Anodea Judith – The Charge Activation Training
Expand your energy, accelerate your personal evolution, and build your capacity to access the full spectrum of your life force.
At the heart of healing and indeed, much of our enjoyment of life, is energy.Author: Anodea Judith
$195.00$1,197.00 -
Rabbi David Ingber – The Way Of Kabbalah Advanced Program
Develop a deep understanding and practice of Jewish mysticism to empower your spiritual awakening and personal growth.
Discover an evolutionary, interspiritual approach to an ancient lineage offering practical guidance for your daily life.Author: Rabbi David Ingber
$210.00$1,094.00 -
don Oscar Miro-Quesada – Magic, Medicine and Mysticism
Discover how to influence reality in remarkable ways as you access your ability to transform the past, heal the present and evolve the future. Deepen your shamanic skills — and your powers of manifestation, healing and guidance — through advanced teachings and practices.
Author: don Oscar Miro-Quesada
$160.00$794.00 -
Wendy De Rosa – Advanced Energy Training For Empaths
In this program, Wendy will guide you through the practices, rituals, and energy healings to clear karmic and emotional wounds, cut negative cords, detox long-held patterns — grounding you in Self and empowering your empathic gifts.
Author: Wendy De Rosa
$140.00$697.00 -
Miranda Macpherson – Relaxing Into God
In Relaxing into God, Miranda will offer you a distinctly feminine perspective on non-dual realization that leads to the discovery of new dimensions of grace – and the possibility for you to embody and live everyday life from the deeper ground of being.
Author: Miranda Macpherson
$140.00$697.00 -
Margaret Paul – Finally, Truly Loving Yourself
Discover the Key to Accessing Profound Joy, Freedom, and Sharing Love With Others — Through Forming Healthy Attachments With the Wounded Parts of You.
Author: Margaret Paul
$120.00$597.00 -
Sally Kempton – The Wisdom Goddess Empowerment Part 2
In the Wisdom Goddess Empowerment (Part 2), you will receive ancient Hindu practices to open, expand and align Kundalini Shakti – the most powerful spiritual energy in your body – by relating to it as an actual embodiment of the Goddess.
Author: Sally Kempton
$100.00$497.00 -
don Oscar Miro-Quesada – Shamanic Travels Beyond the Veil for Remote Healing & Self-Evolution
Embrace your immortal essence as a Shining One on this shamanic sojourn of self-discovery beyond space & time — into the transcorporeal dimensions of human consciousness.
Author: don Oscar Miro-Quesada
$100.00$497.00 -
Robert Moss – Active Dreaming: The Essential Training
You’ll master Active Dreaming — Robert’s original synthesis of dreamwork and shamanism — to awaken to the fact that dreaming is not fundamentally about what happens in sleep; it’s about waking up to a deeper order of reality.
Author: Robert Moss
$100.00$497.00 -
Miranda Macpherson – The Way Of Grace
In this program, Miranda will offer you an opportunity to deeply let go of trying to direct life. Total surrender is a way of becoming receptive to grace deeper than your mind so that coming into intimate contact with the depth of what you really are is possible.
Author: Miranda Macpherson
$80.00$397.00 -
Raja Choudhury – The Inner Goddess Activation
Discover the secret path to awakening Shakti — the mystical and sacred energy within you.
Author: Raja Choudhury
$80.00$397.00 -
James O’Dea – Peace Ambassador Training
Learn from the world’s top peace visionaries, and become an impassioned ambassador for inner and outer peace. We are clearly at an important (and precarious) crossroads in our personal and collective evolution, with war and violence so often in the news.
Author: James O’Dea
$70.00$345.00 -
Robert Moss – Living Your Mythic Edge
Become conscious of your mythic edge… the larger story that wants to be lived through you. Discover how to open to synchronicities, receive guidance, and uncover the wisdom and magic that’s all around you whenever you need it.
Author: Robert Moss
$60.00$297.00 -
Dr. Shamini Jain – Your Well Of Being
In Your Well Of Being course , you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to cultivate total wellbeing. Dr. Shamini will illuminate wellbeing and health from both a scientific and spiritual perspective.
Author: Dr. Shamini Jain
$60.00$297.00 -
Satyen Raja – Your Accelerated Evolution
In the Accelerated Evolution process, you receive the benefits of Satyen’s unparalleled techniques of life mastery, his profound life experience, and his natural ability to navigate beyond societal, cultural and conditioned identities to attain peak consciousness.
Author: Satyen Raja
$60.00$297.00 -
Katy Bray – Your 8th Chakra Life
Activate the power of your 8th chakra and receive healings to transform blocks and energy leaks — in all your chakras.
Gain a deep understanding of the destiny points — predetermined events, people, and places — your soul has designed for this incarnation.Author: Katy Bray
$60.00$297.00 -
Anand Mehrotra – Yoga From The Himalayas
Access your highest potential through ancient teachings and advanced practices from the birthplace of yoga and become freer, more awake and fully alive.
Author: Anand Mehrotra
$60.00$297.00 -
Tirzah Firestone – Wounds Into Wisdom
Join Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone on a new 9-module journey into the healing of your ancestral legacies — and discover untapped spiritual resources as you dismantle personal and intergenerational trauma patterns, so you and your lineage can reach your fullest, most radiant expression.
Author: Tirzah Firestone