David Lindahl – Private Money Training Event – April 2015
$90.00$995.00 (-91%)
The 3 Most Powerful and Proven Presentations Ever Created! Forget ‘how to’ do a presentation…
David Lindahl – Private Money Training Event – April 2015
Check it out: David Lindahl – Private Money Training Event – April 2015
Try not to fall out of your chair, but I am dead serious about helping you attract as much money as you’ll ever need! Notice I say “attract”. Forget about “searching” or finding” private money. I want the investors to line up, ready to GIVE you the money you need to close your deals.
I told you I was SERIOUS! Here is what you get:
Complete Home Study System – Valued at $1,495
Private Money Master Home Study Manual
Look, this manual is jammed pack with chapter after chapter of private money strategies. Listing all of them will take way too much time. Here are my top picks:
1. The Four Types of Private Money Partners
2. Locating Private Money Sources
3. Packaging Your Private Money Deal
4. Legal Considerations
The 3 Most Powerful and Proven Presentations Ever Created! Forget ‘how to’ do a presentation… I am giving you an audio of me presenting as well as my power point for you use as a template. Everything DONE FOR YOU!
Emerging Markets Presentation
Lunch Presentation- I will not only give you this presentation, but I will show you step-by-step how to fill the room with a whole bunch of people and how to get the MONEY!
Webinar Series Follow me and my most successful students as we show you STEP by STEP how to avoid major capital raising mistakes and get private money lenders asking to be part of your next deal. This training series showcases techniques that are tested, proven and realistic..
Private Money Master Forms CD Every form you need to safely get private money from investors, including theAccredited Investor Form. You’ll also get my elevator pitch!
Property Package Template How to analyze a property and structure the deal so your investor partners actually vie with each other so they don’t get closed out of the deal.