Connirae Andreas – 2-Day Wholeness Training
I began to read spiritual texts from gurus of many traditions, and to sit with spiritual teachers. This seeking became intensified when I went through a time of major personal challenge.
$40.00$159.00 -
Michael Lebeau – Negotiation: winning more than money
and how to create value. Much more than a list of rules or observations of an experienced negotiator, this model teaches you how to think like an expert negotiator.
$40.00$159.00 -
Paul Scheele – Ultimate You Mindfest 2012 and 2013
All you will have to do is push play, close your eyes, relax, and listen to one of the “Paraliminal” sessions featured during the Ultimate You Mindfest.
$40.00$199.00 -
Steve G. Jones – Explorations Beyond The Body & Intensive Training System
Energy Mastery – Learn to harness your own natural energy to develop psychic abilities.
$40.00$199.00 -
The Power of Self-Hypnosis For Guaranteed Results
This program is arranged so you master self-hypnosis in as fast as seven days for a lifetime of success.
$40.00$197.00 -
The Secrets of the superstar NLPers. Trainers and Consultants DVD Programme
Here’s the ONE SECRET all the Superstar NLPers, coaches, trainers & consultants know…
$40.00$300.00 -
Tom Silver – Ultimate Shock Inductions
My highly informative 2 DVD video package will teach you a number of very effective deep trance inductions.
$40.00$149.00 -
Jon Rappoport – The Matrix Revealed
They were talking about the whole construction of reality from a number of angles.
$40.00$125.00 -
Tarek Bibi – Entity Removal With the Infinity Technique
We have researched the world’s experts in the area of entities as well as channeled guidance from source to create this one of a kind Life changing Program.
$40.00$197.00 -
ICBCH SuccessFit Weight-Loss Hypnosis Certification
You will be seeing complete sessions, not just techniques. You will learn how to structure your sessions from start to finish in a complete six session protocol. I work with a real client in this series and you can follow his dramatic weight loss results!
$40.00$127.00 -
NICABM – Practical Strategies for Working With Depression
12 Downloadable audios you can listen to in the car, at the gym, and on the go
$40.00$197.00 -
Marilyn Sargent & Al Sargent – The Power of Perspective
Differentiate between someone else’s unique way of thinking and your own…
$40.00$125.00 -
Allyson Chavez – Make Your Miracles 2014
Did you know that YOU have the ability to create your OWN miracles in your own life
$40.00$247.00 -
Amish Shah – Crowd Fund Code
All of the Federal Government, the White House and the President–think this could be a “game-changer.”
$40.00$197.00 -
Carol Tuttle – The Chakra7 System
It doesn’t matter what you experience at any one time, because there will always be ups and downs.
$40.00$399.00 -
Christophe Morin – SalesBrain NeuroMarketing Training
Master the Secret Art of Subconscious Communication for Self-Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, and Indirect Influence
$40.00$199.00 -
Jerry Stocking – No Fault Sales
Whether a salesperson makes a particular sale or not is a very short-term competitive approach
$40.00$297.00 -
Silva Life System Deluxe
And you know that across the world, more and more people like you are waking up to a more conscious lifestyle.
$40.00$199.00 -
NLP Master Practitioner Certificate (Advanced to Expert)
Further develop your primary senses, develop your intuition and increase your level of self-awareness and self-effectiveness.