Maaz Sallim – Solat Musafir (Syukran)
Apa itu Rukhsah dan Azeemah. Jenis-jenis rukhsah yang Allah berikan ketika bermusafir serta syarat mendapat Rukhsah.
$20.00$45.00 -
Magic Strategy – PVDDR
Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa is a Brazilian professional Magic player. He was inducted to the Magic: The Gathering® Hall of Fame in 2012.
$20.00$60.00 -
Clutterfree – Christina Tiplea
Are you sick and tired of all of the stuff in your life constantly overwhelming you
$20.00$49.00 -
Teach Uplifted
As I stopped living in fear of the next problem, I began to look forward to teaching
$20.00$49.00 -
NICABM – The Treating Trauma Master Series
How to Know Whether a Client’s Dysregulation Is a Symptom of Bipolar Disorder or Trauma
$20.00$51.00 -
George Pratt – Hypnotized for Success: Set of 4
Do you need help getting your subconscious mind into alignment with your goals?
$20.00$89.00 -
Glynis McCants – Healing By The Numbers
The 9 Life Path is very responsible and they have a hard time asking for help
$20.00 -
Tad James – TimeLine Therapy Meditation Music
NLP is the study of excellent communication–both with yourself, and with others.
$20.00 -
Tad James – Prometheus Induction
Without combining NLP techniques with other processes from different fields
$20.00 -
NICABM – Expert Ways to Work with Anxiety
A simple strategy for holding clients in the present while blocking fearful anxious thoughts
$20.00$59.00 -
Tom Kenyon – Biophotonic Human
This set of eight CDs is from a 3-day workshop in May, 2014 originally titled The Camera Obscura.
$20.00$79.60 -
Shad Helmstetter – Self Talk Plus and Orin – Creating Money – Attracting Abundance Audiobook
Do you talk to yourself? Don’t worry, it’s not a sign of insanity! In fact
$20.00$50.00 -
iAwake Technologies – Douglas Prater – Infinity – Lambda Brainwave
Infinity is a potent catalyst for spiritual evolution and a groundbreaking leap forward in brainwave entrainment where nothingness
$20.00$57.00 -
Marsha Linehan – Opposite Action – Changing Emotions You Want to Change
See also Linehan’s related video—Crisis Survival Skills: Part One
$20.00$49.00 -
Mike Mandel – Pain Management
Pain makes it difficult to concentrate. It ruins your sleep, saps your energy, and takes the enjoyment out of life. And worst of all, friends, relatives and colleagues just don’t understand what you’re going through. They can’t see or feel your pain, so it’s all too easy for them to simply dismiss it as irrelevant and expect you to get over it.
$20.00$67.00 -
Mike Mandel – The Navigator System
The Navigator System is a system of unconscious change created by Mike Mandel. Most of you already know Mandel because of his reputation as an amazing hypnotist and hypnotherapist, or from his work as an instructor of Ericksonian Hypnosis. But the Navigator is entirely new, completely original and quite simply – amazing.
$20.00$67.00 -
Harlan Kilstein – Golfers Mind
We’re so confident our program works, we’ll let you slash your scores for free if you like!It works like magic but almost nobody knows about it. You’ll ask yourself, how can something so simple be so powerfuland so secret – That’s the way the pro’s like it.
$20.00$49.95 -
Jeffrey Thompson – Beyond
You are about to explore a cutting edge technology for healing, enhancing meditation and effecting deep brain structures. It is based on the principles of enhancing brainwave function, advanced brainwave entrainment, Psychoacoustic 3-D recording processes, primordial sounds and research into a brainwave state called the “Default Mode Network” (DMN). Audio Length 60 minutes.
$20.00$44.97 -
James Tripp & Judy Rees – Clean Language For Hypnotists – The Bootleg Tapes
The creator of Clean Language, David Grove, was a hypnotist and NLP-trained clinical change worker, working primarily with trauma. For many years he would only share his discoveries with officially-registered hypnotherapists, who seemed to understand their huge potential.
$20.00$50.00 -
Iris Reading – Mind Mapping Course
A mind map is a visual outline of information. Some popular ways to use a mind map include note-taking, brainstorming, and project management. Join mind-mapping expert and Iris Reading instructor Joseph Rodrigues for an in-depth look at how you can creatively use mind mapping for any objective you have. You’ll learn how to save time and get more done as a result of applying mind mapping concepts to everything that you do.