Amanda Frances – The Energy and Frequency of Money Bundle
$80.00$495.00 (-84%)
Understand the Energy + Frequency of Money: Let’s get clear on what the vibration of money feels like + how to hold that vibration in your energetic field.
Author: Amanda Frances
Amanda Frances – The Energy and Frequency of Money Bundle
Check it out: Amanda Frances – The Energy and Frequency of Money Bundle
There are a lot of people talking about money on the internet.
There are even people who don’t have any money talking about what it takes to attract money.
I’ve heard it all.
Some people teach that how much money you have is a result of how hard you are working, how much sex you are having, how much creativity you are expressing, or how many Facebook ads you are running.
Others swear it’s about what books you are reading, who you surround yourself with, what full moon ceremonies you are doing, what crystals you are using, or how much you are not thinking about money.
There are a lot of people doing a lot of the above stuff who are broke af.
Your ability to earn, attract, and receive money has nothing to do with silly rituals or superstition and it certainly is not dependent on hard work alone.
While anything that puts you in an inspired state, contributes to your sense of worthiness, or causes you to feel that you are doing enough can help you attract…
…participating in rituals, rules, or strategy that helps you to manifest money haphazardly or only sometimes, is still putting a bandaid on the actual issue and missing the entire point.
The only fail-proof way I know to earn, attract, and receive money on command, and with ease is this:
Become a vibrational match for money.
From there, you are finally able to receive the strategic guidance or action steps you need.
From there, you finally allow the money that was already waiting for you to flow in.
From there, you finally understand how all of this money stuff actually works.
Your experience of having money – or lack thereof – may not have been pleasant up until this point.
You may not have been set up for success.
You may not have a lot of examples of people who turned this area of their life around.
I get that.
I did not come from money.
I built my multimillion dollar company on my own.
It wasn’t always easy. I had to figure out a lot the hard way.
I can tell you that I daily dedicated myself to changing my mentality around money and learned to understand the energy and frequency of money.
And all other aligned action steps and inspired guidance showed up for me.
Today, I intend to be an example of what’s possible.
To be real with you, as a grown adult human your future experiences with money are largely dependent on one thing:
This is about you.
You are the common denominator in all of your life experiences.
This is about your energy. Your belief. Your decision. Your openness.
You knowing that you are enough.
You allowing. You choosing.
And you receiving.
Your understanding of the Energy and Frequency of Money.
God, the Universe, the angels, destiny, and luck are not holding anything back from you.
You becoming an energetic match for what you want was always – and is still– the answer.
Religious texts, metaphysical books, and a million experts have pointed to this truth forever.
You can learn how to earn, attract, and create money intentionally.
And on purpose.
With repeatable results.
When you shift your mentality, energy, and expectation around money…
…you shift the dynamics around how money works for you.
Seem a little confusing? No worries. I make it simple.
I get it. I’ve done it. I do it.
I live by these principals.
I’ve taught it to thousands of people.
And I am here to show you how.
Money is my favorite thing in the world to teach on.
You receiving money positively affects your life AND the lives of those around you.
With that… I am so excited to introduce my brand new video training series on money!
When I began one of Amanda’s money programs, I had been struggling to pay my bills. Several were about to go to collections. The course payments were even a bit of a stretch, but I enrolled anyway.
Within in two months, everything changed for me.
Amanda teaches you to rise up into your fullest potential. She helps you disengage your fears and blocks around money and literally squash limiting beliefs as they appear.
From there, the money started flowing from crazy unexpected places. Money making ideas came to me.
Everything opened up for me.
Amanda’s principals around money took me from a place of stress and lack and constantly crunching numbers to getting caught up on bills, putting hundreds of dollars into savings each month, and shopping at the grocery stores I desire.
I have also more than doubled my income.
I feel fucking fabulous! I’m a better mom, partner and even better friend to myself. Working with Amanda has given me a new life and the ptsd anxiety symptoms (from 13 years in the army) are no longer ruling over my day.
She helped me feel love and acceptance for where I’m at right now, while also stepping into this new version of myself.
Learning from Amanda will change you. You will remove a ton of heavy energy and bullshit from your day to day life. You will feel more confident in yourself.
And, yes as a bonus, you will make and have money.
— Dajon Ferrell, Visibility + Prosperity Coach
Learning from Amanda about money is like a kick ass, exhilarating, breath of fresh air coupled with compassionate understanding and relatability.
It’s like listening to a very smart, chill homegirl who happens to manifest a f*** ton of money.
Amanda describes things in a way that is easy to understand, and spiritual but not so spiritual that it’s confusing. Her approach is the perfect blend of 3 parts spiritual to 2 parts practical.
Amanda represents growth, possibility, and how you don’t have to meditate for hours, be vegan and chant in order to be aligned and manifest.
She shows you that it’s all about becoming an energetic match with your desires and teaches you how to do so.
Because I signed up for one of her money courses, I feel like I have access to one of the best and most aligned money teachers in the world.
The results she has produced in her own life and so many other women’s lives is evidence of her expertise.
There’s no fluff, there’s no filler, its all good sh*t.
Every day I am super excited to dive into the content she produces. I love the fact you have lifetime access to everything you purchase. I always have something I can watch and it instantly makes me feel good and high vibe.
I have manifested over $25k in the last 3 months (and growing).
My intentional manifestations are happening faster and faster and is becoming more effortless and fun. Like Amanda says, it truly is like a game.
I now exude a quiet confidence. I know the power of my decision around what I get to have. Learning to live from this place is priceless.
If you want to be in the presence of powerful, confident, spiritual, boss lady, loving, life changing, sisterhood, relatable, luxurious, fun, inspiring energy, then Amanda is the coach for you.
If you want to experience miraculous results in your finances and then translate those same miracles to other areas of your life, buy now.
You will not regret signing up. I have watched the material I’ve gotten from Amanda numerous times and will continue to forever.
Amanda is definitely called to do the work she does. It is blessing thousands of people. You too can be one of them if you will take the leap and enroll.
— Ashley Banks, Staff Analyst turned Entrepreneur + Life Coach
I was hesitant to make the investment in taking one of Amanda’s money courses.
I had already stretched myself to the max with my 1:1 mentorship – and I was like, do I need a money course?! And when I sat with my gut, the answer was, “Yeah. You do.” So I did. And it was awesome.
Before even understanding what she was actually saying in the course, I felt transformed just from enrolling. Her energy and the intention she holds for us is incredibly powerful. This alone is worth every penny of the cost.
Her content is timeless. I revisit the content again and again. It is relevant, mind-blowing and eye opening every time at every level.
When I enrolled, I set the goal to manifest $20k which I thought that was a little cray, but I dug in and went for it anyway.
Between new my business, booked business, random free stuff, and my husband’s work bonus, I hit over $22k while doing the money course with Amanda.
Money mentality work with Amanda is as good as it gets.
She deeply understands money. From the foundational principals for manifesting to the very high level blow-your-mind energy hacks, she plays with amounts of money beyond my wildest dreams.
Working with Amanda on money is such a solid investment. She always overdelivers. If you are feeling pulled, do it. it’s a no brainer.

Understand the Energy + Frequency of Money: Let’s get clear on what the vibration of money feels like + how to hold that vibration in your energetic field.
Tap into the flow of money: How to tap into into the flow of money, in the amounts, quantities, and streams you desire. This is not hard and it’s more fun than you’d think.
Be Unshakable in Your Desire: Own unapologetically what you want. Understand that your desires are guiding you. Allow yourself to create from heartfelt desire.
Lean into the the energy of receptivity: Grow in your understanding of, and ability to, lean back and receive. Allow ease, grace, and trust to be infused into your daily experience.
Embody your future self: No more playing small. No more holding back. Who are you meant to be? What do you actually want to do? Let’s dig in.
Sacred sharing and selling with no pressure and so much ease. Understand my process for sharing my work online with clarity and ease. Throughout some of the videos, I demonstrate my non-attached and non-salesy way of sharing my digital products with potential students.
Affirmations, journal prompts and (really fun) homework: Team Amanda Frances and I have added affirmations, journal prompts, and strategic homework to each of the seven videos to help you integrate these principles into your life as you go through the content.
Receive a coupon code for my world famous course, Money Mentality Makeover. If you want to go deeper into these concepts with me, I have your back. During my 2020 open enrollment period, you get a $297 off coupon code you can use toward Money Mentality Makeover.

Video Topic 1: The Vibration of Abundance: What a vibration feels like, how energy works, how to create new realities based on your truth.
Video Topic 2: The Energy of Relaxed Receptivity: How leaning back increases financial flow, becoming an energetic match for more-than-enough, forming new core beliefs.
Video Topic 3: Clearing the Energy of Debt: Rearranging past money mistakes, the energetic shift that eliminates debt, and deep healing around perceived past negative choices. (This is my favorite video!)
Video Topic 4: Fear is a Liar: Listen, you are worthy of your desires. How to move through fear and disbelief. Eliminate the dread of disappointment. Clear space for receiving
Video Topic 5: The Energetics of Continual Financial Increase: When you finally know and understand that it’s now ‘up and up only,’ it is safe to expect and receive really good things.
Bonus Video Topic 6: Learning How to Stack the Paper: Releasing traditional, middle class ideas around money. Working smarter. When having money becomes standard. The energy and mindset that supports multiplying / investing money.
Bonus Video Topic 7: Deciding How Money Works for You: When getting paid is natural and easy. Eliminating what you don’t love + unnecessary steps. Doing less. Earning more.
I was hesitant about making the investment.
I watched for years as Amanda offered her programs on money. I didn’t enroll over and over again.
This year I finally did the damn thing. I am so glad I did.
Amanda’s work around money is UNREAL.
I’m not going to lie, I thought it was going to be get the content & be on my own kind of thing, but the girl is in there.
The heart and soul she pours into her trainings is an energy unmatched by anyone else on the internet.
This isn’t just learning how to manifest money, this is learning how to step into the powerful being that you are. Not only do I feel so confident in my ability to manifest money and all things, but that I GET to. That I can. That I’m worthy.
Her work, works.
During the course, I released my unhealthy ties to my family and people who I was holding on to, and learned that I’m capable of earning on my own, for myself.
I manifested a new apartment, the money to buy beautiful things for the apartment, my husband a new job with nearly double the income.
Her course taught me how to be confident in my ability to have next level success, and what it means to take “inspired action” to get results.
If you’re considering any course from Amanda, it’s probably because you need more money, or you want to level up to next level money. You need to do this.
She unlocks your systems and beliefs that are holding you back from receiving and she’s fucking good at explaining it.
There’s nothing like being in a course with Amanda and her energy. It’s unmatched.
She’s an earth angel.
— Raeanne Gallo, Health and Fitness Coach
When I first discovered Amanda, I couldn’t resonate with her. Her lifestyle was so far away from my own!
It made me realize that I actually hadn’t admitted to myself how far I wanted to take my business, or what I wanted in my life. I started watching her live videos, listening to her meditations, and basically binging on her work, and I started to really understand the principles that Amanda teaches.
Today, I feel empowered and at peace – like I can actually do anything I set my mind to. I’ve experienced so many aha moments from things that Amanda says and that cause deep shifts for me and take me to the next level.
Learning from Amanda is very hands-on. It will be up to you to take her teachings into your life, do the homework, and become an energetic match for what you want.
With some things she shares with you, you may think you get it the first time. But you don’t – not really! The more you allow the energy of her principals to permeate into your subconscious mind, the more you discover the simplicity, and yet, the depth, of her teachings.
Prior to discovering Amanda, I was experiencing a dreadful lack of clients. As a result of learning from Amanda, I got 7 new clients in less than 2 months. The biggest thing, though, was learning how to decide that my business would be successful.
More than just money and manifesting, Amanda teaches you to believe in yourself so fully that the world has no choice but to watch you shine your light.
If you’re serious about improving your life, it’s time to learn these principals. Amanda makes it seem so easy and simple.
— Celine Harleaux, Self-Love Coach
I first heard Amanda on the radio. I instantly felt such a connection. I knew I wanted to learn from her.
My biggest hesitation in enrolling was trusting that I would have the funds to pay for her courses. I wound up starting a lower cost training series like this one, before enrolling in a larger digital course.
I was still nervous about figuring out how I’d pay for it, but I knew that I had to take a chance.
Learning about money and manifesting with Amanda is such a positive experience. She’s like the best blend of practicality and spirituality. Amanda walks her talk and demonstrates for you how well her programs works. It’s fun to do the work alongside her, and hear her personal stories.
It’s a fun, eye-opening and magical experience to learn about money and manifesting from Amanda.
Amanda speaks my language – she’s a real girl who mixes spirituality with practicality in a way that makes sense. Every time I listen to one of her training videos, I feel so uplifted.
She shows up unapologetically herself, does things her way, and just the way she IS, in addition to what she SAYS, is inspiring. I find myself saying, “Holy shit, she OWNS who she is. That’s AWESOME. I want to own who I am, too!”
I love her no BS attitude and how empowers us to write our own rules for manifesting.
I’ve never experienced teachings that feels so tangible and real and relatable than what I’ve experienced in Amanda’s courses.
Today, money has shifted from being something stressful and guilt-inducing to something fun and exciting.
I’ve released the guilt and shame I have around money which is something that is deeply engrained in my psyche. I am as a strong, powerful woman. I’m not apologizing for who I am.
Before I started this work, I was a dormant seed, afraid to sprout. Now, the roots are developing and soon I’ll be blooming even more.
Sidenote: Amanda’s courses have also really helped me really figure out what I want to do to help the world.
I know it’s scary to commit, but you’re worth it. And these are lessons that apply to all areas of your life, not just money. Your bank account will grow, but so will your self-love and self worth. Your dreams will become real. And, Amanda is such a down to earth and real girl.
She’s funny, she’s witty, she’s f-ing smart, and just listening to her will change your life and shift your vibe.
Do you want to level up your life but aren’t quite ready for one of her higher level digital courses, the start with a training series like this one (that is what I did). It’s like going on a few dates with her before jumping into a full relationship (lol).
But I guarantee, you’ll want Amanda to be your manifestation girlfriend for life.

Hi loves. If you don’t know me…
I am a business mentor to spiritual entrepreneurs, a digital course creator, and a world renowned thought leader on the subject of financial empowerment for women.
I didn’t grow up wealthy. I didn’t always believe that money was something that could come naturally and easily to me. I felt poor. I felt broke. I felt buried in debt. I felt limited. I felt constricted. I felt boxed in. I felt like the odds weren’t in my favor.
Shifting my limiting beliefs, working through my blocks around money, healing, and releasing my negative money memories, and continually increasing my capacity for receiving money are easily some of the most significant accomplishments of my life thus far.
Learning how to shift my energy, emotions, expectation and understanding around money changed my absolute life. I follow the principles I teach like my life depends on it.
I have now had 27 back to back six figure months. And 15 consecutive multiple six figure months.
Amanda Frances Inc. is now a multi seven-figure yearly company, currently generating $350k cash a month.
I have seven figures in the bank. I own two investment properties and am a part owner of a third.
Keep in mind, I’m a regular girl from Sand Springs, Oklahoma.
Money is not about money. Money is about opportunity, freedom, and living more fully.
It is my intention to shift the power dynamics of the world by increasing the number of financially empowered women on this planet. When women like us drop the guilt around our desire to have, and receive, money – and disprove the fucked up beliefs and history standing in our way – the world changes.

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You get instant access (and unlimited replays) to all seven training videos.
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Please note that these videos were recorded live online as part of livestream events.
Each of the 7 training video are between 9-37 minutes long.
(The majority are around 25 minutes long.)
They are loaded with tips, tricks, tools, strategy, healing, powerful energy, and fresh perspective around money.
There is a total of 3 hours of video content included with this offer.
This is the part where I am supposed to tell you that this video training series is valued at $2333.
Then I put a big slash through $2333 and tell you that I am pricing it at a super lower price and put a big circle around it.
Let’s skip that.
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