Clifford Pistolese – Lifespan Investing
A robust investment strategy designed to multiply your assets throughout your life
Clifford Pistolese – Lifespan Investing
Check it out: Clifford Pistolese – Lifespan Investing
The smartest and healthiest way to invest is long-term investment. In The Lifelong Approach to Investing, veteran investor and author Clifford Pistolese cleverly explains the need for this approach and offers proven methods for maximizing wealth at any age and stage in your life.
Introducing an age-specific portfolio management plan, Pistolese outlines three different strategies based on where you are in your life cycle. He uncovers the best ways to take advantage of opportunities to increase capital during bull markets, avoid losing capital during bear markets, and increase your assets and income stream during limited range markets. Pistolese also provides you with fail-safe routines for assessing the timeliness of potential investments, from stocks and bonds to ETFs, REITs, tips, and more.
A robust investment strategy designed to multiply your assets throughout your life
Valuable online resources will help you choose investments based on your financial retirement goals and level of risk tolerance
Useful charts illustrating general price patterns, trading volume characteristics, moving averages, trend lines, price breakouts, key reversal days, and more
Forex Trading – Foreign Exchange Rate
Want to know more about the Forex market?
Foreign currency, or forex, is the conversion of the currency of one country into the currency of another.
In a free economy, a country’s currency is valued in accordance with the laws of supply and demand.
In other words, the value of a currency can be pegged to the currency of another country, such as the US dollar, or even to a basket of currencies.
The value of a country’s currency can also be set by the country’s government.
However, most countries freely exchange their currencies for the currencies of other countries, which keeps them in constant flux.