Igor Ledochowski – Professional Stage Hypnosis – Promo Materials
How to Practice the Start of Your Stage Hypnosis Show So It Runs Perfectly Every Time
$62.00$400.00 -
Steven Peliari -The Art Of Covert Hypnosis
If I apply what I learn and do not see results, I can request a full refund at any time during the 8 weeks from time of purchase.
$42.00$197.00 -
Milton Erickson – On Problem Drinkers
Milton H. Erickson was the leading medical hypnotist of his time and founder of a school of directive, strategic therapy. In His Own Voice are recorded discussions he had with Jay Haley.
$17.00$87.00 -
James Tripp – Smoking Cessation Mindshifts
There is a lot of material covered in this program! If you like specific details…
$35.00$95.00 -
Milton Erickson – Lecture And Demonstration 1960 Chicago
Milton H. Erickson was the leading medical hypnotist of his time and founder of a school of directive, strategic therapy.
$20.00$97.00 -
Bob Burns – The Swan
after making the initial CONTACT how to actually communicate with this fascinating part of who we really are.