Frank Farelly – Terapia Prowokatywna 2006


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Frank Farelly – Terapia Prowokatywna 2006

Frank Farelly - Terapia Prowokatywna 2006

Check it out: Frank Farelly – Terapia Prowokatywna 2006

Full DVD recording of the November 2006 Provocative Therapy workshop.

On the tiles you will find:

Introduction – Frank Farrelly
12 therapy sessions / after-coaching
Follow-up evening, i.e. meeting people who were sitting on the Hot Chair a year ago
Bonus: DVD from the previous year’s Follow-up meeting
Bonus: statements of workshop participants

Like Frank’s previous workshop, the last one was filmed. This time, a specially downloaded crew with very good equipment was filming (if you remember, the recordings from previous workshops had different things with the sound. This time there are no such problems. The exception is the recording of the first session during which Ula’s microphone did not work. The sound was recorded from the other two microphones and is quite quiet. The intervention would require stopping the session, which we could not do. The recording is incomparably better than those from previous years! The plates were recorded professionally and the labels were printed. The whole set (10 plates) is packed in one box Convenient to store and transport.

WARNING! Material from the Therapy and Provocative Coaching workshop ONLY for ADULTS!
Use in training: It is possible to use recordings as part of training conducted by the purchaser of DVDs provided that the publisher’s prior written consent is obtained. We now give such permission free of charge.

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Frank Farelly - Terapia Prowokatywna 2006

Frank Farelly - Terapia Prowokatywna 2006