Joe Dispenza – La Ghiandola Pineale (Italian)
La ghiandola pineale, conosciuta nelle antiche tradizioni come il terzo occhio, è un sistema latente nel cervello che, quando attivato, agisce come un ricevitore radio in grado di sintonizzarsi su frequenze diverse che trasportano informazioni e le trasducono in lucide e profonde immagini visive.
[CdRip – 1 Flac]
$14.00$35.00 -
Joe Dispenza – Changing Boxes Meditation
Einstein said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.” This means that for us to resolve specific challenge or problem.
[WebRips – 2 MP3]
$11.00$25.00 -
L. Michael Hall and Bob Bodenhamer – Figuring Out People – 2nd Edition
Figuring Out People is unique in several ways. It explains the origins of Meta-Programs and places them in the larger context of human growth and change.
[1 ebook – PDF]
$12.00$30.00 -
Ken Wilber And Nathaniel Branden – Atlas Evolved
This book represents the culmination of more than three decades of Integral theory and practice, suggesting a theory of spirituality that honors the truths of modernity and postmodernity
[12 MP3, 1 eBook – PDF]
$36.00$145.00 -
Julie Renee – No More Ghosts
This introductory course gives you all the basics of clearing spiritual parasites like entitles and spirits from your body. Free yourself from spiritual parasites
[4 MP4s]
$23.00$79.00 -
Jorge H. Daruna – Introduction to Psychoneuroimmunology Second Edition
Health is maintained by the coordinated operation of all the biological systems that make up the individual. The Introduction to Psychoneuroimmunology, Second Edition.
[1 eBook – mobi]
$21.00$53.00 -
Joseph Campbell – The Hero With Thousand Faces Audiobook
Since its release in 1949, The Hero with a Thousand Faces has influenced millions of readers by combining the insights of modern psychology with Joseph Campbell’s revolutionary understanding of comparative mythology
[8 MP3s]
$10.00$19.99 -
Kenji Kumara – Immersion in the ocean of bliss
This Live Group Healing event was recorded in front of a large audience in Des Moines, IA. In the first activation, you will receive deep cleansing in all bodies and release all energies that are not your own.
[2 MP3s]
$22.00$75.00 -
Kenji Kumara – The Art Of Quantum Meditation
In this powerful attunement, Kenji asks you to release all expectations of what you will experience in meditation, and enter a field of imagination where you have the ability to manifest with ease and grace
[1 MP3]
$12.00$29.00 -
Kenneth J. Gergen – Relational Being: Beyond Self and Community
This book builds on two current developments in psychology scholarship and practice. The first centers on broad discontent with the individualist tradition in which the rational agent, or autonomous self, is considered the fundamental atom of social life.
[ 1 MOBI , 1 EPUB , 1 PDF , 1 JPEG ]
$16.00$42.00 -
Kenji Kumara – Quantum Lightweaving
These Quantum Lightweaving® guided meditation attunements will align you to the source of this work and help you in many ways. Enhance your intuition, increase your energy flows.
[32 MP3s]
$29.00$97.00 -
Joshua P. Warren – Use The Force: A Jedi’s Guide to the Law of Attraction
Ever since Star Wars first appeared on the silver screen, people have fantasized about being able to use the Force. But anyone – not just Jedi – can tap into its capabilities by using the Law of Attraction to harness the incredible power of the universe
[Audiobook (16 MP3s)]
$10.00$19.95 -
Karen J. Prager, PhD – The Dilemmas of Intimacy – Conceptualization, Assessment, and Treatment
Grounded in the cognitive-behavioral approach, The Dilemmas of Intimacy focuses exclusively on understanding, assessing, and treating common problems with intimacy
[eBook – EPUB]
$21.00$61.70 -
Kelly Hampton – The Time of Great Awakening: Activating Your True Power with the Help of Archangel Michael
Kelly’s work is activating, revolutionary and life-changing for those open to receiving these gifts, while honoring the many paths to enlightenment and ascension.
[Webrip – 1 MP4, 11 MP3, 2 PDFs]
$46.00$187.00 -
Joel Lesko – Tears of the Buddha Spirituality & Emotions
Purchase the DVD for home viewing on your DVD player or computer DVD drive. The DVD is in NTSC format, but can be played in all regions. English and German subtitles. Length: 70 minutes.
[ 1 DVD – 1 VOB 1 MP4 ]
$10.00$19.95 -
Ken Stone – Introduction to Spiritual Mastery I
9 classes over 4 weeks, each including a Divine Transmission. Classes are available via downloadable MP3 via a secure website with immediate access once you enroll.
[WebRip – 9 MP3s]
$99.00$497.00 -
Jon Mercer – NLP Power Affirmations – Magnetic Personality
Magnetic Personality is a magically powerful 22 minute NLP affirmation session to convince your subconscious of your own natural charm and social confidence!
[3 mp3]
$11.00$24.95 -
Larry Johnson – 18 Buddha Hands Qigong
Larry Johnson has been involved in energetic work for more than twenty years. His work began with training in Chinese Martial Arts and subsequently expanded to include Oriental Medicine, Chi Gung and Meditation.
[1 DVD- Rip]
$14.00$34.95 -
Joseph R. Plazo – Ascended States
It can also help you to go deeeper… to get in touch with who you really are… to understand yourself, your true purpose, and your life
[1 eBook – EPUB, MOBI]
$15.00$39.00 -
Julia Shaw – The Memory Illusion (Unabridged)
Memories are our most cherished possessions. We rely on them every day of our lives. They make us who we are. And yet the truth is they are far from being the accurate records of the past we like to think they are
[Audiobook – 11 MP3s]