David Hans Barker – Spiritual Hustlers Club 1 Year
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Instead, we’ve been taught to bury them. To force them deep down into the pit of our stomachs; to ignore the pain. To keep looking straight ahead, avoiding, at all costs, turning our gaze inwards.
Category: Health / Medical
Tags: Club 1 Year, David Hans Barker, Spiritual Hustlers, Spiritual Hustlers Club 1 Year
David Hans Barker – Spiritual Hustlers Club 1 Year
Check it out: David Hans Barker – Spiritual Hustlers Club 1 Year
When was the last time you felt real excitement for life?
Could you trace it back to a moment in time?
Maybe you were bursting with passion and positivity.
Maybe you had all of this bustling energy and motivation.
Maybe you had crystal clear clarity on where you wanted to go and what you wanted to do.
And we’re willing to bet you’ve been trying to chase that for a while because it’s an amazing feeling, isn’t it?
Some people call it your “Flow State,” some call it “Alignment,” we call it “Living The Way You’re Meant To.”
Life is supposed to be fun, playful, and exciting.
Meanwhile, so many people are stuck chasing that feeling of excitement from external sources—they end up either riding this miserable rollercoaster of ups and downs or giving in to living life at 50%.
Doesn’t that sound miserable?
Most people living in this stage are comfortable with their complacency. They repeat the same destructive patterns. They struggle to do anything else other than live with pain and frustration as their default setting.
These people lack motivation, they lack drive, and yet, it’s not even their fault.
If only they knew the truth…
…The truth that our education system is broken.
Because the way it’s currently set up, we’re creating workers. People who are meant to clock in, clock out, and do so without even a fuss.
But here’s the kicker: that’s why we build robots and automated systems.
Humans aren’t meant to be doing the same thing over and over again for 30-40 years, not like that.
Our minds need space for growth and expansion: they need room for creativity.
And at the end of the day, if we don’t move around that creativity or give our minds the opportunity to grow or run wild, we start to hold in energy and emotion.
This wouldn’t be an issue except for the fact that we’ve never been educated on how to clear that energy or regulate our emotions.
Instead, we’ve been taught to bury them. To force them deep down into the pit of our stomachs; to ignore the pain. To keep looking straight ahead, avoiding, at all costs, turning our gaze inwards.
Doing that leads you to:
- More anxious/depressive slumps
- Lack of productivity/focus
- Lack of motivation/clarity/purpose
- Increased limiting beliefs
Essentially, it keeps you stuck.
And while you know that there’s so much more life to experience, you’ve been placed in a corner where you don’t get a fighting chance—you have to keep running in the same cycles just to maintain the same level of life that you already don’t want.
What you actually want is freedom from all of that, don’t you?
The freedom to live on your terms without having to play victim to the ebbs and flows of life.
To have control over where your mind is and where you want it to go.
All of that starts with some sort of tool to look inside yourself.
Now, this isn’t another page meant to tell you about looking inward to find your purpose, nor is this a page about telling you how to push through and be able to control your mind, you probably already know these things.
If you’re here, odds are that you’ve seen one too many videos of “manifestation babes” all over the internet who seem to be living on clouds and wishing money into their bank accounts.
That’s definitely not your energy, you’re a practical human with goals, metrics, and an eye for the tangibles in life—you can’t seem to understand where they’re pulling spirituality and placing it into their businesses.
There’s Something Bigger Out There That Connects Us
But you’re not quite sure how turning into a monk meditating 6+ hours a day will get you to build the business and life you’ve been wanting.
We’re here to say you don’t have to turn into the mountain monk recluse or the manifestation Bali babe in order to harness the benefits of spirituality.
This page is to open your eyes to what’s possible when you tap into yourself: balancing your creative/more spiritual side with your practical/goal oriented side.
It’s about taking the fundamentals of mental health and expansion, learning to place those practices into your life, and then using them to create practical output—whether it’s for your work, relationships, or anything in between.
It’s about taking accountability, and finally showing up so you can live the life of your dreams without wasting too much time in the weeds, procrastinating, or simply being unhappy for the sake of what others think.
It’s About Becoming A Spiritual Hustler!
Being a Spiritual Hustler means you’re someone who realizes that spirituality isn’t attained by turning away from life, it’s attained by turning toward it—by looking inward to be better outward.
It’s understanding that all external changes are achieved through internal adjustments.
They’re someone who’s willing to get their hands dirty and heal the wounds collected over the years: doing the deep work needed in order to better navigate life with clarity, focus, and purpose.
Most importantly, it’s about creating capacity—allowing the space internally for you to grow externally.
When we talk about capacity, it’s about building the muscle of doing more with less.
- Working more productively through your day to day while working less
- Responding more to life and less reacting to outcomes
- Loving more fully while needing less of that love from others to be at your top form (because you’re sourcing your own love)
A spiritual hustler is someone who doesn’t need to turn away from the practical details of life in order to reap the benefits of spirituality.
Most importantly, your definition of success doesn’t have to change, you can simply add to it.
Living this way of life is about using spirituality as a tool to be happier and more fulfilled in the work you’re already doing.
If you took the time to heal whatever chaos is living inside of you through spiritual practices, just imagine all of the energy you’d have to redirect into meaningful work in your business or your relationships.
And when we talk about spirituality, we’re talking about authenticity.
Embracing everything life has to offer, being unpretentious, capable, and whole.
We see spirituality as a practical skill that can be mastered and implemented into real life—not just some “woo-woo” thing on the internet that people use to manifest more money into their bank accounts.
There is no separation between the hustle and the soul, because, when you infuse your life with focus and meditative states, you’ll discover that everything becomes spiritual.
While in the SHC you’ll learn to:
- Live fully into personal freedom so it’s you who’s making the decisions, no one else
- Create clarity around your vision and purpose to break out of destructive patterns
- Develop a bulletproof mindset to keep you focused and unaffected by the challenges the outside world presents to you
- Harness the abundance and prosperity of life without being a toxic optimist
- Rekindle that desire to chase fulfillment and no longer fall into the mudpit of mundanity
- Regenerate the excitement you once felt about life
And all of this while receiving the love, support, and accountability of a community who cares about your personal and professional growth.
Even though you’ll be discovering new tools and knowledge to work with, the SHC community is focused on implementation and accountability—the two pieces you most need in order to achieve the life you want.
No more forcing, pushing, or grinding all by yourself to get what you want. You’ll be put just outside of your comfort zone allowing you to grow in a safe and encouraging environment.