m not going to tell you you’re going to get every last dime available in your market, … but when you’ve so thoroughly researched a market and taken the time to cater to people’s needs on such a precise level, … how could you possibly be better positioned to scoop up the lion’s share of the profits?
You’ll get a hyper-responsive
intelligence system so incredibly
thorough you’ll feel confident going
into new markets even if you know
absolutely nothing about them
Perry Marshall
Oak Park, IL
“This is all about knowing a market, … and it’s so thorough that even if you don’t have personal experience in that market you can still go into it and find out, what are the things that people will pay money for”
It’s a system so powerful, it can virtually eliminate marketing risk and guesswork.
It can tell you exactly what people are DESPERATE to buy…in any market. Not what they’re casually seeking information about (plenty of keyword search tools can tell you that)…but what they want to open up their wallets and give you money for. No other comprehensive system can do this for you with the same precision and no-guesswork-accuracy.
Whoever Understands
The Customer Best Wins!
The Unlimited Traffic Technique
Jonathan Mizel (my partner in another company) taught me that on the internet, if you can convert more of your visitors to cash than your competitors, you can eventually tilt almost ALL the traffic in your favor, because you can pay more for visitors than anyone else.
For example, let’s say I can make $10 on an average visitor and you can only make $3. Well, if I offer you $5 for your visitors, why would you continue to struggle trying to sell to them yourself? Even OFFLINE, if you can make more money from a prospect than your competitors, they’ll willingly sell them to you.
Power ALWAYS gravitates towards a center. Your goal must be to understand your customer better than ALL your competitors so you can engineer this tipping point in YOUR business. And when you understand the hyper-responsive customer better than anyone else in the market, you win on a whole new level!
Can you see the possibilities for selling your own products on and off-line, selling products as an affiliate, generating and earning commissions on leads, & providing laser-targeted traffic to other businesses who have products perfect for your prospects? Now, as I was about to say:
I’m Finally Providing
Step By Step Implementation
And Training So YOU Can Build
Your Own Hyper Responsive
Marketing System
The system has EVERYTHING to do with SOLID RESEARCH PRINCIPLES you can use both on and offline … laser-precise hyper-responsive research that reveals exactly what your most responsive prospects and customers want, how they want it delivered, and what they’re likely to pay for.
I’ve already taught it to a very select group of marketers in a special closed-door event held at my home. (These included Perry Marshall, Fred Gleeck, Bill Harrison, and many more well known people who asked to be my students). And if you ask any of these people what kind of impact this research process will have on the marketing landscape, don’t be surprised if they tell you …
Without This Advanced Market
Intelligence Your Business Is
Now Very Vulnerable
It had to happen sooner or later. Big companies are making too much money doing this kind of stuff for smaller marketers to ignore it forever.
Someone like me had to come along and bridge the gap, and I’m afraid I won’t be the last … which means soon, just to be able to survive people will simply have to have this kind of advanced market intelligence. So apart from the fact you could be making more money using this system… your business will also soon be AT RISK.
People who know how to do this kind of research will be able to come in and dominate your market (literally wiping out competitors). The only way to be sure this won’t happen is to find out exactly what the most responsive people in your market want and start delivering it so there’ll be no reason to go elsewhere.
My hyper-responsive formula will show you how to do that. It’s called…
“Hyper Responsive Marketing Secrets”
(For New Market Entries And Existing Businesses)
“Hyper Responsive Marketing Secrets” is much more powerful than anything I’ve ever put out before because I’ve discovered a better way to deliver it to make an IMMEDIATE DIFFERENCE in your business. You see, most marketers charge a fortune for a “shock and awe” package designed to overwhelm and impress you. The goal is to leave your head spinning. They want you to say “Wow! I sure got a lot of impressive stuff!”
It doesn’t matter to them whether you can actually implement what they sent you. As long as you feel impressed and entertained long enough to get past the refund period, they’re happy.
Get immediately download Glenn Livingston – Hyper Responsive Marketing Secrets
But here’s the thing … I’ve been around marketing game long enough to realize people can’t drink from a fire hose, and it’s important to me my work actually makes a difference in your business and in your life. (I don’t have children so I really need my work to be meaningful)
The biggest difference between success and failure is not brains, money, or luck … it’s IMPLEMENTATION. So I’d rather give you ONE simple, powerful lesson every month and have you actually DO something with it, than get you all razzed up and excited with a truckload of material you barely have time to get through, much less act upon.
AND … I want you to have enough finances left after paying for your education to be able to actually implement what I teach you!
Each Month You’ll Get A Single Powerful Lesson You Can Start Using Right Away To Start Making More Money With Less Effort So You Can Enjoy Your Business, Your Passion, And Your Life
Here’s What You Get Right Away When You Order:
Hyper-Responsive Manifesto:
(62 Minute Video + 16 Page Action Summary Guide)
A thorough orientation to the Hyper Responsive methods you’ll be using in the months ahead, summarized in powerful action steps with brief illustrations and clear reasons why. This is the critical first step to flooding your site with hyper-responsive buyers pre-sold on benefits your competitors won’t know how to deliver.
Keyword Hyper-Focus:
(2 Hours of Video Instruction and Single Page Cheat Sheet/Action Guide)
What’s the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT BULLS-EYE KEYWORD in your business? If you had to choose only ONE keyword to rank for, and only one to advertise in PPC, what would it be? What are searchers on this keyword thinking and feeling as they bounce from competitor to competitor? Who’s winning the game on this keyword conversation, and why?
What small set of related keywords is going to make you the most money? How do you decide when you’ve strayed too far from your keyword bull’s eye?
If you can’t answer these questions in 15 seconds or less, you’re losing customers, time, and money. Because every keyword is a conversation, and having too many of them makes it impossible to effectively market on any ONE. It’s like being a kid in a “keyword candy store”, except Mom’s not there to stop you. The results are hours and hours wasted chasing keywords which never convert and continually distract you from delivering a laser focused, effective marketing message.
In this critical module, delivered the very first day, you’ll immediately climb out of the buzzing, booming keyword confusion I call “Keyword Quicksand” … the trap which leaves most marketers with shattered profits and broken hearts.
I’ll show you how to find the single most important “BULLS-EYE” keyword in your market … you’ll see why it’s no longer necessary to spend days doing keyword research, and why you may be seriously harming your ability to succeed if you do. You’ll finally have the confidence to “just say no” to seductive “quicksand keywords”
Hyper-Intelligence Sneak Peak
(Each month you’ll get an audio-visual “sneak peak” … a kind of “head start cheat sheet” for what’s coming next)
Because I really want to keep you moving along, each month I’ll also give you a sneak peak of what’s coming next, including enough information for you to take “head start” action so you’ll be able to make the most of the next month’s plan.
Month TWO is all about hyper-intelligence … how to take your new-found keyword focus and use it to zero in on exactly who your REAL competitors are, what’s actually working for them, where they’re going wrong, what you should borrow, and how you can improve on what they’re doing.
You might be familiar with existing spy tools, but you’ve never seen them used like this. The sheer volume of competitive intelligence available these days overwhelms most people, who then summarily do NOTHING with it. As we go forward you’ll see ONLY what you really need to know to get the most bang for the least effort … plus we’ll go WAY beyond the standard tools into areas hardly anyone knows about.
You’ll see how to use your competitors’ sites to identify MARKET GAPS and TRUE POINT OF DIFFERENCE BENEFITS which motivate Hyper Responsives in your market and build an extremely solid foundation for your business. I’ll also show you how to minimize what your competitors can steal from YOU
Then, Every 30 Days You’ll Get Another Hyper-Responsive Marketing Secret You Can Use The Very Same Day To Increase Profits And Decrease The Stress In Your Business
Discover the single most important keyword in YOUR business: and the smallest number of related keywords you need to conquer … the “sweet spot” in your keyword marketing world
Find out which laser-targeted sub-groups in your market are most responsive so you can focus your resources and avoid wasting money on people who won’t reciprocate
Find out exactly what the Hyper-Responsives in your market want to BUY so you can tailor every last piece of your sales process (sales letter, telephone scripts, follow up sequences, etc) to powerfully motivate purchase
See what EMOTIONAL BUYING LANGUAGE is most effective for the hyper-responsives in your market .
Learn how to tell if a market is even worth testing in the first place (for those of you looking for a NEW market to tackle … or for your very first one)
Mine for HIDDEN GOLD IN YOUR CUSTOMER LIST by identifying hyper-responsives and seeing how to sell them more expensive products and services
Discover HOW TO ORGANIZE & TEST YOUR OFFLINE ADVERTISING (direct mail lists, tv/radio, newspapers, trade journals, telephone lists, fax, post cards, etc) so you can eliminate waste, maximize effectiveness, and minimize your cost per sale
Learn how to set up and optimize ‘Teaser Ads’ everywhere you advertise in to ensure you get hyper-responsive, hungry people coming through your funnel … BEFORE you spend your precious money and time on product development and/or marketing.
Quickly and easily estimate your cost per sale in a market to determine if it’s likely to be a profitable pursuit… you even get a precisely estimated cost per sale you can compare to what your competitor’s are already selling in a market (could you make money with their margins?)
See which advertising sources are too expensive for your project BEFORE you spend a fortune on them … spend your time and money on the areas of the market most likely to give you a profitable return.
Find out which competitors are most successful and reverse engineer their entire sales process. Everything from their best keywords, ads, and landing pages to their follow up systems, sales pages, and emotional appeals. For many, you’ll even be able to see which changes to their site were most profitable for them over time!
Discover how to use surveys to identify “Point of Difference” benefits so you’ll know what people are likely to PAY for, not just what interests them!
Learn to get a detailed and powerful analysis using nothing more than a simple spreadsheet and 4th grade arithmetic. (I’ll show you how to do the kinds of things I used to get paid six figures for using only adds, subtracts, multiplies, & divides.)
Discover the “LIFE CYCLE” in your market so you can take people through step by step, sell more products and services, and create customers for life.
Find out how to get your sales copy to virtually write itself.
Discover the RIGHT way to ACTUALLY TALK TO AND INTERVIEW your hyper-responsive prospects on the phone in order to gather their more deeply held (and purchase motivating) thoughts, feelings, and imagery.
See how to push the hyper-responsive emotional hot buttons in YOUR market. (Learn how to leverage your prospect’s more deeply held, emotional reasons for purchase)
Find out how to decide what’s most likely to get people to actually take out their credit cards and give you money.
Discover how to design products, services, and sales processes specifically for the HYPER-RESPONSIVES in your market.
See how to choose the best lead capture strategy to optimize take rates and get you hungry, hyper-responsive people.
Learn how to roll out products that will deliver exactly what your market wants.
See For Yourself
Click Any Of The Pictures Below To See And Hear
Reactions From People Already Exposed To My
Hyper-Responsive Marketing Principles
(Videos and testimonials on this page are from people who attended the original seminar
and/or have worked with me or my products in other capacities over the years)
“The cutting edge advantage you need to get to the next level as a marketer!”
Please click the picture at left to watch Bill Harrison’s video clips
“…so thorough that even if you don’t have personal experience in a market you can go in and find out what people will pay money for”
Please click the picture at left to watc