Ian McIntosh – Rhythmic Synthesis
A look at some of my favorite and most used synth patches and a deep dive into how and why they sound the way they do.
$20.00$50.00 -
Ian McIntosh – Effects Masterclass
Sidechain compression – including an uncanny use you probably haven’t seen before.
$10.00$33.00 -
Ian McIntosh – Intro To Synthesis
Imagine never getting confused at settings in your synth, keyboard, or software again.$20.00$50.00 -
Ian McIntosh – Transform Your Live Rig
Imagine being able to control the sound of any patch you use and be able to dramatically shape and mold it… at your whim
$20.00$50.00 -
After this workshop, you’ll be able to build out an Ableton session that is simple and elegant
$30.00$47.00 -
Ana Caballero – Como Preparar Yogurt Y Kefir En Casa?
Empieza hoy a cambiar los productos industrializados de tu cocina por alimentos hechos por ti, con los mejores ingredientes.
$10.00$33.00 -
Jeroen Sangers – Club Super Efectivo
Creador de El Canasto, el primer blog en castellano sobre la productividad personal.
$5.00$10.00 -
Jeroen Sangers – ¡Este Ano Si!
Creador de El Canasto, el primer blog en castellano sobre la productividad personal.
$5.00$10.00 -
Jeroen Sangers – Gestiona Tu Email Con Eficacia
Aunque el email es un canal de comunicación importante, tu trabajo no es ‘contestar los emails todo el día‘.
$5.00$10.00 -
Jeroen Sangers – Vence A Los Ladrones Del Tiempo
Participa en la comunidad exclusiva del curso con cientos de otras personas
$5.00$10.00 -
Jeroen Sangers – Efectividad En Tu Dia a Dia
Aprender cómo procesar todo el email, las notas, los mensajes, los documentos, las llamadas, etc que recibes cada día
$5.00$10.00 -
Jeroen Sangers – Alcanza Tus Objetivos
Participa en la comunidad exclusiva del curso con cientos de otras personas
$5.00$10.00 -
Jeroen Sangers – Preguntas Y Respuestas
Una vez al mes nos reunimos aquí para que Jeroen Sangers contesta tus preguntas en directo.
$5.00$10.00 -
Jeroen Sangers – Aprende A Aprender
Cómo acceder y descargar el material adicional (hojas de trabajo, diapositivas, quiz, audio, etc.) de cada lección.
$5.00$10.00 -
Jerry Banfield – EDUfyre – Shortcut Deadmau5 Teaches Electronic Music Production Masterclass!
Context for my journey in learning electronic music production (4:17)$20.00$49.00 -
Jerry Banfield – EDUfyre – I Love Designing Shirts on Canva and PhotoShop to Sell on Redbubble, CafePress, and TeeSpring!
In 2013, I ing sharing everything I knew for free on YouTube because I hoped it would help me get more clients.
$20.00$49.00 -
Jerry Banfield – EDUfyre – Shortcut Option B – Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant
What makes Quickc Books Self-Employed Awesome is live business profit reports (2:50)
$20.00$49.00 -
Jerry Banfield – EDUfyre – QuickBooks Self-Employed Basics for Business Owners Online!
Setup transaction rules to avoid hours of work using spreadsheets (19:59)$20.00$49.00 -
Guy Windsor – Solo Historical Martial Arts Training Course
It has been a great pleasure for me to study as a student in the Solo Training Course
$120.00$600.00 -
Brooke Lark – The 60-Minute Food Stop Motion Crash Course
Sound like exactly what you’ve been looking for? Let’s do this thing!