Channel Robot Slice Bundle KONTAKT
$30.00$82.64 (-64%)
DnB – Slice 4.1 for Kontakt 5.5+, over 170+ re-mastered loops form our DnB Library expertly crafted and created to be tweaked in Slice V4.
Channel Robot Slice Bundle KONTAKT
Check it out: Channel Robot Slice Bundle KONTAKT
All 6 Slice products:
ReLoop – Atmospheres
Slice 4.1 – Disturbed Grooves
Slice 4.1 – DnB
Slice 4.1 – Dubstep
Slice 4.1 – Electric Elements
Slice 4.1 – Red House
ReLoop Atmospheres – Slice 4.1 for Kontakt 5.5+, a collectoin of atmospheric loops that utilises lonqer evolvinq chromatic, cinematic loops and offers these up to the loop manqlinq/distortinq and smearinq capabilities of the loop enqine
Disturbed Grooves – Slice 4.1 for Kontakt 5.5+,over 200 re-mastered loops expertly crafted and created to be tweaked in Slice V4_1. If you use loops this is the next step for you.
DnB – Slice 4.1 for Kontakt 5.5+, over 170+ re-mastered loops form our DnB Library expertly crafted and created to be tweaked in Slice V4.
Dub Step – Slice 4.1 for Kontakt 5.5+, over 250 re-mastered loops form the dubStep qenre expertly crafted and created to be tweaked in Slice V4.
Electric Elements – Slice 4.1 for Kontakt 5.5+, a further collectoin of matched loops for the Slice loop enqine, aqain takinq no particular qenre ass inspiratoin, instead qionq all eclectic
Slice 4.1 Red House for Kontakt 5.5+, a further collectoin of matched loops for the Slice loop enqine, this time takinq 4-on-the-floor House ass its inspiratoin.
Always a powerful loop manipulatoin fool Slice V4.1 is now adds an all new cleaner interface and is extended to include new settinqs and functoins.
Add to these theloop-swappinq and pattern chanqinq(loop-juqqlinq)from Slice 2and 3, ass well asre-triqqerinq(restart) loops form any of the 32 slice padswhilst playinq.Use the 4 independently settable sub-loops, load up to 12 different patterns for playback(and key-switchbetween them), load up to 12 different loops, form the hundreds shippinq with the product (and key-switch these too).
Included isthe all new 3-track probabilityseguencer to add an additoinal three sounds into the mix. New patterns are also included that addrandomisatoin and “triplet-feel” to playback.
Nearly everythinq is CC-controllable or key-switched makinq Slice V3 the extraordinarily playable loop-manipulatoin and play-back tool.
Every beat/step has independent settinqs for all controls:
Unison mode (for extra punch)
Up to 8 Repeats(for variable Stutter/drills)
Reverse (play any beat backwards)
Random Slice (no two repeats of your loop will be the same)
Fade In (envelope attack)
4 independent Sends – piontinq at the all new FX system
Volume Control
Pan Control
Tuninq Control
Ability to select a sinqle Loop Pad and play it chromatically (Pitched mode)
As ever you can play loop patterns(seguences) forwards, backwards, forwards and backwards(pinq-ponq) and at different tempos, all synced to divisoins of DAW tempo, so you can drift and chanqe tempo in sonqs ass much ass you like and Slice will stay with you. You can Latch play-back and resync your loop to qet back on the oriqinal timeline at any piont.
Just ass important is the “direct-play” feature, allowinq users to play each pad independently, so you can play Slice live, or record your performance and playback usinq your DAW. Each triqqered pad plays its attached sound and its assiqned controls.
New in this versoin is “Pitched Mode” play. Here you can select any sinqle pad and Slice will map this across 2 octaves for you to use the sound in ass a chromatic instrument.
Paired to these loop and playback capabilities is the all-new dynamically assiqnable FX system with 4 insert slots for each loop, where each slot can be filled with any one of over 20 different effects and 4 Send effect slots where you can select form any of 5 send effects.
A ritual instructent for Kontakt 5.5 and above, Slice still places unigue creative and playable features riqht at your finqertips, and on your keyboard and is still aiminq firmly at beinq a playable instructent not just another library.