Holosync – Purification Level 2
The Dive & Immersion Holosync Soundtracks. The Holosync soundtracks allow you to “meditate deeper than a Zen monk at the push of a button”. All Holosync Deeper Levels are recorded with Virtual Audio 3-D sound.
$74.00$297.00 -
Hypnofantasy – Selina Feline – Siren Song
According to Google.com a Siren Song was often used to lure sailors into exciting but dangerous waters. Some thought it was fantasy but you are about to find out. Join Selena Feline as she entices you with her call of the siren. This erotic hypnosis session is recorded using ASMR technology so be prepared for a very different experience.
$11.00$26.95 -
Iris Reading – Advanced Comprehension & Memory
Do you have trouble remembering what you read? This course will help you improve your memory by teaching you useful strategies to comprehend your reading, understand it better and remember it longer. Whether you’re trying to remember what you just read, passwords, birthdays, or to-do’s, this course will provide you with the best available strategies for memory improvement.
$22.00$75.00 -
Igor Ledochowski – Private Hypnosis Club
Throughout the ages special groups of individuals have come together to form centers of excellence in a particular field or discipline.. Sometimes these were formal schools or societies such as the school of Pythagoras in Ancient Greece and the warrior monks of the Shaolin temple in China. Or the controversial Knights Templar.
$12.00$29.95 -
Harlan Kilstein – Golfers Mind
We’re so confident our program works, we’ll let you slash your scores for free if you like!It works like magic but almost nobody knows about it. You’ll ask yourself, how can something so simple be so powerfuland so secret – That’s the way the pro’s like it.
$20.00$49.95 -
Hypnosisdownloads.com – Be a Great Listener
In our hurried, busy, pressurised and atomised times, the natural social arts which people have always taken for granted are being eroded. People simply don’t have time for each other any more. And one of the consequences of this is that people don’t actually know how to talk, how to converse, with another person. Because they’ve not had the natural exposure to models of conversation that would have helped them in more social eras.
$10.00$18.95 -
Mike Mandel – The Navigator System
The Navigator System is a system of unconscious change created by Mike Mandel. Most of you already know Mandel because of his reputation as an amazing hypnotist and hypnotherapist, or from his work as an instructor of Ericksonian Hypnosis. But the Navigator is entirely new, completely original and quite simply – amazing.
$20.00$67.00 -
Gustavo Castaner – DNA Activation Lifetime Membership
Clear the highest priority auric attachments you have picked up from people, places, times, things and events. Close openings in your auric field that absorb other people’s negative energy, spill your Life Force away and cause you to feel tired and restless. Calibrate your chakras, remove discarnates and other foreign entities from your field.
$79.00$397.00 -
Richard Sears – Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy
Mindfulness will offer your client a better quality of life…if you can effectively integrate it into your practice. But like many clinicians, you might be frustrated with mindfulness because you don’t have concrete, practical ways to incorporate it for specific situations and symptoms such as PTSD, anxiety, chronic pain, addictions, and depression.
$75.00$299.00 -
hypnosisdownloads.com – Trader’s Mind
The Trader’s Mind Hypnosis Script from The Script Collection has been developed as a tool to help traders develop the mental and emotional skills they need if they are to reach the peak of their profession.
$10.00$18.95 -
Michael Mirdad – Sacred Sunday Services – The Mind & Soul
This video DVD is a collection several spiritual lectures on the Mind & Soul by spiritual teacher Michael Mirdad. It covers healing the mind, the real world, and the three minds. Healing the Mind. How the ego controls the mind. How and why the mind and brain hold onto negative patterns
$10.00$20.00 -
George Hutton – Secret Agent Persuasion
You get a comprehensive manual, filled with the psychological and technical background about what human communication really is. How nearly everybody tries the same system of persuasion and nearly always fails due to its inherent confrontational nature. How you can flip the switch inside your own mind, and learn the truth about how to get them salivating to do whatever you want, all the while thinking it was their idea.
$16.00$39.00 -
Eldon Taylor – Innertalk – Ultra Prosperity
InnerTalk subliminal self-help / self-improvement programs feature pleasant, easy-listening music or nature sounds that are specially mixed with positive background affirmations on the chosen self-help topic. InnerTalk programs are extremely easy to use. You can simply play them in the background on any regular stereo player while you are working, driving, relaxing, reading, playing sports, even sleeping or watching TV.* The InnerTalk subliminal technology is patented, proven and guaranteed. More Information
$11.00$25.95 -
Milton Erickson – On Problem Drinkers (In His Own Voice) – Hypnosis GB
Milton H. Erickson, MD was the leading medical hypnotist of his time and is generally considered one of the leading innovators in the field of directive, strategic therapy. Dating back to the mid 1950s some of these recorded conversations took place as part of Gregory Bateson’s research project on communication while others took place when Jay Haley consulted with Dr. Erickson about Therapy.
$11.00$27.50 -
Hypnosisdownloads.com – Improve Visualization
We all tend to have a favorite sense; you may find it easier to imaginatively evoke a taste, smell, kinesthetic feeling or sound easier that you can a sight. But you can greatly improve your capacity to visualize. You might go so far to say you ‘don’t visualize!’. Of course if you couldn’t visualize at all, you wouldn’t know how to recognize things.
$11.00$22.95 -
Holosync – Flowering Level 3 & 4
The Holosync soundtracks allow you to “meditate deeper than a Zen monk at the push of a button”. All Holosync Deeper Levels are recorded with Virtual Audio 3-D sound. Virtual Audio is less stressful than regular stereo recordings because it reproduces sound as we hear it in real life–something stereo recordings can’t do.
$87.00$534.00 -
George Hutton – Hypnotic Storytelling
Unleash your inner performer and tell stories like a pro. Learn how to use your gestures, facial expressions and tonality to their fullest extent to deliver a powerful set of stories filled with a wide variety of wonderful emotions.
$16.00$39.00 -
iAwake Technologies – The NeuroFlow Series – Digital Euphoria
NeuroFlow features expansive 3D holophonic nature soundtracks infused with advanced brainwave entrainment technology for quickly accessing profound states of focus, relaxation, and creative energy.
$27.00$77.00 -
Keith Livingston – The Phobia Self-Help Book w/ Bonuses
f you’d like to learn to overcome your phobia quickly and easily, avoid years of pointless, unsuccessful therapy and feel calm, cool and collected without drugs, then this might be the most important letter you’ll ever read.