Jay Earley & Bonnie Weiss – Transforming Perfectionism Course
Perfectionism can cause you to be uptight and worried much of the time. It can keep you from being relaxed and having fun and joy in life. It can unbalance your life because you spend far too much time on work or other attempts to be perfect, leaving little time for family, friends, love, and creativity.
$22.00$75.00 -
Jay Earley & Bonnie Weiss – All Demo Bundle of Demonstration IFS Sessions IFS Sessions on Inner Critics + IFS Sessions + Steps in the IFS Process
These demonstration sessions shows how to work with Inner Critic parts. In IFS terms, Inner Critics are protectors that use self-judgment as a strategy for protecting you. In working with Critics, a cluster of other parts is often triggered, which includes the Criticized Child and the Inner Defender. Our IFS Inner Critic work is described in our book Self-Therapy for Your Inner Critic.